Zeba Crook Flashcards
Other name Hebrew Bible
Name: Jewish Oral Torah
(Mishnah and Gemara)
Why study, classify and define religion?
- To eliminate things that are not religions
- To separate study of religion from practice of religion
- To be critical - to assess the evidence; to be critically self reflective
- Religion is evolutionary (magic to religion to science)
Functional approach to religion:
- separate stuff into sacred and profane things e.g. totemism - it was sacred above all (thought everyone did this)
- See the sacred “thing” as emblematic of the group and bonding people together
Functional approach to religion
- Religion cause of irrational behavior - unscientific and supernatural
- (lots miracle stories and superstitions in Bible stories)
Religion from way back related to societal trauma
Relgion as the opium of the masses
- masks pain of poverty
- self-administered to help ppl get by
- also can be administered to ppl to keep them unaware of their pathetic lives - avoid rebellion
- believes that religion produces things and is separate from everything else in the world
- Must study religion from those who practice; ppl constantly reshaping their religion
Thought that religion could not be defined (had found more than 50 definitions of religion)
Halacha / Deen
- Halacha: the path/route (judaism) - collective body of laws from written & oral torah
- Deen: right way (islam)
- In both of these religions there is not term for the word “religion”
J.Z. Smith and Religion
Religion has many characteristics:
- Concept - (NOT a thing) - scholarly creation; classified as “religion” to show diff practices related
- Religion can’t “act”; it has no power, can’t compel people
- Religion can’t be totalized - can’t take single feature and it’s the core of the religion or that it unites Jews, Muslims and Christians
- Religion is not majority rule - have minority factions
- No data for religion -everything is potential data - anything can be made religious
Definition of Religion
Religion is a system of beliefs, practices and narratives, relative to superhuman beings
Def’n “Orthodox”, Catholic, Reform, Heretic
Orthodox: We are doing it right
Catholic: Universal
Reform: we fixed what you guys broke
Heretic: not in agreement with what is generally held (Jesus was tried for heresy)
- 16 characteristics of fake religion
- against orthopraxic religions (focus on practice)
- are only def’n of “fake religion”
Biblical Myth
- story whose value resides in the value the community gives it
- tells modern day ppl something about themselves (Why are “we” better than…)
- Where Abraham came from and where he leaves to go to Canaan
3 Patriarchs
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
- Jacob’s name change to Israel (so get the Israelites)
- Isaac’s name does NOT change
- Abrahams’ name WAS Abram - changes when God renews the covenant with him and makes him the Father of multitude of nations
- Son of Abraham and Sarah
- Father of Jacob (and Esau)
- one of the 3 Fathers of the Israelites
Def’n Israel
- One who struggles with God
- also Jacob’s new name
1st and 2nd Temple Judaism
- First Temple: 931BCE to 587 BCE
- Second Temple: 515 BCE to 70 CE
Jewish Law
God of the Jewish ancestors
- proscribed name (shouldn’t be said)
- only named God of Abrahamic faiths
Covenant of Abraham
- He enters into covenant (circumcision the sign) and becomes Father to many in return for loyalty to God
- Communal law
The sign of the covenant of Abraham and God
Moses and Sinai
- gets the 10 commandments at Sinai
- enters into mosaic covenant with God (God will protect the Israelites)
- one of 12 spies sent to Canaan by Moses to explore it re-conquest
- led the conquest of Canaan after Moses’ death
Exodus from Egypt
- 1250 BCE
- Jews flee Egypt for Canaan
- no evidence of slavery in Egypt
- Passover
- each Israelite to slaughter an unblemished lamb and put its blood on the door so the first borns would not die (as one of the plagues)
- where the people go after leaving Egypt and after the covenant on Mr. Sinai
- taking the land of Canaan - a covenant duty
Ba’al and Asherah
- Storm fertility God (Asherah his wife)
- called to them to make crops grow
- Israelites NOT bound to them, bound to Yahweh in political contract
- still tribal society
Belief that your God is the best God so you are loyal to that God but don’t deny the existence of other gods
Ark of the Covenant
- portable shrine to Yahweh that travel with
3 Kings
- Saul - 1045-1011 BCE
- David - 1011-971 BCE
- Soloman - 971-931 BCE
- First King of Israel after the Period of Judges (Solomon last judge)
- Israel went from tribal society to statehood
King David’s accomplishment
- unites all the tribes into one nation
- Israel then rich; can trade as a nation
- attacks and takes city, calls it Jerusalem to avoid dispute; Ark brought to Zion
King Soloman
- Remembered for building the First Temple 931 BCE at end of his reign
- was David’s son
Temple: place where God lives on earth
Definition Messiah
- Annointed one
- When Kingship fell, was hope God would send new son of David (messiah) to restore the House of David
Definition Prophet
- Spokesperson for Yahweh (“classical prophet”)
- Has strident message for group he’s addressing - explains how, despite conquests, God DID uphold his end of bargain (justifies Babylonian punishment of Jews)
- Belief in one almighty God
- developed due to Diaspora - worship God of Israel even if not in Israel; God of Israel is God of the World; Judaism exists without statehood
- NOW call them Jews/have Judaism
Diaspora Jew
A non-Israelite Jew spread throughout the Mediterranean (diff. traditions and language)
4 Features of “New Judasim”
- Diaspora Jew
- Prophet
- Monotheism
- Septuagint
Def’n Septuangint
- also seen as LXX
- Considered the primary Greek translation of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
Babylonian Exile
- 587 B.C.E.
- Kingdom of Israel (Judah) destroyed
- done under Nebuchadnezzar
- Given religious authority in Judea (after Jews brought back to Israel post 539 BCE, post Babylonian captivity- freed by King Cyrus) to renew the covenant obligations to their God
- Task was to purify the Jewish people
Ruling class, priests, nobility in Roman period in Palestine, cooperated with Romans (Roman period is circa 66BCE to…
- Scribes, teachers, rabbis - forefunners of Rabbinic Judaism (Jesus was one of these - some Jews saw him as Messiah and called themselves Christian)
- believe in narrative of the Oral Torah (Talmud)
- splinter group of Zealots who opposed Roman occupation; use guerilla warfare
- activists who wanted a violent overthrow of Roman dominion to establish independent Jewish state
- Separatists who withdrew from Jewish society as saw it as corrupt; lived in desert near Dead Sea; practices “pure” judaism
- process of giving / imposing Greek culture on people
- tried to Hellenize the Jews under the Seleucids
- set up altar of Zeus in Jewish Temple
- prohibited Jewish practice c. 167 BCE
- Maccabees drive out Seleucids and cleanse the temple in 165 BCE (Hannukah)
- Jewish rebel warriors who took control of Judea, which at the time was part of the Seleucid Empire
- Protested hellenized Jews
- 167 BC to 160
The Jewish War
- Judean war agains the Romans
- 66-70 C.E.
- results in destruction of the 2nd Temple (70)
- where one of the sieges took place in the Jewish War
- Oral Torah
- written in Aramaic
- Interprets the written Torah
- Jewish philosopher / theologian
- called Rambam
- relationship between reason / revelation
- Divine omnipotence vs. free will
- 12th Century (same time as Halevi who opposed him)
- scripturalists
- challenged the concept of the Talmud
Saadia ben Joseph
- did Arabic translation of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
- said no conflict between revelation and rabbi’s reasoning
- 800’s (9th Century)
Judah Halevi
- defended traditional jewish piety versus philosophical rationalism (speculative God not God of Abraham)
- 12th Century
- “tradition”- medieval mystical tradition
- mystical experience of closeness to God
- seek divine unification with God, self erased
- seen as escapism (escape reality to be with God)
Shabbatai Zvi
- said to be the messiah in 17th C
- arrested, converts to Islam to save himself
- means splendor
- Central work of the Kabbalah
- it is the mystical commentary on the Torah
- written in 13C so 1200’s
Baal Shem Tov
- Founder Hassidic Judaism
- Called Besht
- Master of the Good Name
- Be Joyful
- emphasis on joyful prayer vs following letter of the law
- Eliezer/Baal Shem Tov (Besht) - becomes modern day Lubovitch (The Master of the Good Name)
- nationalism
- not all zionists are Jewish
- final impetus for move to Palestine and State of Israel (1948)
Theodore Herzl
- he says that till Jews have a homeland of their own and security they will be persecuted
- not all ppl agree…then….the Holocaust
- 1800’s
Sephardim (Sephardic Jews)
- Jews of Spain and the Mediterranean areas
- Jews of Germany and France that had emmigrated when Jews spread into Christian Europe
- the Final Solution of Adolph Hitler to exterminate the Jews
- 63% of 9.5 million Jews die in Holocaust
- facilitated by global Chrstian antisemitism and anti-judaism
- Also referred to as Shoah (burnt offering)
- The Night of Broken Glass
- 30,000 Jews arrested in Germany, many killed after Jew in Paris kills German ambassador over treatment of Jews in Germany
- blend of German and hebrew
- spoken alot by Jews in central and eastern Europe before the Holocaust
Who are Christians?
- surviving sect that breaks away from Judaism and is waiting for their “messiah” - another king like David to defeat the Romans
Birth of Jesus - Date and Place
Approximately 4 BCE, Galilee
What are the Gospels
- Supposed biography of Christ’s life
- NOT written by Jesus
what is the Passion
- The trial and death of Jesus
- Happens in Jerusalem at Passover
Who is Paul?
- the apostle to the gentiles
- name changes from Saul to Paul after encounter with God
- did not believe in circumcision or kashreth
- 1st Century
- Jesus not man of flesh, no death/resurrection
- were docetic (Jesus “appears” as human)
- defn: to know something
- 2nd Century
- entirely opposed the Hebrew Bible
- thought Yahweh was evil
- saw Jesus as docetic like the Gnostics
Edict of Milan
- 313 CE - legalizes Christianity (first Freedom of Religion document)
- Constantine (4th Century) has vision, Labarum/Chi-Ro - on Emperor’s Flag, “Chi-Rho” has 1st 2 Greek letters of word Christ
- This vision likely led to Edict of Milan (313 CE) after he wins the battle (which is thinks is due to Christ’s protection)
Arius / Athanasius
- 4th Century
- Arius: Jesus is not eternal, was created so NOT same as God, not same substance
- Athanasius: co-eternity of God and Jesus
- Winner: Athanasius
Homoiousin / Homoousion
- homoiousin - similar in substance to God but different
- homoousion - members of Trinity one being, same substance as God
Nicean Creed
- solution to theological debate
- decided in Nicea, 325 CE (Trinity) - Jesus and God co-substantial, co-eternal
Immaculate Conception
- 1854 - refers to birth of Mary
- Mary born without sin to be able to be the “Mother of God” - i.e. mother of Christ
- Christ has two persons (human / divine)
- solution to how he can both suffer as human AND be God
- Only ONE nature - the divine consumed the human
- “the bearer of God”
- during the post-nicene creed debate about whether Mary was the “mother of God” or “Mother of Christ”
- Mother of God wins out and later solved by “Immaculate Conception” 1854
Council of Chalcedon
- 451 CE
- decide Jesus is one person (monophysite view) with BOTH human and divine natures (i.e. compromise)
- various Christian wars in 11th, 12th and 13th C to take the Holy Land back from Muslims
- 637 CE - Jerusalm falls to Umar (Islam)
- 1099 CE - Crusaders win Jerusalem back from Muslims
- changes hands many times still strictly Islamic
Great Schism
- 1054 CE - split between the 2 branches of Christianity
- leads to devp. of Roman Catholicism
- Eastern Orthodox Christians - use Greek
- Roman Cath: in West - use Latin, Pope head
Filioque Clause
- Adds words “and the Son” (translation of Latin) so the Holy Spirit proceeds from BOTH the Father and the Son
- supporters say that it does not make the Holy Spirit subservient to the Father and Son
- 9th Century Greek Monk
- Cyrillic Alphabet - based on Greek alphabet
Iconoclast / Iconodule
- Iconoclast - do not accept using icons in worship
- Iconodules (who win) do accept using the art / icons
- 7th Century
When Printing Press Invented
- 15th Century (printing press invented) so Bible translated and printed in vernacular
- Invented by Gutenberg, 1440
95 Theses of Luther (date)
- 1517 CE
- in response to corruption in Rome (e.g. Indulgences)
- charged and excommunicated
- Germany - this is where Luther nails his thesis to the wooden door of a church
Sola Fide Gratia / Sola Scriptura
- Sola Fide/ Gratia: faith and grace alone (humans can do nothing to bring salvation) - bad for sale of indulgences
- Sola Scriptura: only scriptures valid so if not in there (i.e. indulgences, confession, celebacy) then not valid - attacks practice
3 Results Luther’s protests
- Protestant Reformation
- Splinter groups - e.g. prebyterians, mennonites, puritans, baptists, etc.
- Council of Trent - established to oppose reformation but too late
Diet of Worms
- 1521
- Council that decides Luther’s fate
Protestant Reformation
- 16th Century
- Pope cannot tell us how to interpret scripture; it’s a “closed” practice, no priesthood
- “Priesthood of all believers” - people can read and interpret Bible for themselves
- Church of England
- formed by Henry VIII 16th Century 1534 CE
- called episcopalian in the U.S.
Archbishop of Canturbury
- Head of the Anglican Church
- NO absolute power (not like Pope)
Vatican II
- 1962-65
- modernization of Catholicism
- (women still not priests, still papal infallibility)
- Ecumenical Council: Cath. church decides other religions okay - ppl can go to heaven, stopped praying at Easter for conversion Jews
Definition Islam / Muslim
- Islam: Surrender
- Muslim: the person who submits, surrenders
How to convert to Islam
- Repeat Shahadah 3 times plus have the “intention” to convert
Qur’an definition
Are Arab and Muslims interchangeable?
- NO. they are not. Arabs can be any religion
- 80% Muslims are NOT Arab + 10% of all Arabs are not Muslim
- pre-Muslim monotheists
- include Jews and Christians
- the people who, during the pre-Islamic period or Jahiliyyah, rejected idolatry and retained some or all of the tenets of the religion of Abraham which was “submission to God” in its purest form
Birth of Muhammad
- 570 CE
- born Qurayshi
- called “trustworthy one”
Abu Talib
- Ali’s (4th Caliph, 1st Imam) father
- Muhammad’s uncle (father’s brother)
- Muhammad’s wife
- Dies of natural causes
Mount Hira
- Where Prophet Muhammad received the first revelations of the Holy Quran during the month of Ramadhan in 610 CE.(Night of Power)
Mount Gerazim
- Samaritans say that this was the location chosen by Yahweh for the holy Temple versus Mount Zion - which is what is now considered by many Jews to be the location
- record of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad
- Flight from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina)
- Goes with followers to arbitrate their feuds
- Yathrib becomes Medina
- 622: Hijra year 1 in Islamic Calendar
- Daughter of Muhammad
- married to Ali (4th Caliph)
- Arabia prior to the advent of Islam
- called the Age of Ignorance
- First Muslim community 622 CE / 1440 AH
- religio-political entity
- begins Islamic time calendar
Battle of Badr
- early battle for Muhammad (against the other Quraysh in Mecca) - Muslim vs Meccan
- 624 CE
- apparently had divine intervention to help the Muslims win (Meccan army much larger)
Battle of Uhud
- Uhud - 625 CE - battle between early Muslims and Meccans
- Muslims lost to Meccans
Rightly Guided Caliphs
- 1st four Caliphs who (in Orthodox fashion) guide Muslims
Abu Bakr
- Proclaims that Muhammad is dead and that God is alive and immortal
- 1st Caliph
- FULLY establishes Islam in Arabian Peninsula
- 2nd Caliph
- appointed by Abu Bakr
- Just treatment of Jews & Chrstians
- 3rd Rightly Guided Caliph
- oversees offical creation of Qur’an, gives the authority of “it” being the “official Qur’an” then destroys any other versions
- BUT: corrupt, nepotistic so killed
- 4th Caliphate
- cousin / son-in-law of Muhammad
- battle with Mu’awiyah 657 CE (Battle Siffin) and Ali stops it (seen as against God’s will), Kharijites kill Ali
Battle of Siffin
- Battle of Siffin - 657 CE - Ali versus Mu’awiyah after Uthman murdered; ends in arbitration and the Kharijites killing Ali after he backs down and beginning of Umayyan Dynasty
Dar al-Harb
- areas controlled by unbelievers
- areas outside Muslim rule
Battle of Karbalah
- 680 CE
- Battle between Hasayn (Ali’s son) and Yazid (Mu’awiyah’s son) - Yazid wins
- Leads to split of Islam into Sunni & Shiite
- in time of Umayyad Dynasty
Caliph vs Imam
- Sunnites - saw caliphs as proper successors to Muhammad
- Shi’ites - saw Imams, through Ali’s lineage, as proper successors of Muhammad and meaning of Imam for them is bloodline
Umayyad Dynasty
- 661 CE to 750 CE
- rule from death of Ali 661 CE on
- Damascus Umayyad Capital
- Split of Islam between Sh’i / Sunnis
Abbasid Dynasty
- 750 CE to 1258 CE
- Baghdad now capital
- Now Persian movement, not Arab
- Golden Age of Islam
Shi’a Islam
- see Imams as divinely mandated leader
- Bloodline of Muhammad through Ali
- see Ali (4th Caliph) as 1st Imam
Shi’a Imams
- 1st 4 important: Ali, Hasan, Husayn, Ali-zayn
- 5th: some say Al-Baqir, some Zayad (Al Baqir wins cuz battles Sunis) Zadies called Fivers
- 6 - Jafar - appoints Musa (Ismail died)
- 7 - Musa (some thought Ismail’s son should have been appointed - called Seveners)
- 12 - Mehdi (Hidden Imam) said he is the messiah or “Mahdi”
- hiding
- means “in the dark”
- means “gates” or “door”
- Imam gone so they act as intermediairies with God
- 4 of them then darkness again
- Mystical Islam
- Goal: be one with God
- NOT a sect, way to being religious
- Disdain legalism
- Dhikr = remembrance (remember God)
- ritual prayers said to glorify God
- Islamic Suffi poet (comparable to Shakespeare)
- 1200’s
4 Stages Mystical Progression
- Love God (legalism is fear based, so no)
- Nearness to God
- Bliss - lose distinction bet. you and God
- Annihilation of self - consumbed by God (Fana)
- 11th C
- tried to normalize Sufism but those people were seen as blasphemers (executed)
- eventually accepted practice
Genghis Khan
- Muslim leader in Uzbekistaan executes 450 Mongol merchants
- Genghis Khan therefore comes & takes control of Abassid Dynasty
- Fall Abassid Empire - 1258
3 Mongol Empires
- Mughal Empire - (early 16th C) India / East
- Safavid Empire - Iran (later is Shi’a), was under Shah of Iran 1500’s
- Ottoman Empire (Turkey, Eastern Europe) - longest, till 1917
Wahhabi Reform movement
- purify centuries of beliefs/practices to return to purity of Qur’an
- today influence dominant in Saudi Arabia
Ayatollah Khomeini
- Shia religious leader 1920’s
- some believe he was the returned 12th Imam or messiah
Contents Hebrew Bible (Tanakh)
- Torah - laws
- Nevi’im - prophets
- Ketuvim - writings
Only source of scripture for the Israelites
5 Parts of the Torah
Also the first 5 books of Hebrew Bible or the 5 Books of Moses
- Genesis - Bereshit - creation to Exodus
- Exodus - out of Egypt
- Leviticus- Priestly purity
- Numbers -Sinai to Canaan
- Duteronomy - instruction - narrative, laws, death of Moses (are 613 laws)
- also in Christian bible
- more than one creation account (Elohim vs Lord God / veg before / after humans - differs
- 4 sources of writing, compiled them
- how is God just (why do bad things happen to good people)
Etiological myths
- myths of origins (explains how things started)
Nevi’im categories (2)
- Former: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings (more historical legend, social critique)
- Later: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, The Twelve (are prophets)
Ketuvim (#Books)
- 11 books
- not all books - poetry, sayings, proverbs, myths - not very religious, no mention God
Midrash (categories)
- Interpretation of the Tanakh
- Halakhah - legal, applicaiton of the law (like the Islamic Sharia law - follow law of God)
- Haggadah - narrative
Seen as creative embellishment
- “Oral Law” of the Pharisees / Talmud, put into writing so: Written Talmud
- interpreted by: Gemara
- SO: Talmud is Mishnah + Gemara
Then interpretations of the interpretations: Rashi, comments on the Talmud
Bavli - Yerushalmi
- Yerushalmi - Mishnah + Palestinian Gemara(450 CE)
- Bavli - Mishnah + Babylonian Gemara (500 CE)
Purpose of Snake Oven
- Judaism orthpraxic religion (establish correct practice) so always ensuring following the law given by God - need to always check if doing something right
- Hear o Israel, the Lord our God the Lord is one
- “No Other Gods” = Shema, shows ardent faith in the love of god
- needed this post 587 CE when had to worship their God in Babylonia
- Neutral place where go when die
- transition from communal to personal resurrection (theological innovation so bad people won’t go to paradise)
- Christians will adhere to this definition
- comes from Hebrew verb “mashach” (to rub oil on head, annointed) then “mashiach - one who is annointed - so means annoint
- it’s an office - you get it for a period of time
- Greeks transliterate word to chrio (annoint) and becomes Christ (annointed one)
- Humans can sin, tend to but sin is not inescapable so NOT nature, only tendency
- depends on whether transgress Halakah - if not on path, not walking towards God
- Transgress: step “over the line”
Maimonides Principles Jewish Faith
Judaism is orthopraxy
Fails as tries to shift them towards orthodoxy
- Maimonides rejects the Trinity:
- God is creator, oneness, no body
- God is incorpreal - no body, only allegorical
4 Genres of New Testament
- Gospels - 4 of them
- Acts - History
- Letters -
- Apocalypse -
Not arranged according to when written
27 books in total (even letters are a “book”)
Gospels (4)
- Matthew - eye witness (so it is said)
- Mark
- Luke
- John - eye witness
Anonymous: no idea who wrote them
Lots miracles so powerful for Christians
Undisputed Letters of Paul (7)
These are the responses to letters he receives from the Mediterranean cities that he missionized in. they are undisputed letters
- Thessalonians (1)
- Corinthians - 1 and 2
- Galatians
- Philippians
- Philemon
- Romans
Disputed Letters
- divided into: Disputed / Deutero-Pauline
- 13 of them were canonized (all except the disputed ones
Synoptic Gospels
- Mark, Matthew and Luke
- Paul died before the Gospels even written (dies around 55CE and Mark written after 66)
- John NOT part of the synoptics - say less reliable / no parables - Jesus used them
- Gospels lack clarity which divides Christ followers from those who pursue Judaism
- History - only one ACTS canonized
- really called: Acts of the Apostles
- transitions from death of Jesus to 1st Jesus following community in Jerusalem, ends Rome
- really called: Revelation
- last book canonically
- something revealed to a “seer” (human)
- what is revealed: Heaven / cosmic battle between good/evil
- message: hold firm in your faith and commitment to your God, will get better
- more evangelical Protestant concept - ability to calculate when the end of times will come
- fewer Catholics ascribe to this
- all 3 religions talk of cosmic battle and separation of righteous from unrighteous BUT only some ppl believe in rapture - a righteous few taken from earth before the battle
- 354-430 CE
- converted to Christianity from Manichean (dualistic, persian religion) good/bad, no grey (got this from Paul)
- 7 Christian virtues: wisdom, temperance, courage, justice, faith, hope and love
- 1033-1109
- anti-intellectualism - faith saves you
- Best possible thing is God - wouldn’t be best if didn’t exist so must exist
- God just “Is” - God exists because he must exist - ontological argument - ontology is the philosophical study of being
- 5 proofs for existence of God
- assumes there is a God (using theology NOT philosophy to prove his beliefs)
- Unmoved mover = God, un-caused causer, unmade maker, need one thing not contingent and that is God (only necessary being), need perfect form (God) to recognize degrees, intelligent designer (God) - NOT random
- mostly associated with Judaism (gift to Christians, Muslims)
- BUT Christians different - Trinity (God divided) but Trinity NOT scriptural (Nicea)
- concept of original sin Christian - predisposed to Sin, humans can’t not sin
- Jews interpret the Fall differently (Christians: ONLY Jesus can save person from his sin)
- sacrifice to end all sacrifices (no more sacrifices needed after Jesus’)
- assumed sins of humanity - if you believe in him he will take your sins
- resurrection conquers death for all
So if you believe in Jesus you too can conquer death
- all names for the Hebrew God
- Elohim - used in the Bible
- Adonai - the Hebrew name for God when not supposed to say Yahweh
- Yaweh - name god said to Moses
- YHWH not meant to be pronounced - used in bible to remind readers to use “Adonai)
- observed for four weeks before Xmas
- time of waiting and prep for the celebration of the nativity of Jesus
- Sunni Muslim theologian
- founder of Asharite theology
- Sunni orthodoxy
Anno Hijra
- “in the year of the Hijra”
- when Mohammad went to Medina (Yathrib)
- “The Helpers” - inhabitants of Medina who took Muhammad and his followers into their homes when they emmigrated from Mecca
Apostle’s Creed
- A confession of faith circulated in early churches - stating Jesus was a true man who suffered and died, resurrection of body and final judgment (was to counter Gnostic view)
Ash Wednesday
- Christian day of holy prayer, fasting and repentence
- first day of Lent
Asia Minor
- Asian part of modern day Turkey
- wrote: The Confusion of the Confusion
- known as Ibn Rushd
- tried to integrate Aristotelian philosophy with Islamic thought
- Islamic thinker, physician, astronomer, writer
- Islamic philosopher
- intermediary between the Hidden Imam and the community in Twelver Shia Islam (873–941
- Arabic word meaning “gateway” so the Bab is the gateway to the Imam
- Founder of the B’hai faith
- means: Glory of Allah
- B’hai Faith: unity of God and humanity
- unity of all nations, races, classes, religions
- no evil, only the absence of good
- ritual of initiation into the Christian Church
- done through the washing in holy water (or simply head) - symbolic cleansing of the original sin or for conversion
- ask for vow of faith to Christ
- Protestants favor living, moving water
Bar Kochba
- led revolt against the Romans
- Hadrian had forbidden circumcision
- revolt of Judea
- Word of God (God speaking through him)
- Revelations over 22 years
- Built by Uthman
- No real pattern to arrangement
- intended to be spoken, heard to ward of evil
- revered as physical object
- Saying or recitation or chapter of the Qur’an
- First Sura in the Qur’an
- Said in the daily prayer like Christian “Lord’s Prayer” - help people stay on the path and live properly
- God is one, indivisible
- Oneness of God (like Maimonides - God is the essence of oneness)
- Note: Anthropomorphic vs Metaphorical
- Read as the word of God because Muhammad incapable of error (heart cleaned by angels)
- Muhammad’s sayings
- 6 collections of “Sound Hadith” that were investigated and legitimized
- Isnad: determines the vailidity of a Hadith
- Collected to promote imitation, veneration of Muhammad
Anthropomorphic or Metaphorical
- Anthropomorphic: God’s body not like human but similar - (this one wins)
- Metaphorical: Mu’tazilite: head metaphor for autonomy, hands for power, creation etc.
Is God’s wisdom eternal or momentary?
God has attributes so are those eternal? (Love, wisdom, speech)
- Mu’tazilite theory: momentary, not eternal - only God himself is eternal; don’t confuse his attributes with his oneness; knowledge in moment
- Other: God can’t be stripped of his attributes or left with faceless, philosophical construct of a God so his wisdom is eternal, his attributes eternal
Qu’ran eternal? Rational vs Philosophical
- Qur’an eternal
- revelation wins over reason - has existed for as long as God has existed; not created in 7th C; told Muhammad what he needed over time; Qu’ran has existed for all of time
- can’t trust human intellect
Hadith of Gabriel
- 2 versions
- Sets up the features of Islam
- Islam - practicing the law
- Iman - believing the doctrine
- Ihsan - seeing God (spirituality)
- Doing, believing, seeing
6 Pillars of Faith
- Monotheism - one God, indivisible (as expressed in Shahadah)
- Prophecy - Nabi / Rasul - sent by God
- Revelation - 4 Scriptures , God Reveals in stages
- Angelic Agency - angels mediate between God and humans
- Judgment and afterlife - reward and punishment
- Predestination vs. Free Will - God’s knowledge is timeless
Pillar One: Montheism
- nothing that contradicts Tawhid is tolerated (why Trinity is incomprehensible)
- No God but god, Muhammad god’s messenger
- Someone who comes with a message
- Only a prophet in “Jewish sense” of word
- messenger who brings a new writing, an innovation
- 20 named Rabi in the Qu’ran (Abraham, Noah)
- 12 Rasul (David - psalms, Moses - Torah, Jesus -Gospels)
- example you draw from the Hadiths
- (principal, moral) - individual interpretation
- not necessarily written down
People of the Book
- Monicker given to Jews and Christians by Muslims - (prophets brought each a book - Torah and Gospels)
- Say same thing EXCEPT: corollory belief that God reveals things in stages
Angelic Agency
- Angels mediate between Gods and humans
- made from light
- NO free will
- Gabriel most famous - revelations
- Shaytan - Satan (disobeyed God,would not bow to humans; kicked out Islamic court)
Judgment and Afterlife
- righteous and sinners separated
- hell / paradise
Predestination / Free Will
- Debate: if God’s knowledge timeless knows everything that will happen so how can you be held accountable for it? Mu’tazilites say can’t and humans have free will to sin or not
- BUT: within Islam, God’s knowledge full, so cannot surprise God, predestiny
Ashknazi vs Sephardic
- Ashkenazi: Eastern Europe, Germany, France
- Sephardic: Spain, Portugal, Middle East, North Africa and Morocco (largely untouched by Holocaust)
Moses Mendelssohn
- Father of Reform Judaism
- Assimilation - easy to assimilate if become like the Christians
- developed it as way to avoid Jews converting to Christianity
- says essence of Judaism in mind, heart and through loyalty and devotion - not action
Orthodox Judaism
- Reaction to Reform Judaism
- Strict interpretation of the Torah
- Whole of God’s law meant to be kept
- Torah is timeless (not out of date)
Conservative Judaism
- Biblical laws must be maintained but cultural traditions can be altered
- So Rabbinic stuff added after can be removed
- Solomon Schecter founded it in the U.S.
- Zecharius Frankel founded in Germany
- Correct practice
- “Instruction” (definition)
- instructions on how to live, practice
Mitzvah / Mitzvot
- Commandment
- 613 in the Torah
- regulates everything
Halakhah / halakhic
- body of traditions that relate to Jewish law
- Jewish traditions that have to do with the law are called halakhic
- Rabbis build fence around the Torah - expand the law to protect against any transgression
- removal of the foreskin to distinguish the descendents of Abraham and his covenant with God
- foreskin restoration to “reverse” the circumcision and make it look
- done in hellenistic and Roman times
- rules of Kosher eating
- apply mostly to meat and mixing of milk and meat
- how animal killed, which ones can eat, how food prepared
- laws that relate to impurity, mensturation
- must purify at the Mikveh after menstruate
- offends many modern women
- Day of rest (starts sundown Friday)
- defines 39 types of “work” that must never be done on the Sabbath
- “home” redefined as larger boundary within the Eruv Wire - can carry things in the zone
- Quorum of 10 individuals needed for prayer
- (in orthodox - only men)
- Bar MItzvah ceremony to become a man (and therefore part of the minyan)
- Jewish house of worship
- called a Temple in Reform Judaism - to show that the Temple in Jerusalem is never coming back (Orthodox no cuz thing it’s coming back)
- tools to help in concentration of prayer
- scrolls in boxes / boxes on forehead (precise placement) and arm - precise wrapping procedure - remind of purpose of prayer
- worn on head to help focus prayer
- tassels are identity marker to show orthodox and that talith worn under clothes at all times
- The tassels (tzitzit) remind one to live a mitzvot-centered life
Intercalary Month
- used in corrected lunar calendar to stay at the right time for agricultural festivals
- every three years (7 times every 19 yrs) add an intercalary month
Rosh Hashanah
- start of the Days of Awe
- 1st of Tishri - in September or October
- Jewish New Year
- Sound the shofar (ram’s horn) - mournful - to express sovereigny of God as King
Yom Kippur
- Day of atonement, 10 days post Rosh Hashana
- Holy of Holies
- Communal attonement / fasting
- take sins of ppl and put them on goat - send it into wilderness to die with the sins (scapegoat)
- Expiative holiday (reparation)
- transliterated Hebrew name of God
- YHWY (Yahweh) OR JHVH (Jehovah)
- Autumn Harvest Festival
- 15th Tishri - 2 weeks after Rosh Hashanah
- 7 days
- Feast of Booths / Festival of Ingathering
Simhat Torah
- Joy of the Torah
- Festival to thank God for the gift of Torah
- Non-biblical origin
- November / December
- celebrates victory over Antiochus who defiled the temple and made Judaism illegal
- lamp oil burned 8 versus 1 day (miracle)
- Festival of Light
- light the Hanukkiah (9 arms)
- Mostly joyous Jewish holiday
- Held February / March
- Purim means “lots” as in draw lots/straws
- Esther saves Jews from extermination and governor (Hamen) executed instead
- Passover (March/April)
- one of 3 major holidays
- celebrates the exodus from Egypt and freedom from Egyptian persecution
- meal called sedar
- Spring festival - rebirth
- the text that sets out the order of the Passover sedar and what is to be said / done before, during and after the festival meal
- Festival of Weeks
- held 50 days after Pesach (May/June)
- First harvest of the year - celebrates AND
- celebrates the giving of Torah at Sinai
Tish B’Av
- 9th of Ab
- Communal day of mourning to remember the tragedies that have befallen Jews (especially the 2 destroyed Temples, expulsions from Spain - 1492 and England - 1290
Bris / Brit Milah
- Covenant of circumcision performed on the 8th day after birth
- group of texts that a religious group has decided is the authoritative scripture
Deutero-Pauline letters
- New Testament letters that are included in the Pauline corpus but are now viewed by most critical scholars as products, not of the apostle Paul, but of Paul’s followers or perhaps of a Pauline school.
Documentary Hypothesis
- proposes that the Pentateuch (Torah) was created sometime around the fifth century B.C.E. through a process of combining several earlier documents—each with its own viewpoint, style, and special concerns—into one
Epic of Gilgamesh
- first literary work in history that has been written down and discovered. It reflects the myths and stories that were told in ancient Sumeria and also copied by others later (Israelites e.g.)
- studies of death, judgement and the final destiny of the soul
Mordechai Kaplan
- founder of Reconstructionist Judaism
Rabbinic Judaism
- Judaism since the 6th century CE, after the codification of the Babylonian Talmud
- Islamic creed, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, declaring belief in the oneness of God (tawhid) and the acceptance of Muhammad as God’s prophet.
- Sufi term meaning the “Passing away or annihilation of the self”
- complete denial of self
- A Sufi muslim or Hindu ascetic who lives on alms
- take vows of poverty and worship
- renounce all possessions and relations
Five Books of the Torah
- The five books of Moses
- Also known as Torah or the Pentateuch
- system was based on a supposed primeval conflict between light and darkness
- Founded Iranian prophet Mani (3rd Century Persia)
- struggle between good/evil - dualistic
People of the Book
- refers to Jews, Christians, Muslims and others who possess monotheistic scriptures
- Jews use term to refer to themselves with respect to Torah
- medieval French rabbi
- author of a comprehensive commentary on the Talmud and commentary on the Tanakh
- Acclaimed for his ability to present basic meaning of the text in concise, lucid fashion
Ontological Argument
- philosophical argument for the existence of God that uses ontology (philisophical study of being)
- study or concern about what kinds of things exist - what entities there are in the universe
- Christian sacrament using bread and wine to reenact / remember the Christ’s last supper (also called Holy Communion, Mass, etc.)
- Ritual through which God’s saving power comes to the believers
- Eucharist, confirmation, marriage, confession, ordination of clergy, anointing the sick, baptism (all do this one)
- the miraculous change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ
Ash Wednesday
- Christians put ashes on foreheads
- First day of Lent (day after Shrove Tuesday)
- day of prayer, fasting and repentence
- contemplate transgressions, ask forgiveness
Palm Sunday
- Day to remember the triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem
- Beginning of Jesus’ passion week
Maundy Thursday
- Day that celebrates Christ’s last supper with his disciples when he used the bread and wine of the Passover meal to institute the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday
- Christ’s 3 hours of agony on the cross, his death and entombment
Easter Sunday
- celebration of Christ’s resurrection
- joyous festival service
- Bunnies: fertility, new life, eggs same
- Pagans call it Resurrection Sunday
- West: arrival of wise men
- East: baptism of Jesus
- Feast of the Epiphany is January 6th
- revelation of God as Jesus
- Beginning of the Christian year
- 4 Sundays to prepare for birth Christ
- focus on scriptues of Jesus as messiah
- Orthodox: Fast of Nativity: 40 days, avoid certain foods, wine
- celebration of God becoming one with humanity through birth of Christ
- NOT Jesus’ birthday
- Orthodox celebrate on January 7th
- borrowed from Feast of Saturnalia
- 50 days after Christ’s resurrection
- Feast of the Holy Spirit - God’s spirit comes down at Pentecost
- celebration of outpouring of the “Spirit” onto Christ’s disciples after ascention to heaven
- act whereby people seek to have a rapport with God (or whatever deity they follow)
Book of Common Prayer
- 1549: first prayer book with complete forms of service for daily and Sunday worship in English
- Unconditional, non-discriminatory, self-giving love
- Definition: structure of the worship service (liturgy means worship)
- if structure predictable: highly liturgical (i.e. Catholic (Vatican decides the scripture)
- Protestant: predictable (within that church) but not necess same as one down street
Liturgy of Word / Eucharist
- Liturgy of Word - read scripture, sermon
- Liturgy of Eucharist - Cath. take communion
- From word “Kathedra (chair)
- Bishop’s chair in the house of worship so called a cathedral
Catholic and only a basilica if:
- There is a relic (bone or body of saint or piece of wood from Jesus’ cross) in the building
- The Catholic church deems the building of historical significance
Mega Church
- usually Protestant
- modern
- deemed as a holy space (even if old sports stadium) - anything can be made holy (J Z Smith - no data…so anything can be religious)
Transubstantiation / Consubstantiation
- Transubstantiation: bread becomes (literally and metaphorically) the body/flesh of Christ and the wine the blood (Catholic)
- Consubstantiation: commemorating the last supper (not literal) (Protestant)
Christian Sacraments / Rituals
- Eucharist - Jesus thanks God for bread and wine, last meal with disciples
- Baptism - Cath use holy water and done in church and Cath do infant baptism plus done in stages at diff ages; East. Orthodox do full dunking
For Protestants these are the only 2 sacraments
Catholic Rituals where God Present (sacraments)
- Eucharist
- Baptism
- Marriage
- Last Rites
- Confession
- Ordination
- Confirmation
- Confess one’s sins to a priest
- need to do it prior to Eucharist
- considered rite of passage
- first one: 7 or 8 years old
- now “consciously” baptized - 12, 13 yrs old
- have lessons in Catholic theology
- Chrismation: Orthodox, all done at infancy
- Trained person becomes a priest
- for Protestants NOT a sacrament, ritual
- Sacrament for Catholics and East. Orthodox
- Catholics take marriage course first
Last Rites
- Administered on deathbed
- priest preferable but not mandatory
- prepare soul to go to heavenand receive judgment
- Cath: confession, oil, eucharist
- Orthodox: confession, eucharist
- 6 weeks preceeding Easter
- remember suffering and death of Jesus
- period of self-denial to symbolize suffering
- give up meat “incarnation” - God became human flesh so “meatifies” God so no meat; meat tasty (fat) so give up fatty things: dairy
Mardi Gras / Carnival
- for Catholics: Fat Tuesday day before Lent so eat all fatty things prior to Lent
- non-Catholic: Shrove Tuesday - eat pancakes
- Carnival (carni - meat) - get rid of all meat by eating it prior to lent
Great Lent
- Eastern Orthodox - start with Clean Monday to clean house of all milk, meat, eggs, etc.)
Holy Week
- Final week before Easter Sunday
- end of fast for Orthodox (end 40 days)
Bright Week
- week Jesus stays around after his death and prior to his ascension
Feast of Ascension
- celebrates Jesus’ ascension into heaven, 40 days after his resurrection
- Submission to the will of God
- Body of traditions that take the form of law (like Halakah)
- says what can / can’t do
- legal investigation and reasoning
- creative ingenuity re Islamic
4 categories Sunni Shari’ah
- Human interaction with God (prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, worship)
- Human interaction with humans (lending $, crimes, marriage/divorce, property law)
- Individual morality (drink, gamble, adultery, dietary laws, etc.)
- Shariah penal system (who can provide testimony, what constitutes evidence)
4 steps Sunni Shari’ah Law
- Qur’an
- Hadith / Sunnah
- Qiyas - analogy - find something like it in Qur’an
- Ijma - consensus - majority of jurists
Sunni Legal Schools
- Hanafi - literal word of text but can be more permissive, liberal, flexible
- Shafi’i - spirit of the law; more conservative, middle of road
- Hanbali - most conservative, strictest
- Maliki - middle of road
Shi’a Shari’ah
- Reject Qiyas and consensus
- Use their own Hadiths and Qur’an
- DO accept Ijtihad (creativity)
5 Pillars of Practice
Called: Arkan
- Shahadah - Confession
- Salat - Ritual Prayer
- Zakat - Alms
- Sawm - fasting dusk to dawn
- Hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca
- Ritual Prayer
- 5 times per day
- purify first - Wudu for minor impurities, ghusl for major ones
- pray with mouth and body (Raka’ah are the postures)
- Jum’ah - gathering to pray
- Mihrab - nic in wall you face
- Qibla - direction of Mecca / Kab’ah
- Calls Muslims to prayer
- tax paid by Muslims (2.5%)
- give up $ to purify yourself / attachment
- Jizya - tax on Christians / Jews - pay or convert or join muslim fighters (extortion)
- Fasting
- main one is at Ramadan
- about purity / getting to Muhammad’s state
- for all things consumed
- Ramadan lunar calendar - no adjustment so Ramadan can be June or December
- Pilgrimage
- Obligatory once in lifetime
- can’t go into debt to do it
- Stoning of Jamarat - pillar represents Satan (from story of Abraham and Ismail)
Eid al-adha
- end of Hajj
- sacrifice goat - Feast of the Sacrifice
- For Shi’ah Muslims it is a pillar of practice
- means: Struggle
- lesser jihad: military fight / fight oppressions
- greater jihad: submit one’s self to God wholly and completely - to his will
- First month Islamic calendar
- Starts new lunar year
- AH - means since flight from Mecca
- First 10 days - sombre reflection till Ashura which is like Yom Kippur
- 10th day of the 1st month in the Islamic calendar (Muharram)
- day of mourning for Muslims but especially for Shia Muslims - martyrdom of Hussayn at the Battle of Karbala
- celebrate birth of Muhammad
- Wahabis see it as innovation, not scriptural
- (like objections to Christmas - not scripture)
Isra / Miraj
- NIght journey and ascent ot heaven of Muhammad (in sleep from Mecca to Jerusalem is Isra; horse to heaven is Miraj)
Laylat al-Qadr
- Night of Power - night of first revelation
- during Ramadan - spend it at mosque
- Itikaf - spend last 10 days of Ramadan at the mosque, not just the one night
Eid Al-Fitr
- End of Ramadan
- Feast, festive
- holiday from work/school
- controversial
- NOT Islamic (pre-islamic)
- Persian New Year
- headscarf worn by Muslim women to protect their modesty
- Qur’an and Hadith speak of modesty
- Chador - whole body
- Niquab - most face
- Half-niquab - some face
- Burqa - all face - thin veil covers whole face
- pulpit at mosque where Imam delivers the sermons
- another name for mosque
- Powerful dynasty in Iran 1501-1722
- Established the Twelver school of Shia Islam
Shabbatai Zvi
- claimed to be the Jewish messiah
- founded the Sabbaean movement
- Sephardic Rabbi
- 1600’s
Shah Wali Allah
- Muslim intellectual
- 1600’s
- taught about mystical Islam
Shiat Ali
- adherants of Shia Islam
- Followers of Ali
- Twelvers are largest branch of Shia Islam
- medieval Sunni theologian
- member of Hanbali School
- answer to question as to why God permits evil
- means “justifying God”
- educated Islamic legal scholars
Warith Dean
- African American Muslim leader
- Progressive
- disbanded the Nation of Islam and transformed it into the American Society of Muslims