Zang Fu Case Studies Flashcards
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 45 yo male
- CC: palpitations
- occasional forceful beating of heart for no apparent reason
- palpitations occur when resting
- no chest pain, no dizziness
- normal blood pressure
- MD performed EKG, listened to heart with stethoscope, pronounced no abnormal findings, and said palpitations were due to stress
- pt admits to having more work-related stress over past 6 months
- as a result, his eating habits have been poor, and he has lost hours of sleep
- pale tongue, toothmarks
- soft pulse
HT Qi Vacuity with underlying SP Qi Vacuity
- palpitations at rest, so heart is weak: HT Qi Vacuity
- toothmarks, soft pulse: Qi Vacuity
- poor food intake leads to difficulty making Qi: SP Qi Vacuity
TX: HT 5 for palpitations
HT 6 if sweating
HT 7 if Qi Vacuity sweating
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this?
- 59 yo female
- CC: insomnia
- insomnia of 3 months duration, since beginning of what she calls “power surges”
- falls asleep easily, but awakens in middle of night feeling warm & sweaty
- on a few occasions has soaked the sheets with sweat
- irregular menstruation during the past year (sometimes early, sometimes late, sometimes heavy, sometimes light)
- has not had any period for 6 weeks
- during “power surges” feels hot overall, sweats profusely from her face & head, and feels urgent need for cool air
- low back pain
- red tongue with redder tip & scanty coating
- fine, rapid pulse
HT Yin Vacuity & KD Yin Vacuity
- night sweats, red tongue with scanty coat, rapid pulse: Yin Xu
- wakes at night: HT Yin Xu
- low back pain, aged 59: KD Yin Xu
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? what is the pathomechanism?
- 55 yo female
- CC: pain in upper back & neck
- pale complexion with darkish hue
- short of breath
- pain on & off in neck & shoulders, between shoulder blades, and sometimes in upper abdomen
- no digestive complaints
- pain can be severe at times, and when it is, she sweats a lot from face & armpits
- long history of chronic bronchitis every winter for past 15 years
- thin, rough pulse
- pale red tongue, dusky towards front, darkish red spots on tip
HT Blood Stasis
- choppy pulse: blood not circulating in upper jiao
- dark complexion, dusky tongue: stasis
- sweating from face & axilla: HT
- for women, HT attacks feel like upper back pain
- winter cold affects LU Qi, leads to 15 years of phlegm
- phlegm obstructs LU Qi & HT Qi
- obstructed qi leads to obstructed blood, and blood stasis
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this?
- 12 yo boy
- CC: lack of communication
- mother brings 12 yo son with down’s syndrome
- he has been getting progressively more difficult to communicate with for the past 5 months
- he can no longer speak clearly, as if his tongue is too big for his mouth
- rattling sound in back of throat
- sometimes vomiting, which usually happens a day after eating ice cream, his favorite food
- seems “floppy” and lethargic most of time, adn doesn’t seem to know where he is
- not able to see much of his tongue but it looks wet with a greasy coat, and has crack that reaches tip
- slippery pulse
Phlegm Misting the HT Orifices, with underlying SP Qi Deficiency & Cold
- wet tongue: SP Qi Deficiency leads to lack of transformation of fluids
- slippery pulse: accumulation
- communication issues: blockage of HT
- ice cream: cold
- vomiting, rattling sound in throat, greasy tongue coat, midline crack reaching tip: Phlegm Misting HT Orifices
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 43 yo female
- CC: palpitations
- on & off fluttery feeling in chest
- history of respiratory allergies
- full-time student, spends a lot of time trying to study
- disturbed sleep; wakes up several times each night, usually at 1am, and again at 3am
- pale tongue, scalloped edges, thin white coat
- wiry pulse, hollow, thin in right cun, soft in right guan
Blood Vacuity with underlying SP Qi Vacuity that’s unable to support blood
- disrupted sleep: blood not anchored in LV
- pale tongue: blood vacuity
- hollow pulse: vacuity
- scalloped tongue: SP Qi Xu
- allergies: LU Qi Xu somewhere along the line
- combo of SP Qi Xu & LU Qi Xu means that there is impaired manufacture of Qi & Blood
TX: HT 5 or HT 7 and SP 6, Inner 4 Gates (LI 11 + LV 3), SP 3
what is the pattern? how do you TX?
- 34 yo male
- CC: abnormal urination
- 3 days ago, for no apparent reason, pt began to feel restless & developed a hot-dry sensation all over body
- yellow urine, scanty
- no change in frequency
- excessive sweating, but no aversion to cold
- irritable & vexed
- thirsty for cold drinks
- dream disturbed sleep
- dry stool
- no abdominal pain
- overall good health
- red complexion
- red tongue, slightly thick & dry yellow coat
- slippery, rapid pulse
SI Replete Heat (branch of another underlying pattern)
TX: Promote Urination (guide heat out through urination)
what is the pattern? how do you TX? what is the pathomechanism?
- 30 yo female
- CC: fatigue
- soft spoken
- mononucleosis with extremely sore throat & swollen tonsils since 2 months ago, following stressful period at work
- fever & chills
- sx gradually improved over time, with no TX other than resting
- although throat sx gone, still persistent fatigue & SOB (can only swim half the amount of laps she could before becoming ill)
- pale tongue
- weak pulse
LU Qi Vacuity
TX: Tonify LU, Supplement, Boost LU Qi
Pathomechanism: wind-heat as initial insult, heat consumes & damages Qi over time
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 5 yo boy
- CC: wheezing
- hx of asthma
- wheezing after upper respiratory infection
- 100 degree fever, some chills, sore throat
- lots of clear nasal discharge
- breathing with accessory muscles (SCM, raising shoulders, abdominal expansion)
- underdeveloped upper body
- bluish shadows under eyes
- seems whiny & clings to mother
- frequent urination
- currently taking inhaled corticosteroids for past week as “preventative measure”
- twin sister is vibrant strong child who is never sick, has no issues with urination, and has never had asthma
- pale tongue, red tip
- rapid pulse, floating in right cun, deep and weak in chi
Today: Wind Heat Invasion
Underlying problem: KD Failing to Grasp LU Qi due to KD Jing Vacuity
- underdeveloped body, blue shadows under eyes: Jing Vacuity
- asthma, straining to breathe: LU Qi Xu
TX: KD 7 + LU 8
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this?
- 34 yo female
- CC: constipation
- “sluggish bowels”: has a BM once every other day, but can go 2 days without BM; occasionally will go every day, but feels an incomplete sensation
- feels hotter in later part of day, but “normal” in morning & early afternoon
- feels like she needs to pant at night, but has no sweating
- dry hair, dry skin
- dry sensation in throat that is not quenched by drinking water
- pale tongue but orangish, smooth with thin coat
- deep pulse
LI Intestinal Humor Depletion of Blood & Yin
- constipation: LI issue
- orange hued tongue, dry skin, dry throat not quenched by drinking water: blood deficiency
- panting, no tongue coat, feels hotter in later part of day: yin vacuity
- dryness: blood vacuity AND yin vacuity
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 36 yo male
- CC: painful, frequent bowel movements
- diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 6 years ago
- frequent painful BM every day, sx worse in morning
- occasional hemorrhoids, which are painful & bleed
- diet is 100% take-out food from the deli, or prepackaged (never cook meals at home)
- reluctant to change diet bc no time
- stressful lifestyle, long hours at work, trying to make time for wife & daughter
- greasy, yellowish tongue coat in rear, teethmarks
- rapid, slippery pulse
LI Damp Heat
TX: Clear Heat, Drain Damp, Stop Bleeding
- tenesmus/ungratifying BM, painful BM, sticky yellow tongue coat, slippery rapid pulse, blood & mucus in stool: LI Damp Heat
- about equal amount damp & heat bc both blood & mucus in stool
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this?
- 34 yo female
- CC: feeling hot
- feeling of heat in chest
- irritability
- no period for 3 months
- heat sensation worst in late afternoon
- night sweating from neck & chest
- dry throat
- red cheeks
- red tongue, dry yellow & thin coat
- rapid pulse
LU Yin Vacuity
- feeling hot, dry throat, red tongue with thin coat: yin xu
- sweating from neck & chest: LU issue
(irritability is the one sx you don’t follow anywhere)
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this?
- 41 yo female
- CC: cough for 8 months
- 8 months ago: accident while vacuuming basement, and was sprayed in face with debris; started coughing the next day; started as a rapid, dry cough; difficult to catch her breath
- over the next week: cough developed into a deep phlegmy cough; clear, yellow, green or brown phlegm; most profuse in mornings, when it was clear & stringy; SOB with mild exertion
- currently: cough only phlegmy in morning; yellow or brown phlegm; spasmoid episodes of coughing the rest of day
- overall: feels hot, sweats a lot (mostly from chest & head), prone to constipation, red complexion
- long, narrow & stiff tongue, red body, yellow sticky coating in center
- rapid & slippery pulse
Phlegm Heat Obstructing LU
- sweating on face, red complexion: HT
- color assortment of phlegm, slippery rapid pulse, red tongue, yellow sticky tongue coat: Phlegm Heat in LU
- SOB bc of accumulation in LU
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 22 yo female
- CC: nausea
- nausea worse in mornings, better after she eats
- no appetite in morning due to nausea
- abdominal distention & discomfort
- often eats salads & drinks soda or sweet tea with ice
- slightly pale, puffy face
- acne, which is not red, but is composed of pus-filled papules around jaw line & forehead
- swollen tongue, teethmarks, slimy white coat
- soggy pulse
Dampness due to SP Qi Vacuity (or SP Qi Vacuity with Damp Encumbrance)
- pus-filled acne, swollen tongue, slimy tongue coat, puffy face: dampness
- soggy pulse: combo Qi Xu & dampness
- abdominal distention: SP Qi Xu
- teethmarks: Qi Xu
- nausea worse in morning bc Yang has not risen yet, and Yang is not transforming damp & yin
TX: Boost SP Qi, Resolve Dampness
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 34 yo male
- CC: abdominal pain
- pain in upper, middle and especially lower left part of abdomen - starting 10 days ago, after a day-long BBQ party
- pain not very severe, and duration of pain attacks is not long
- location of pain not always in same place
- BM after pain attacks, pain partially relieved after release
- stool NOT loose
- poor appetite
- abdominal distention worse after eating
- no nausea, no thirst
- tongue slightly red, thick yellow greasy coat
- wiry, slippery pulse
Food Stagnation
- wiry pulse: stagnation / lack of flow of qi
- feels better after BM: Food Stagnation (as opposed to vacuity, which feels worse after BM)
- thick tongue coat, excess slippery pulse: repletion
- pain comes & goes: Qi Stagnation
Tx: Stimulate Descending of ST Qi, Remove/Resolve Food Stagnation
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this?
- 74 yo female
- CC: chronic diarrhea
- long hx of very weak digestive system
- often diarrhea after eating many foods
- 2 days ago after eating: pain & distention in upper abdomen, without nausea or vomiting; diarrhea that evening
- ever since: diarrhea/loose stool 4 or 5 times a day, clear & watery with undigested food
- cold in abdomen, especially below umbilicus
- no fever, no aversion to cold
- hands & feet are cold
- low appetite
- borborygmous
- no thirst
- fatigue
- SOB & palpitations with slight activity
- dark dusky tongue, wet coat
- thin, forceless, deep pulse
HT & KD Yang Vacuity
- cold limbs: Yang Vacuity (not enough Yang to warm extremities)
- dark tongue: cold congeals and prevents good blood flow to head
- watery diarrhea: food not transforming (SP Yang is never independent of KD Yang)
- forceless (or feeble) pulse = Yang Vacuity
- no nausea, no vomiting: rule out ST pattern
- no thirst: rule out heat
- no fever or aversion to cold: rule out external invasion
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this?
- 44 yo male
- CC: toe pain
- “hammer-toes” for last 5 years: 2nd & 3rd toes are flexed at interphalangeal joints, and are painful when he walks while wearing shoes, so he wears flip-flops more often
- painful gums
- bad breath
- acid reflux
- big appetite
- dry stools
- red tongue, dry yellow coat
- wiry, rapid pulse
ST Heat / Fire
- dry, yellow coat: rule out ST Yin Vacuity, since there is still a tongue coat
- 2nd & 3rd toes affected: ST channel
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 29 yo male
- CC: low back pain
- low back pain for 3 years
- disc herniations at L3-L4, L4-L5, L5-S1
- pain not severe, but chronically annoying, especially when he gets up in morning
- obese, weighs 300 lb
- red, flushed cheeks all the time
- sweats with little or no exertion
- always fatigued, no matter how much sleep
- loose stools
- pale, puffy tongue, teethmarks, white coat
- weak pulse
Center Qi Fall / SP Qi Fall (due to SP Qi Vacuity)
- disc herniations: Center Qi Fall
- loose stool, fatigue: SP vacuity
- low back pain: too much Yin flooding middle jiao, so Yang cannot penetrate down to & come back up from Ming Men
TX: Fortify SP, Boost Center Qi, Upbear Yang
Du 20
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX? what is the pathomechanism?
- 32 yo female
- CC: vaginal discharge
- copious vaginal discharge for 9 years that is clear, watery, and only disappears with onset of menses
- diet of mainly salads, yogurt, bagels & cream cheese since college; never eats home cooked meals
- fatigue, overall weakness that is worse with exercise
- slightly dusky pale/purple tongue, puffy, thick white coat
- weak pulse overall, especially right guan
SP Yang Deficiency with Damp & KD Yang Deficiency
TX: Warm the Yang (restart the pilot light)
- clear discharge: vacuity cold
- vaginal discharge: KD Yang Xu (discharge only “seems” to disappear with onset of menses)
- thick white tongue coat: damp cold
- fatigue, weakness: SP vacuity
- weak pulse: deficiency
Pathomechanism: cold damp food is sinking down into low jiao
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 39 yo female
- CC: fatigue
- 1 yr HX of Hepatitis C
- fatigue
- bitter taste in mouth
- low appetite
- rib-side pain
- irritability
- alternating heat & aversion to cold sensations
- loose stools, alternating with constipation
- pale tongue, thick greasy yellow coat closer to edges, red spots where coat is thickest
- wiry pulse left guan, weak pulse right guan
1) LV Overacting on SP (aka LV-SP Disharmony)
2) Shao Yang Disharmony
3) LV-GB Damp Heat
TX: Harmonize Shao Yang, Harmonize LV/SP
SJ 5, GB 34, SP 9
- wiry LV pulse, weak SP pulse, alternating diarrhea & constipation
- alternating hot & cold: Shao Yang Disharmony
- greasy tongue: damp
- red spots, yellow tongue coat: heat
- along edges of tongue: LV-GB area
- fatigue: Damp Heat (but not in SP/ST, or there would be stinky stool and yellow jaundiced skin)
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 65 yo female
- CC: painful diarrhea
- painful diarrhea
- diagnosed with IBS 5 years ago
- symptom free most of time
- diarrhea after anger & arguments with son
- during episodes: abdominal distention & pain, diarrhea up to 6 times a day
- fullness in chest relieved by sighing
- nausea when angered
- vomiting sometimes when angered
- dusky-pale tongue
- fine, wiry pulse
Wood Overacting on Earth (aka LV Overacting on SP & ST) with Underlying Blood Deficiency
TX: Calm LV & Strengthen SP & ST (then SP will make more blood and LV will distribute it)
LV 14, LV 3, ST 36, SP 9 , SP 6 to strengthen SP & ST
UB 18, UB 20, UB 21 Back Shues
ST 41 to descend ST Qi
- SX worse with stress/anger: LV issue
- diarrhea: SP issue
- nausea & vomiting: LV-ST Disharmony
- abdominal distention & pain: LV-SP Disharmony
- note: tongue & pulse don’t match DX
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 29 yo female
- CC: insufficient lactation
- currently 8 weeks postpartum, had a 45-hour long labor
- now has trouble nursing
- MD says she is not producing enough milk, so using formula but eager to breastfeed
- lusterless hair
- very pale & dry lips
- pale sides of tongue
- thin pulse
LV Blood Vacuity
TX: Tonify LV Blood
- breastmilk is manifestation of LV Blood (that’s why women who breastfeed don’t menstruate)
- pale sides of tongue: Blood Xu in LV area
- postpartum, long labor, pale complexion, dry lips: Blood Xu
Note: KD Jing & LV Blood come from same source
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 70 yo male
- CC: pain in hypochondrium
- 2 weeks ago: caught bad cold with fever & phlegmy cough; SX have since disappeared
- yesterday: suddenly developed severe pain in right hypochondrial & intercostal regions, with a hot burning sensation; pain has been continuous without relief
- HX of coronary artery disease, so he took heart medication, which did not relieve pain
- this morning: went to emergency room, hospital evaluation revealed groups of small red papules filled with pus in a band around 5th intercostal space on right side of chest
- now feels restless, irritable, feverish all over
- no palpitations
- HA in temples
- yellow, scanty urine
- dry stools
- red tongue, thick dry yellow greasy coat
- rapid, slightly slippery pulse
Heat in Ying Level (which describes pathomechanism) or LV-GB Damp Heat
- greasy tongue, slippery pulse, pus-filled papules: Damp & Heat
- ribside fullness & pain: LV-GB Damp Heat
- temporal HA: LV issue
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 37 yo male, attorney
- CC: “tune-up” treatment
- agitated during intake: says he “just wants a tune-up. what is with all these questions?”, stands up & threatens to leave
- red face when agitated
- however, as quick as he stood up, he sits back down, tell you he is suddenly dizzy & has a pounding HA
- red tongue, thin yellow coat
- thin, wiry & rapid pulse
Heat leading to LV Yang Rising with Wind
TX: Settle the LV, Subdue the Yang, Extinguish Wind,
LV 8, LV 3, UB 18, SP 6, KD 3, Du 16, GB 20
- sudden unconsciousness: wind
- dizzy, easily angered: LV Yang Rising
- wiry, rapid pulse: LV Yang Rising
- red tongue, red face: heat
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 58 yo woman
- CC: numbness of feet
- numbness in feet for 5 years, but it is getting worse
- “pins & needles” sensation on soles of feet, but mostly just numb
- occasionally, numbness moves up into hamstrings
- floaters in eye
- tongue deviated to left, trembling
- pale tongue, with even paler sides
- thin pulse
LV Blood Vacuity Causing Wind
TX: Nourish LV Blood, Subdue Wind
LV 8, LV 3, SP 6, KD 3, UB 17, UB 18, UB 20, UB 23, LI 4, GB 20, Du 16, Du 20
- floaters, pale tongue, thin pulse: Blood Xu
- deviated tongue, trembling: Internal Wind
- numbness: could be LV Blood Vacuity Causing Wind, LV Yang Rising Causing Wind, LV Blood Vacuity, or Blood Stasis
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 79 yo male
- CC: urinary difficulty
- diagnosed with prostatitis 4 years ago
- difficulty starting stream of urine, hesitancy, dribbling
- some pain when urinating
- urine sometimes cloudy
- chronic low back pain, not due to injury
- pale tongue, puffy with teethmarks
- weak, deep pulse
Insecurity of KD Qi, with Dampness Blocking UB
TX: Tonify/Secure KD, Astringe Essence, Drain Damp (by Unblocking Urine)
- dribbling post-stream = Insecurity of KD Qi
- cloudy urine, pain when urinating, puffy tongue: Dampness
- pale tongue with teethmarks, weak pulse: Qi Deficiency
- urinary difficulty, low back pain: KD Xu
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 60 yo female
- CC: pain with urination
- recurrent interstitial cystitis for past 10 years (pain in bladder & urethra that is not due to bacteria)
- sometimes blood in urine
- MD says no cancer of bladder
- cystitis & bloody urine generally occur 2x a year
- during an attack, urination becomes frequent, urgent, and painful
- low back pain
- red tongue, yellow greasy coat thicker in middle & back
- slippery, forceful pulse
UB Damp-Heat
TX: Clear Heat, Resolve Dampness, Open Water Passages of Low Burner
SP 9, SP 6, LI 11
Xi Clefts: KD 5, SP 8
- yellow greasy tongue coat: Damp-Heat
- thick tongue coat in back: UB area
- burning with urination, blood in urine, frequent urgent urination: UB Damp-Heat
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this?
- 45 yo female
- CC: perimenopause
- perimenopausal SX: afternoon & evening heat effusion, night sweats, dry mouth & throat
- cold feet
- lumbar pain
- decreased libido
- aversion to cold when not feeling heat effusion
- slightly red tongue, scanty fur
- deep, fine, forceless pulse
KD Yin Vacuity & KD Yang Vacuity
- mixed hot & cold signs: Yin Xu & Yang Xu
- deep, fine, forceless pulse: KD Yang Xu
- red tongue, scanty fur: KD Yin Xu
- lower libido: possibly KD Yang Xu
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 52 yo male
- CC: swelling / edema
- puffy on face, especially under eyes
- swelling in upper libs
- feels cold all over
- does not urinate a lot
- scanty urine
- pale, puffy tongue, slightly flabby
- forceless pulse, especially in cun & chi positions
KD Failing to Absorb/Grasp Qi (aka KD Failing to Grasp LU Qi), or Yang Edema
TX: Tonify & Warm KD, Aid KD to Grasp Qi
- forceless pulse, esp. in cun & chi positions: upper & lower jiao weak (water metabolism is off in LU & KD)
- puffy face, puffy tongue: edema
- scanty urination: water accumulating in upper jiao
what is the pattern? what s/sx support this? how do you TX?
- 37 yo male
- CC: low back pain
- 4 days ago: slight fever & aversion to cold (still has those SX)
- distention in epigastrium & abdomen
- low appetite
- nausea
- excessive saliva, accompanied by diminished sense of taste
- pain & soreness in low back since 4 days ago
- heavy sensation, restriction of movement in low back
- head, shoulders, knees all feel heavy & restricted
- pink-red tongue, moist white coat
- slightly floating pulse, slippery & thin but not weak in left chi
Exterior Wind Cold Damp
- distention in epigastrium & abdomen, bland taste, heaviness: Dampness
- aversion to cold, fever, floating pulse: Exterior condition