Za/ U/ Na Flashcards
Eat for breakfast / lunch / dinner / snack …
Jesti za doručak / ručak / večeru / užinu…
I usually eat cereal for breakfast.
Obično jedem žitarice (cereal) za doručak.
Birthday Gift / Wife / Husband / New Year …
Poklon za rođendan / ženu / muža / Novu godinu…
I bought a present for Maria. I bought a present for my wife’s birthday.
Kupio sam poklon za Mariju. Kupio sam poklon za ženin rođendan.
I got a present for New Years
Dobila sam poklon za Novu godinu.
Who is this gift for?
Za koga je ovaj poklon?
Who is this box for?
Za koga je ova kutija?
To buy (perfective verb)
Kupiti (I/e)
(present: kupim…kupe;
past: kupio, kupila…),
(perfective verb)
to get, to receive (perfective verb)
Dobiti (e/u)
(present: dobijem…dobiju;
past: dobio, dobila…)
(perfective verb)
Getting ready for work / school / going out / concert / meeting (meeting, date) / class (class) / test …
Spremati se za posao / školu / izlazak (going out) / koncert / sastanak (meeting, date) / čas (class) / test…
I get up early because it takes a long time to get ready for work.
Ustajem rano zato što se dugo spremam za posao.
To get up
Ustajem… oni ustaju
Ustao, ustala…
I’m getting ready for tomorrow’s test
Spremam se za sutrašnji test.
I’m preparing /tidying the house
Spremam kuću – I’m cleaning/tidying the house
Apples are good for health
Jabuke su dobre za zdravlje.
Carrots are good for eyes
Šargarepa je dobra za oči.
What is a carrot good for?
Za šta je dobra šargarepa?
What are you doing for the weekend / holidays / New Year / Christmas …?
Šta radiš za vikend (this weekend) / praznike (holidays) / Novu godinu / Božić…?
Happy holidays
Srećni praznici!
Coffee / ice cream / water machine
Aparat za kafu / sladoled / vodu
Washing machine / dishwasher
Mašina za veš / sudove
sometimes you will hear these versions: veš-mašina, sudo-mašina
Swim Goggles, ski goggles, sun glasses
Naočare za ronjenje (diving) / skijanje (skiing) / sunce
Hairbrush, shoe brush, dog brush, cat brush
Četka za kosu / cipele / pse / mačke
Četkica za zube
To go
Ići (e/u)
present tense: idem, ideš, ide,
idemo, idete, idu;
past tense: išao, išla, išlo,
išli, išle, išla
To travel
Putovati (e/u)
present: putujem…putuju;
past: putovao, putovala…)