Youth Justice Flashcards
Define a child
boy or girl under the age of 14
Define a young person
A boy or girl of or over the age of 14 and under 17
Who is excluded from being considered a young person if they are between the ages of 14 and 17?
a person who is married
What is the criminal responsibility of a child ages 10+?
they can be criminally responsible if the offence is murder or manslaughter
what is the criminal responsibility of a child aged 12-13 years?
if the offence is one (other then murder or manslaughter) which has a maximum penalty is or includes life imprisonment or at least 14 years imprisionment
What is the criminal responsibility for a child aged 12-13 years old who has previous offences?
when the child is a previous offender and commits an offence (other then murder or manslaughter) for which the maximum penalty available is at least 10 years imprisonment but less then 14 years imprisonment
What criminal responsibility does a child under the age of 10 have?
No criminal responsibility
What is the criminal responsibility of a young person who is ages 14-16?
They are criminally responsible for their actions and will be dealt with by YAS/FGC/Youth Court
What is the criminal responsibility for a person aged 17?
They are treated as an adult and protections for CYP no longer applies
What does YAS stand for?
Youth Aid Service
What does FGC stand for?
Family Group Conference
What is section 8?
If a police officer takes any action or makes any decision that significantly affects a CYP the officer shall inform, as soon as practicable, their actions and reasons for them to any parent/guardian/care giver
How can the information be given to a parent/guardian/care giver for section 8?
Can be given orally but is best in writing. (it is best to follow up a phone call with a letter)
What is section 215?
Outlines when a CYP must be informed of their rights before being questioned by an enforcement officer
How should a CYP have their rights explained to them?
In a manner appropriate to their age and level of understanding