Zionism Flashcards
What is Zionism?
The belief that Jews should have their own national homeland on their own ancestors soil.
In 1897 was created?
The basel program was formed, which their aim was to strive to create a home for Jewish people in Palenstine, under public law.
What is religious zionists?
Jews should actively seek Jewish preservence in Palenstine before the Messiah comes.
What is secular zionists?
Jews needed to return to homeland to protect themselves from anti-seminitism.
The fight to return to Jewish homeland resulted in what?
Many historical conflicts with Arab - palenstine in the battle to claim this land.
What where the 3 reasons behind the strong emergence of the holy land?
The hope of return
A rise in nationalism
A rise in anti-seminitsm
What does the hope of return mean?
Jews have always believed that Israel is there holy land, God promised this to Abraham.
Why did a rise in nationalism lead to a strong emergence of a holy land?
Nationalism affected many Jews, the younger generation in particular looked towards Palestine as becoming a Jewish nation state.
Why did a rise in nationalism lead to a strong emergence of a rise in antisemitism?
A rise in nationalismm had bad affects on Jews and resulted in a rise of Anti - seminitism especially in france and germany.. Many realised that there was no place jews in the country of their birth.
What are the 3 types of zionism and there key influencer?
Cultural zionism ( Ginsberg) Religious zionism ( Rav kook ) Political zionism ( Herzl)
What was Herzl’s idea of Political Zionism?
Wanted to give Jews a new Holy land where the Jews could settle. He believed his mission was to normalise Jews. He also wanted to free Jews from the threat of persecution.
What was Kook’s idea of Religious Zionism?
He was concerned about the Jewish population. He believed that Reform leader were also doing Gods work unlike those other rabbis. This was important for the build up of the messianic age. The settlement of Israel is a major duty which should be celebrated. He also wanted Jews to feel connected.
What is Cultural Zionism?
Argues that even though they were liberated from their religion, there was still Jewish creativity that should be flourished. The disapora made this impossible.
How is Kook’s idea of religious zionism support zionism in modern society?
The fact that he admires all types of Jews galvinses Jews and make them feel more connected to God. His work allows Jews to rediscover purpose.
How is Ginsberg idea of cultural zionism support zionism in modern society?
Because of persecution leading to disapora it is hard for Jews to be creative, therefore Ginsberg creates a sense of belonging and community, allowing Jews to remember that God is everywhere . ( Link to Pittyuims)
What are Orthodox Jews opposition to Zionism?
Most people believe that the return to Israel should only be brought through the Messiah (through prayer)
Also they thought that Herzl campaign for a Jewish homeland, without any religious basis has an adverse effect on Jewish values.
What are Reform view of Zionism?
We should move away traditional zionism as they don’t believe the underlying purpose is to create a homeland. For example they abolished all prayer that makes reference of the messiah coming to the Holy land.
What do Reform Jews believe about the Disapora?
Jews being dispersed throughout the world was God’s way of bringing Jews and Non - Jews together to make a better world.
What do Socialist Bund think about Zionism?
Rise in anti - seminitism led to an increase in Jewish socialist movement. They wanted Jews to be recognised as one of these national groups in Russia.
What is another opposition to the zionist movement?
Some believe that Zionism is an anti-messanic act which is derived from sin. Therefore deny the policitial drive to return to the Holy land.
What is the Article which highlights the rise of anti-seminitsm incidents?
The title is ‘Anti-semitic incidents in Britain up 10% on the last year Thursday 1st August 2019?
What does the article highlight?
There have been an increase in incidents in britain which went up from 10 % from 2018 to 19.
Why might a having a homeland create this abuse to Jews?
That Political Jews trying to create a homeland, is trying to say that they are superior to eveyone else., this is counted by reform as they say Political zionism is outdated.
What would be your 3 points for the statement ‘Assess the support for Zionism within modern Judaism’ 12 marks?
1) Religious Zionism pioneered by Kook
2) Cultural zionism by Ginsberg
3) Opposition to Zionism Traditional Jews.
What are the 4 points for the question ‘Analyse the view that political zionism is the main problems for Jews today?
1) Strong zionism leads to Anti seminitsm
2) Reform Jews believe zionism is outdated and should move away from this
3) Traditional Jews believe that Herzl is wrong to campaign for zionism because he is not from a religious basis, giving an adverse effect on Jewish values and Pratices.
4) However homeland can be a basis for Jews to live their lives and pratices are fufil covenant.
What would i say for the point strong zionism leads to Anti-seminitsm?
Strong zionism leads to Anti seminitsm
Talk about the Article - rise in anti- semintism ( gone up by 10%)
This is due to Jews thinking the are better than everyone.
L - This links to Piiyuims
What would i say for the point Reform believe zionism is outdated ?
Reform Jews believe zionism is outdated and should move away from this
Removed prayer that talked about the coming of the messiah to the holy land
The disapora is a good think as it allows Jews to connect with other Jews
Counter Maimondies doesn’t like this because its going against intergrity of the law.
What would i say for the point Traditional Jews believe that Herzl is wrong to campaign for zionism because he is not from a religious basis, giving an adverse effect on Jewish values and Pratices?
They believed organisations led by secular Jews could have an adverse effect on Jewish values and practices
E.G. Herzl campaigned for a Jewish homeland, without any religious basis
This shows the return to Israel should only be done by Prayer and through the Messiah.
This links to the idea of Orthodox critque of religious pluralism.
What would you say for the point However homeland can be a basis for Jews to live their lives and practices are fufil covenant.
However homeland can be a basis for Jews to live their lives and pratices are fufil covenant.
The homeland provides stability and community
Can fufil role of Chosen people
Eval - Elie wisel covenant is dead
What could be another point for the question ‘Analyse the view that political zionism is the main problems for Jews today?
Religious Zionist that Political Zionist has created divisions between the purpose we have to fulfill, we should be likened by everyone contributions preparing us for the Messianic age.
What did the Mizrachi Federation believe about Zionism?
Zionism was God’s way of bringing Jews back to the land of their forefathers.
Asses the role of Herzl in the development of Judaism ( 12 marks) What would be your 3 points?
1) He helped to rediscover purpose and mission ( Tikkum olam for Jews) after the destructions of the temple, critque with reform
2) He helped to unit e Jews of a Holy land emphasising commitment to God.
3) Orthodox critque to Secular Herzl.