Zero to Finals: Other Types of Anaesthesia Flashcards
What type of anaestehsia is peripheral nerve block?
Peripheral nerve block
Regional anaesthesia
* patient remains awake during the procedure
How is peripheral nerve block carried out?
Peripheral nerve block
- Patient remains awake during the procedure
- Local anaesthetic injected around specific nerves, causing the area distal to the nerves to be anaesthetised (usually involves making a limb numb so that a surgeon can operate without causing any pain)
- A screen is put up between the patient and the operating site so that they cannot see the operation taking place.
Injection is performed under ultrasound guidance, sometimes with the help of a nerve stimulator, so that it can be accurately applied to the area around the targeted nerve.
What is Central neuraxial anaesthesia?
Central Neuraxial Anaesthesia
Regional anaesthesia
Also known as spinal anaesthetic or spinal block
When is spinal block most commonly used?
Central Neuraxial Anaesthesia
- Caesarean sections
- Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
- Hip fracture repairs
The patient remains awake during the procedure.
How is a spinal block procedure carried out?
Central Neuraxial Anaesthesia
- The patient remains awake during the procedure
- A local anaesthetic is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid, within the subarachnoid space (only used in the lumbar spine)
- Cold spray applied to the skin is often used to test whether the anaesthetic has worked
Why is spinal block carried out only in lumbar spine area?
Central Neuraxial Anaesthesia
To avoid damaging the spinal cord (inserted into the L3/4 or L4/5 spaces)
What is the effect of Central Neuraxial Anaesthesia?
Central Neuraxial Anaesthesia
Numbness and paralysis of the areas innervated by the spinal nerves below the level of the injection
How long for Central Neuraxial Anaesthesia to wear off?
1-3 hours
When is epidural anaesthesia most commonly used?
Epidural Anaesthesia
- Analgesia in pregnant women in labour
- Post-operatively after a laparotomy (open abdominal surgery)
How is an epidural procedure carried out?
Epidural Anaesthesia
- A small tube (catheter) is inserted into the epidural space in the lower back (outside the dura mater, separate from the spinal cord and CSF)
- Local anaesthetic medications are infused through the catheter into the epidural space, where they diffuse to the surrounding tissues and spinal nerve roots, where they have an analgesic effect
What agents are used for epidural anaesthetic procedures?
Epidural Anaesthesia
**Levobupivacaine ** (with or without fentanyl)
What are some adverse ffects of epidural anaesthesia?
Epidural Anaesthesia
- Headache (if the dura is punctured, creating a hole for CSF to leak from (“dural tap”))
- Hypotension
- Motor weakness in the legs
- Nerve damage (rare)
- Infection (e.g. meningitis)
- Haematoma (may cause spinal cord compression)
Patients need an urgent anaesthetic review if they develop significant motor weakness (unable to straight leg raise). The catheter may be incorrectly sited in the subarachnoid space (and cerebrospinal fluid) rather than the epidural space.
What are risks of useing analgesia in labour?
Epidural Anaesthesia
- Prolonged second stage
- Increased probability of instrumental delivery
What is the effect of local anaesthesia?
Local Anaesthesia
To numb a very specific area where a procedure is being performed
When are local anaesthetics used?
Smaller operations and procedures
What agents are used for local anaesthesia?
Local Anaesthesia
- Lidocaine(amide)
- Cocain (salt, cocaine hydrochloride)
- Bupivacaine
- Prilocaine
Usually injected by the person performing the procedure (rather than involving an anaesthetist)
What procedures are commonly performed under local anaesthetic?
Local Anaesthesia
- Skin sutures in A&E after a skin laceration
- Minor surgery to remove skin lesions
- Dental procedures
- Hand surgery (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome surgery)
- Performing a lumbar puncture
- Inserting a central line
- Percutaneous procedures (e.g., percutaneous coronary intervention)