YUM Flashcards
Only check for available list of updates
yum check-update
yum update httpd
Search online repos with updates to upgrade packages with yum
yum update
Get info about specific package with yum
yum info httpd
Display all packages installed by yum
yum list installed | grep httpd
Clean yum cache info and its local db file
yum clean all
Install/remove/reinstall app with yum
yum -y install httpd
yum remove httpd
yum reinstall httpd
yum localinstall htop
Remove package and it dependencies with yum
yum autoremove httpd
Find with yum what package provides a specified file name
yum whatprovides */htpd
yum provides /var/www => httpd -the basic dir for Apache HTTP server
Download a package with yum
yum install yum-utils
yumdownloader htop
Yum global conf file
Yum’s repositories
Yum cash location of latest requests
Rpm DB location
Repair corrupted rpm db
rpm –rebuilddb
List files in rpm package
List files in app
rpm -qpl htop.2.2.0.rpm
rpm -ql htop
Display info on rpm package
rpm -qpi htop.2.2.0.rpm
the info as yum info htop would provide
List all rpm packages installed on a system
rpm -qa | grep htop
the same as yum list installed would provide
Uninstall rpm package
rpm -e htop
Verify installed rpm packages
rpm -Va
Query if rpm package is installed
rpm -q htop
List conf files of rpm package
List doc files of rpm package
Show info about package the file belongs to
rpm -qc sysstat
rpm -qd sysstat
rpm -qf /etc/request-key.conf =>keyutils.1.5-10
Install rpm package
rpm -ivh htop.2.2.0.rpm
RHEL8 app stream and modules
App streams are to separate user space apps from kernel operations
BaseOs repo is for base packages
App stream delivered in 2 formats:
Modules can contain multiple streams to make multiple versions of apps available
Modules can have profiles. Profile- list of packages to a specific use-case (min, recommended, complete installation etc)
Show module list
yum module list
Search the module that provides httpd package
yum module provides httpd
Get more info about module
yum module info php
Show profiles of a module
yum module info –profile php
Show list of streams for a module
yum module list php
Install module with yum module
yum module install php:7.1 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ yum module install php:7.2. This will disable 7.1. steram and 7.2 will be enabled
Install specific profile of the module
yum module install php:7.1/devel
Enable specific module
yum module enable php:7.1
List all yum groups including hidden groups
List all yum groups installed
yum groups list hidden
yum groups list installed
Get info about a specific yum group
yum groups info “Network File System Client”
Install specific yum group
yum groups install “Network File System Client”
Show yum commands history
yum history
yum history info id
Undo a command from yum history
yum history undo 3 (id)
id can be got by yum history