Zero Knowledge Flashcards
What are the security properties of Zero Knowledge?
1- Completeness
If the prover knows the secret, then the proof succeeds with overwhelming probability.
2 - Soundness
There exists a polynomial-time knowledge extractor M, such that if an adversary can execute the protocol successfully with non-negligible probability, then M can be used to extract from Eve the knowledge to run the protocol successfully
Protecting the proof of knowledge against a dishonest prover
3- Zero-knowledge
To prove smth is zero-knowledge We construct a simulator that does not have access to the secret or the prover. Simulator needs to come up with a transcript thats exactly the same as the real zero knowledge proof
How does the Schnorr Key Generation work?
1 - Create a cyclic group G, that is a subgroup of (Zp)* with generator g with a prime order q
2 - Choose random x in Zq
3 -Compute y = g^x (mod q)
pk = (G, q, g, y)
sk = (G, q, g, x)
For a schnorr identification protocol:
p = 48731
q = 443
g = 11444
x = 357 # private key
y = 45776 # public key
Commitment: r = 274, t = g^r mod p
Challenge c = 129
Whats the response? and the verification?
s = 255
26233 = 26233
p = 48731
q = 443
g = 11444
x = 357 # private key
y = 45776 # public key
r = 274
t = (g**r) % p
c = 129
s = (r + c*x) % q
print((gs) % p )
print((t*(yc)) % p)
What is the difference between Multi-round schnorr protocol and the schnorr identification protocol?
The key differences between the two protocols seem to be:
1 - Number of Rounds: The Multi-Round protocol involves several iterations to reduce the error probability, whereas the Schnorr Identification Protocol is described as a single-round process.
2 - Challenge Set: In the Multi-Round protocol, the challenge is chosen from a smaller set {0,1}, while in the Schnorr Identification Protocol, the challenge appears to be chosen from a larger set {0,1}^ t, indicating that the challenge can be more complex (potentially a binary string of length t).
Which are properties of Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge?
-> Completeness
-> Zero-Knowledge
You are asked to prove that the Schnorr identification protocol is zero-knowledge by creating a simulator. The group setup is prime modulus p=587, generator g=12 with order q=293. The public key is y=516.
In one step of the simulation, the simulator chose
a random challenge c = 103
a random response s = 115
What is the correct witness t to complete a forged transcript of a zero-knowledge proof?
p = 587
q = 293
g = 12
y = 516 # public key
c = 103
s = 115
t = ((gs) / (yc)) % p
Alice and Bob engage in a Zero-knowledge proof, in which Alice convinces Bob that she knows the secrets x and r such that C = g^x h^r (mod p), where C, g, h, and p are public pieces of information. What does Bob learn?
→ Bob learns that Alice statement is valid. Nothing else.
Alice and Bob engage in a multi-round Schnorr identification protocol, in which the challenge is just 1 uniformly chosen random bit. To reach an error probability of 2-45, that is, the probability that the adversary can convince the verifier without knowing the secret, how many rounds of the 3-move Schnorr protocol must be executed?
→ 45
Correct. Each round has an error probability of 1/2. To reach a probability of 1/245 based on independent challenges, one needs to repeat the experiment 45 times.
To transform a Schnorr identification protocol in a signature scheme, how must the message be integrated in the scheme?
→ Hash the message together with the witness as challenge for the scheme: c = H(m||t)
Correct. We combine the message and the witness under a cryptographically strong hash function.
To answer this question successfully, be sure to read the slides on the Zero-Knowledge proof notation introduced in the lecture and especially the PK Compilation Rules.
A complex zero-knowledge proof system is set up with the following parameters:
Modulus N = 95477, generators S=961, Z=22581, R=52302.
The user was issued a signature (A, e, v) =(5315, 13, 19758) for a message m = 23.
Your task is to analyze a proof of knowledge in the Camenisch-Stadler notation introduced in the lecture: PK{(m, e, v):
Z = R^m S^v A^e (mod N) }
If the randomnesses were chosen as rm = 59; re = 39; rv = 117; yielding a commitment C=68943, and the challenge c selected as 213, what is the response sm produced for message m?
Well done. Remember: for each secret we are choosing a random exponent corresponding to it. Once we received the challenge c, we compute a response for each secret. For example, for secret message m we have the
response sm = rm + cm.
So literally
rm = 59
c = 213
m = 23
rm + c *m
What trick enables a Simulator without access to a secret to create a valid transcript of a zero- knowledge proof indistinguishable from a real protocol run?
-> Computing the transcript “backwards” starting from random challenge and responses.
Correct. One can compute the transcript if one does not adhere to the protocol order.
What are PK Compilation rules?
y = g^x(mod p)
- For each declared secret x , choose a corresponding randomness rx
- Compute the commitments in the same structure as the proven equation t = g ^ (rx) (mod p)
- Replace each secret x with the corresponding randomness rx
- For each secret x, compute a response sx = rx + cx
You are asked to prove that the Schnorr identification protocol is zero-knowledge by creating a simulator. The group setup is prime modulus p=48731, generator g=11444 with order q=443. The public key is y=45776.
In one step of the simulation, the simulator chose
a random challenge c = 129
a random response s = 255
What is the correct witness t to complete a forged transcript of a zero-knowledge proof?
t = g^s/ y^c (mod p)
p = 48731
q = 443
g = 11444
y = 45776 # public key
c = 129
s = 255
t = ((gs)/ (yc))% p
How is Schnorr also a signature scheme?
Signing Process:
The signer chooses a random number r from the group Z q
They compute a commitment t = g^r modp.
Then, the signer computes a challenge c by hashing the concatenation of the message m and the commitment t. The hash function H produces a fixed-size output which acts as the challenge.
The signer computes the response s as
s = r−cx mod q, where x is the signer’s private key.
The signature is the pair
The verifier computes a term tv using the signature and the signer’s public key y as
g ^s y^c mod p.
The verifier then checks if the challenge c matches the hash of the concatenation of the message m and the term tv. If c equals H(m∥t v ), the signature is valid.