Youth Culture Studies Flashcards
Hall and Jefferson
Jefferson argues that the Teddy Boys felt excluded from society because they had done badly in school and had only dead end futures to look forward to. They symbolised the middle class through their clothing choices despite being working class
Cohen and Clarke
Cohen and Clarke both pointed out that the Skinheads felt threatened due to the decline in the working class industry and exaggerated the image of masculinity through their style as a way of symbolically claiming what it meant to be working class.
Hebdige’s punk research
Hebdige coined the term ‘Bricolage’ to describe the dress style of the Punks, taking old clothing ripping it apart and fitting it back together in a new way using safety pins. This attracted working class youths who wanted to make a statement about the political situation at the time
Thornton points out that youth cultures are mainly dominated by males, and associated masculinity, as girls often married early and had less disposable income. Girl’s spent more time focusing on school while boys listened to music and earnt money to spend. This is supported by most work done by the CCCs
A Cohen
A Cohen’s study of delinquent boys found they behaviour was driven by the need to achieve a higher status on the social hierarchy
Harding suggested that girls use their social skills to carve a more important and active role in gang cultures, buy patriarchal stereotypes still exist so sexual violence is often used against them so they ‘stay in line’
Reddington’s POV
Reddington argues that were active female members of spectacular subcultures, also pointing out that the Punk subculture in particular involved women from the start
McRobbie and Garber
McRobbie and Garber were very critical of the CCCs for ignoring girls, and found in their own studies women were present in spectacular subcultures such as the Mods who had a female counterpart the Mod Girl as the group was not overly masculine these girls were more visible
Bennett’s research
Bennett has argued that modern neo-tribes are the new form of subcultures and they do not contain any gender biases as both genders are equally encouraged to discover their own identities
Hetherington’s research
Hetherington argued neo-tribes are the new youth cultures, he found that new age travellers were all from a variety of social backgrounds and it was their values which united them
Brake pointed out that youth subcultures offered magical solutions rather than practical ones
Fuller studied a group of black girls who channeled anger from racism in schools into educational success
Becker argued that the youths are labelled, which causes them to become deviants
Hedbidge and Rastafarianism
Hebdige saw that Rastas were associated with caribbean culture and forms as resistance to racism and safety from oppression