Zf Flashcards
a long bombastic speech
Unfortunately, Hitler was the King of peroration and propaganda.
worldview (Hitler’s favorite word in Mein Kampf)
Claus Schwab’s Weltanschauung is one world government ruling over 1 billion plebes after the other 7 billion people on Earth willingly let themselves be slaughtered.
overly dependent upon others for emotional support
The anaclitic left is having a meltdown in their “Safe Spaces”. Poor babies.
mental sharpness and acumen
Sam Bankman Freid’s legendary cloak of financial perspicacity lies tattered in the gutters.
Bureaucratic little-mindedness
The IRS rewards pettifoggery amongst its employees.
inbred or marrying within a certain tribe, race, or social class
Endogamy and the resultant genetic Cretinism is prevalent in the Islamic Religion. And so their god wants them to become extinct. This god is not too wise.
a prophetess at Delphi
Being a Sibyl helps in the stock market.
criticism in the harshest possible terms
Trump’s invective of Zelensky effectively ends his dishonest funding by Congress, and therefore the Russo-Ukraine War.
hard and diligent in work , indusrious
Tim Cox is extremely operose.
opined (of the need)
to express an opinion
Musk opined of the need to repay in some fashion the defrauded citizens of America.
to have made a fool of oneself
For the 300th day in a row AOC assotted herself.
one who enjoys collecting rare coins
I was an avid numismatist.
a corner near the fire
All that Michigan-Vacation-long, I sat in the inglenook with a bottle of wine and Cheetos.
to deceive or trick
The Federal Government hoodwinked the entire populace of the United States on all fronts …financial, political and medical. It needs to be razed.
the winged seed of elms or maples
In the Fall, samaras whirled down from the huge Elm tree.
list in infatuation
Romeo is immediately moonstruck by the twelve year old Juliet.
an old English bard or poet
The King hurled a turkey leg at the blasphemous scop.
dignified and proper, stiffly formal
The staid banker intimidated the pauper about his loan request.
a self-important little man
Fauci is a cockalorum.
the repetition of unconsidered , poorly thought out ideas
AOC is the Queen of Cant.
reductio ad absurdum
to logically disprove a claim by showing its absurdity in the end
If all “free speech” were legal then screaming “Fire” in a movie theatre is just fine and dandy…clearly a reductio ad absurdum.
to obsequiously submit to another persons demands
When you are a leader, it is unwise to surround yourself with truckling advisors.
an urgent problem that requires immediate attention
The exigency of Federal Fraud is finally being investigated.
a nest of ….
a nest of vipers
DC is a inhabited by a nest of vipers.
the state of ultimate happiness
It seems that the other 7 billion citizens of the world have soundly rejected self-immolation, and thus destroyed Schwab’s NWO eudaemonia. Too bad boopsy!
a despicable hypocritical behavior
By touting Financial Probity and calling attention to himself, Adam Schiff has been toucheed by his own financial Tarfuffery.
propriety and honesty
Clearly probity is on the wane.
the meaningless repetition of other’s words
The TDS echolalia of liberal media has evanesced into nothingness.
It appears that the Senate Republicans have decided that fealty to Trump is less distasteful than being primaried.
uncontrollable male sexual urges
Many men are burdened by satyriasis which obstructs their path to salvation.
a tissue of…
a tissue of lies
Trump and Musk are unraveling the liberal’s tissue of lies.
never tiring
Trump is 83 and absolutely indefatigable.
not proper or acceptable at all
Antifa’s violent behavior is indecorous. They deserved to be assaulted by the crowd.
a government of old men
Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi are two perfect examples of our floundering gerontocracy.
a ludicrous descent from a lofty or serious topic
The liberal bathos over the current political approach, only assots them further.
promoting physical, spiritual and or mental health
Confession is salutary.