YTTphilosophy Flashcards
what are the yamas?
ahimsa-nonharming satya-truthfulness asteya-nonstealing brahmacharya-continence aparigraha-greedlessness
what are the niyamas?
shauca-cleanliness santosha-contentment tapas-discipline svadhyaya-study of self ishvarapranidhana-devotion to God
what are the eight limbs of yoga?
yama- how you treat others niyama - how you treat yourself asana-posture/seat pranayama- breath control pratyahara-withdrawl of the senses dharana-concentration dhyana-meditation samadhi-bliss
what is the meaning of yoga?
to yoke - the yoking of the individual sense of self to the eternal self - union w/ god - samadhi
what is the meaning of hatha?
the yoking of the sun & moon
what are the four types of yoga?
jnana (knowledge)
bhakti- devotion
what is prana?
life force
what are the five bandhas?
mula bandha - root lock
uddiyana bandha - flying up lock
jalandhara bandha-net lock (chest to chin)
maha bandha - the combination of all three above
brahma bandha - fixing one’s consciousness on the all pervading source
what is a chakra?
subtle energy center
what are the seven chakras?
muladhara- base of the spine (root center)swadhisthana-3 fingers below navel (sexual center)manipura-solar plexus (power center)anahata-heart (compassion center)vishuddha -throat (speech center)ajna-between the eyes (third eye center)sahasrara- top of the head (universal consciousness)
what is atman?
the true self, consciousness
what is the bhagavad gita?
song of the lord, most influential of all shastras
what is the brahma sutra?
principal treatise of the vedanta.
what is brahmacharya?
recognition of Brahman in everything - later to mean celibacy
what is brahman?
infinite conscious, deep reality
what is dharana?
concentration/one of the eight limbs of ashtanga
what is dhyana?
meditation/one of the eight limbs of ashtanga
what is ekagra chitta?
single pointed mind
name the three gunas
rajas, tamas and sattva
what is a guna?
rajas, tamas and sattva
qualities or strands of prakrti which form through their various intertwinings all phenomena
what is hatha yoga?
tantric school of yoga founded approx. 1100CE by the master Ghoraknath. Sun/moon yoga - emphasis on balancing solar & lunar energies in the body
what is the hatha yoga pradipika?
tantric treatise authored by Svatmarama
who is Svatmarama?
author of the hatha yoga pradipika
who is Ghoraknath?
founder of hatha yoga
what is jiva?
not the true self - formed by contact with phenomena
what is kaivalya?
freedom - the goal of yoga
what is karmashaya?
storehouse of karma
what is klesha?
mode of suffering
name the kleshas
ignorance, egoism, desire, hatred & fear of death