zen buddhism 7, 8 & 9 Flashcards
- satori=zen
- no zen without satori
- gain an inner epxerience which is to take place in the deepest reccesses of ones being
- living truth is reached and intuitively grasped (not conceptually)
- supreme moment in life of an artist
- become conscious of the unconscious (mushin) -> free to express
- cant be taught
- penetrate into the truth of the buddhist teaching concerning the reality of things or the mystery and meaning of life
- when satori artistically expresses itself it produces works vibrating with spiritual rhythm (ki-in) ehibiting myo or giving a glimpse into the unfathomable yugen
shin-in or ki-in
- spiritual rhythm
- taking hold of which constitutes of satori
- mystery beyond intellectual analysis
- myo
- every art has mystery
- attain a glimpse of things eternal in the world of constant changes
- look into the secrets of reality
- myo
- where satori flashes there is tapping of creative energy where creative energy is felt art breathe myo or yugen
personal experience
- knowledge obtained externally is not ur own
- knowledge obtained internall is
- inner being opens up its deep secrets only when he has exhausted everything belonging to his intellect of his conscious deliberations
- genuis is born not made
- must go through serious severe discipling
- everything has genius and demands awakening -> satori
- satori is reaching when a man is at the end of its resources
satori example
- spear was invented with crescent shaped horn branching out at the middle part of spearhead
- expert spearmaker wanted to reach a state of mind in perfect unification with spear -> samadhi (sammai)
- one day he sees reflection of crescent moon crossing his spearhead in the pond
- breaking through his dualistic consciousness
- realization
- became a meijin of his art
- man who is more than an expert of a specialist
- goes even beyond the highest degree of proficiency in art
- creative genius
- original individuality
- no one is born meijin
- must experience infinitely painstaking discipline
chiyo: haiku
- wanted to improve and called on master
- master kept giving subject and they were rejected
- chiyo stayed up all night writing the cuckoo haiku -> good bc communicated authors genuine inner feeling about the hototogisu
- no calculated feelings
- no ego
- open up chiyos unconscious
- inner felling
sammai or samadhi
- state of one-pointedness
- concentration
- state is realized only when the artist with his knowledge of all the technicality is still sincerely and loyally looking for a complete mastery of the art
- you must be loyal, sincere, whole hearted -> in order to be original, creative, master
- no selfish interest
5, 7, 5, 7, 7
- shortest poem
- 17 syllables
- 5, 7, 5
- not the product of intellection
- brief but significant
- our last words are short
- most empty your heart
- expression of a temporary enlightenment
- must have season
- buddha nature
- mystery
- avoid highly abstract or great ideals -> talk about simple nature
- it is not tranquil or quietism
- does not express ideas -> it puts forward images reflecting intuitions
- directly point to original intuitions -> they are intuitions themselves
- images become transparent and are immediate expressions of the experience
- word of the season
- use different flower and different words of the season
- use objects to construct and interpret spiritual experiences
- no such thing as what can be called an absolute objective reality as long we each have inner life
- constantly changing
- fluid
- forever
- moment becomes eternal
- eternal loneliness
- youre not alone bc you are with the wind
art of tea
- zen and art of tea are similar in that they are both simple
- aestheticism of primitive simplicity
- come closer to nature by sheltering yourself under a thatched roof in a small room that is artistically constructed and furnished
- connected to zen not only practically but principally in the observance of the spirit that runs through the ceremony itself
- takes at least one hour
tea ceremony
- entertains visitors or occupants to the monastery
- observance of the spirit that runs through the ceremony
- spirits- harmony (wa), reverence (kei), purity (sei) and tranquility (jaku)
- spirits are essential for zan monastery
- everyone is equal in the tea room -> reverence
- must crawl into the tea room
- keeps the mind fresh and vigilant
- does not intoxicate
- symbolizes buddhism
- spiritual discipline
harmony (a spirit of tea ceremony)
- gentleness of spirit (yawaragi)
- refers to form
- gentleness is an inward feeling
- gentle touch, odor, light, sound
- quietness
- incense is never strong
- breeze passing through the needles of the old pine tree harmoniously blend with iron kettle over fire
- gentleness of spirit -> soft heartedness -> foundation of life on earth
- social or ethical
- Confucianism or taosim
- harmonious relationship with nature
- harmony is eternity or infinity
- spirit of harmonious blending of heaven and earth
- provides the means for establishing universal peace
- these days its meeting friends, talking about the world, eating and drinking -> not original intention
- original intention- gentle tea room in all aspects with nature, no worries, mental dust is wiped off
- cha- chi
- yu- hot water
- tea is always used with hot water
- used to call the whole art ceremony of making tea
- how you boil the water (specific temperature), wisk, drinking, tea spoon, kettle
- boiling water, making tea, and sipping it
- appreciate the spirit of naturally harmonious blending of heaven and earth and 5 elements
- cleanse sex senses from contamination -> cleansed of defilement
sick tea
-strong tea
-make enough for the amount of people in the room
-offer to the first guest and the first guest offers to second so on…
cup of tea
-you can tell the stage of their heart
- roji
- people wait in the garden until they drink
- after they drink they go back to garden until they are invited for meal
- must learn how to sit
- you must sit on knees
- you must learn how to not make legs numb
- a lot of training
- used in confucian tradition
- used to understand mindfulness
- everyone in the tea room is equal
- sincerity or simplicity of heart
- when you meet someone in the tea room you are mindful that everyone is equal
- shogun must be mindful that he is now equal to everyone else
- everyone is equal in buddhism
-the object of discipline in both is to free ones mind from the defilements of the senses
sabi and wabi
- same meaning in the art of tea
- to appriciate poverty, accept whatever is given, a tranquil, passive mind
- suggestion of objectivity
- just to be tranquil or passive is not sabi or wabi -> there is something objective that evokes a mood
- active aesthetical appreciation of poverty
- creating or remodeling an environment in a way as to awaken the feeling of wabi or sabi
- sabi- applies more to individual objects and environment (objective) -> lonliness
- wabi- living of a life ordinarily associated with poverty of insufficiency or imperfection (subjective, personal) -> being true to yourself -> poverty
- you describe something has sabi or wabi taste
- sabi taste- bowl, flower vase, tea utensil
- appriciation of bad things (numbness, chilliness, obscurity)
zen and tea
- leads to buddhahood and its absolute truth
- comes directly from and goes deeply down into the roots of existence
- emptiness is in truth no less than the concreteness of reality itself
- tea room become a spiritual training station and the art of disciplining technique for the samurai
entire process of tea
- utensils
- atmosphere
- frame of mind or spirit which grows out of the combination of all these factors
- art of cultivating psychosphere or psychic atmosphere, or inner field of consciousness
- generated within oneself
- generated by the realization of the spirit of poverty devoid of all forms of dichotomy: subject and object, good and evil, right and wrong, honor and disgrace, body and soul, gain and loss
- poverty of spirit requires a man that is emptied of god and all his works so that if god wants to act in the soul he must be the place in which he act
- philosophy of tea is the philosophy of poverty or emptiness
spirit of tea
- aloneness
- sitting all alone
- unlike sake which is sipping socially with friends
- tea is sipped alone in the traditional room, secluded
- spirit of tea is poverty, solitariness, and absolutism which concretizes the philosophy of emptiness
tea room description
- no decorations except kakemono is hung
- flower vase with maybe one flower not in full bloom yet
- simple but thoughtfully designed
- irregularly inserted windows, multiple ceiling patterns
- room is divided by a post setting off one corner for tea utensils
- small square opening for fireplace where hot water is boiling in an artistically shaped iron kettle
- papered shoji covering the windows admits only soft light
- burning of gentle incense
- gentle breeze
- sounds of trickling water
harmony and reverence
- social or ethical
- Confucianism
- physical and psychological
- taoism and shintoism
- hand washing, mouth rinsing
- heaven is pure bc of its onesness
- purification of the heart
- *cleansing and orderliness
- makes the mind free from unnecessary psychological encumbrances
- spiritual or metaphysical
- taoism and buddhism
- creates the atmosphere
- massing of rocks, trickling of water, old pine tree shelter, moss covered stone lanterns, sizzling kettle water
- meditative frame of mind
- emanates from ones inner consciousness
- intimate relationship with reality
- man and the room becomes one
- environment has a great deal to do with the molding of a mans character and temperament
- something man adds to his environment from his inner self
- realm beyond birth and death which men of penetrating spiritual insight alone are able to inhabit
- spiritual quality transcending birth and death
jaku and metsu
- mean absolute tranquility
- absolute nothingness
- when a man enter into the exquisite realm of no-tea he will realize that no-tea is no other than the great way itself
- nothing is more beautiful than the virtue of no-tea
- mysterious variation of the tea
art of tea
- unconscious acts
- moves like wind
- there is no best tea
- automatic
- no hesitation
- empty mind
aoi-ua no ue
- genjis first wife
- gets pregnant and rokujo
- they do ceremony to get rid of rokujo soul haunting
- name of death
- 50 mins
- what you learned from this
- submit may 3rd
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n-970PxiSI
- yougne