Yr 9 Jan Exam Flashcards
What is the definition of health?
A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not nearly the absence of disease or infirmity
What is the definition of fitness?
The ability to meet/cope with the demands of the environment
What is the relationship between health and fitness?
Decreased fitness, because of ill health, i.e. poor health, can result in inability to train, lowers fitness
What is agility?
Keeping the body under control (netball)
What is balance?
The maintenance of the centre of mass over the base support (paddle boarding)
What is cardio vascular endurance
Aka aerobic power. It is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the working muscles (running)
What is coordination?
The ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. (tennis)
What is flexibility?
The range of movements possible at a join (gymnastics)
What is muscular endurance?
The ability of muscles or muscle groups to undergo repeated contraction, avoiding fatigue (swimming)
What is power/explosive strength?
Speed x strength. To throw something far and fast so it stays in the air longer (Shot put)
What is reaction time?
The time taken make a response to a stimulus (sprints, gun start)
What is strength?
The ability to overcome a resistance (rowing)
What is speed?
The maximal rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time (sprints)
What are the 2 different types of strength?
Maximal strength and Explosive strength
What is maximal strength?
Largest force in a single maximal contraction (weightlifting)
What is explosive strength?
Burst of maximum effort (kicking a ball)
Why is agility needed in netball?
To dodge players and get the ball and to run out to receive the centre passes
Why is balence needed in paddle boarding?
To stay stable stood up on the board while the water is moving below you e.g. waves
Why is coordination needed in tennis?
When the ball is coming towards you to make sure the racquet and the ball will touch in the middle creating the most power
Why is flexibility needed in gymnastics?
To perform moves like backbends using the spine
Why is cardio vascular endurance needed in running?
So you can keep going for a long time, stamina
Why is muscular endurance needed in swimming?
Training sessions can last long periods of time legs and arms are used repetitively