YTT poses Flashcards
Name an adjustment for Adho Mukha Savanasana
press sacrum
compact outer hips
press thighs back
Name an adjustment for Uttanasana
press hands down on sacrum
trace sacrum to cervical spine
compact outer hips
Name an adjustment for Tadasana
ground pelvis
lift skull
hands on shoulder blades
Name an adjustment for chaturanga dandasana
shoulderheads up & in
lift inner thighs
Name an adjustment for Virabhadrasana I
ground the back heel use hands to internally rotate back thigh square pelvis lift hip points facilitate backbend (fist to back heart)
Name an adjustment for Uttkatasana
allow them to sit on your thighs
Name an adjustment for Vrksasana
hands on shoulder blades
move shoulderheads back and in
use hands to drop hip & open thigh
Name an adjustment for Ardha Chandrasana
adjust pelvis and back leg
Name an adjustment for parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
pull back outer hip
use hip/leg to prop up their pelvic half
help open chest (from chest)
Name an adjustment for Matsyendrasana
foot to sacrum
hands to shoulder
knee to back heart
Name an adjustment for parivrtta parsvakonasana
legs around hips (squeeze in/compact hips & stabilize pelvis)
reach under ribs to help turn chest
Name an adjustment for supine twist
hand to shoulder
hand to ribs
shoulder blade placement
Name an adjustment for bhujangasana
lift shoulders back and in
press sacrum with flat palm
align back feet
Name an adjustment for Salabhasana
pick shoulderheads up and in
grab feet and lift legs back and up
pull on tops of feet (“straighten your legs”)
Name an adjustment for Dhanurasana
lift shoulders up & in
sit on feet
Name an adjustment for urdhva dhanurasana
use your feet to guide feet in
do not pull from hips
place hands underneath shoulders
Name an adjustment for Ustrasana
foot to sacrum, foot to back heart (pull in opposite directions)
Name an adjustment for Supta Virasana
hands to thighs/quads
press your own heels down and back
Name an adjustment for kapotasana
align back leg
one thumb to hip crease, one thumb under curve of buttock
Name an adjustment for Janu Sirsasana
ground bent leg with your knee
use chest to increase forward bend
Name an adjustment for Ankle to knee (agnistambhasana)
thumbs to hip creases
externally rotate thighs
reclining version - place their foot on your sternum
Name an adjustment for baddha konasa
hands to hip creases
externally rotate thighs
Name an adjustment for paschimottanasana
knees around pelvis
sternum to spine to increase forward bend
Name an adjustment for headstand
once in the inversion/place your fist between their inner thighs ask students to squeeze their legs around your fist - help them to find the midline
Name an adjustment for shoulderstand
ask them to bend their knees, place your forearms under their calves and lift up - use your feet to move their elbows in
Name an adjustment for savasana
press shoulders down
head rub
ABCs of adjustments
think about your hands as a foorm of communication
know your intention
ground from the origin-help move them in the direction of destination
breathe with the person
understand your body in relationship to theirs
have an exit route
always adjust both sides
know your anatomy
remember there is nothing worse than a wet fish
Name alignment cues for Tadasana
toes to touch/heels slightly apart
lift knees & quads
neutral pelvis