YTT 200 Flashcards
What are the 3 Gunas? S.T.R.
Tamas, Sattva, Rajas
Explain the Arc of class.
Initiate the yogic process, Warm the body, Pathway to Peak, Integration
Why is it important to weave a theme into your class?
Express yoga in a larger light
Define Bandhas
Energy Locks
What are the Bandhas? MB, UB, JB, MB
Mula Banda (root), Uddiyana Bandha (diaphragm), Jalandhara Bandha (throat), and Maha Bbandha (all three)
Define the Koshas.
Layers of Being
What are the Koshas? AV, SV, PV, VV, UV
Anna-Maya-Kosha (Physical) Prana-Maya (Life Force) Anana Vayu Samana Vayu Prana Vayu Vyana Vayu Udana Vayu
Define Kleshas
Causes of Suffering
What are the Kleshas? A.A.A.R.D
Abhinivesah (Fear) Avidya (Ignorance) Asmita (Ego) Raga (Attachment) Dvesa (Aversion)
What are the 8 Limbs of Yoga? Y.N.A.P.P.D.D.S.
Yamas - external Niyamas - internal Asana - posture Pranayama - breath Pratyahara - detachment from senses Dharana - concentration Dhyana - meditation Samadhi - ecstasy
What are the Yamas? A.S.S.B.A.
Ahimsa - non-harming Satya - Truthfulness Steya - non-stealing Brahmacharya - Moderating the Senses Aparigraha - Non-possessiveness
What are the Niyamas? S.S.T.S.I-P
Saucha - Purity Santosha - Contentment Tapas - Self Discipline Svadhyaya - Self-Study and Inner Exploration Isvara-Pranidhana - Ultimate Surrender
Define Organic Energy
An outward extension of energy from the focal point through the core lines of the body to the body’s periphery, which increases expansion, flexibility, and freedom in the pose.
Define Muscular Energy
A drawing of energy from the periphery of the body into a central location in the body, called a focal point. Muscular energy seeks to increase stability, strength, and physical integration in the pose.
Where do the 4 corners of the body live?
Shoulders and Hips