Yvette June Flashcards
in these times
al giorno d’oggi
in those times
a quei tempi
without having to go out
senza dover uscire
without having lunch
senza aver pranzato
without having had to do work
senza aver dovuto fare il lavoro
there are still flowers
ci sono ancora fiori
I want more
si ne voglio di piu
at the age of 30
all’eta di trent’anni
there were few tourists
c’erano alcuni turisti, non c’era nessuno
mess, disaster
I thought there was a university there
pensavo che ci fosse un’universita
we had an international drivers licence (while we were in Italy)
avevamo una patente internazionale
there weren’t many things to do
non c’erano molte cose da fare
there were no tourists at that time
non c’era nessun turistica/non c’erano turisti, a quella volta
there were too many tourists
c’erano troppi turisti