Zinnen Flashcards
You have kids?
ni^ you^ ha’I zi ma?
you at where work
ni^ zai na^ li ga~ng zuo’
you live at where
ni^ zhu` zai na^ li?
I live at Chengdu, Egret Island International
wo^ zhu zai Changdu, lu
da^o guo’ yi
How old are you?
Ni^ duo^ da` le?
I am 13 years
Wo^ 13 sui` (swey)
Are you married
Ni^ jue` hu~n le ma?
Yes, I am married
Shi, wo^ jue` hu~n le
No, not married
bu shi, wo^ me’I yu^o jue` hu~n
I have 1 good job
Wo^ you^ yi~ ge ha^o gong zuo
I have 2 kids, 1 son, 1 daughter
wo^ you^ leang ge ha`I zi, yi ge erzi, yi ge nu e’r
You come to Chengdu for how long?
Ni^ lai Chengdu duo’ jiu^ le?
I come to Chengdu 12 months
wo^ lai Chengdu du 12 ge xing qi’
Family have how many people?
jia’ li^ you^ duo’ sha^o re’n?
My family have 4 people
Wo^ de jia~ le^ you^ 4 ge re’n