zoning Flashcards
Zoning classifications
U1 (most restrictive) to U7(prisons and stinky factories)
spot zoning
a zoning amendment that delivers special private benefits (and no public benefits) to small, discrete parcel of land and not in conformity with the comprehensive plan. • Invalid where some or all of the following factors are present:
o A small parcel or land is singled out for special and privileged treatment
o The singling out is not in the public interest but only for the benefit of the landowner
o The action is not in accord w/ a comprehensive plan
o If the court feels the zoning amendment favors a landowner at the expense of surrounding property owners or is detrimental to the integrity of the comprehensive plan of development, the court will invalidate the zoning amendment as spot zoning
Zoning is lawful exercise of police power. Sets std for court review - not clearly arbitrary and unreasonable - very deferential standard.
zoning enabling
state enabling act, zoning commissions and board of adjustment (appeals - allow special exceptions and variances), must be in accordance with a comprehensive plan (a stmt of local gvt objective and stds for development - only 1/2 of states require).
nonconforming uses
existing uses grandfathered into zoning laws. Terminates if abandonment, force majeure, destruction, nuisance, or if you cease grandfathered use. Some are forced phase out.
PA NW distributors v. Zoning Hearing Board
adult bookstore in neighborhood. Amortization and discontinuance of lawful existing use wasn’t constitutional (violates due process takings) - bc it was unreasonable.
vested rights and estoppel
city made a mistake on which you relied to your detriment
Has to be a an undue hardship to claim, but it should not diminish the public zoning plan - usually granted if its good for the area and bolsters common good. zoning law sets them. Balancing test. Not about personal help or desire - it’s about the land.
amortization period
The time period in which nonconforming uses must be phased out. Majority rule - valid if reasonable period - reasonable factors include: nature of use, character of the structure, location, portion of user’s business affected, salvage value, depreciation, monopoly possibility to competing uses. Minority rule - invalid, uncompensated taking. (PA NW Distributors).
undue hardship
absent a variance, it means that the property may not effectively be used (Commons v. Westwood Zining Bd of Adjustment)
types of variances
area variance - used to alleviate sitting problems (setback reqs or minimum yard area.
use variances - (muti-family) harder to get bc goes to heart of nuisance prevention.
Cope v. Town of Brunswick
giving the board of adjustment legislative decision-making is unconstitutional.
State v. City of Rochester
amendment allowing high rise condo was compatible with legislative determination for need to have more high density housing. (not spot zoning)
floating zone
use designation not attached to any particular land until a landowner seeks the classification (toxic dump).
State ex rel Stoyanoff v. Berkley (pg. 74)
aesthetics valid use of police power bc protects prop values