You're really going to clean him up. Flashcards
Vc realmente vai limpá-lo
You’re really going to clean him up.
Vc vai mesmo limpá-lo
You knew that, did’t you?
Vc sabia disso, né?
I’ll do it on my own.
Au du ironmyon
We will catch up on old times.
We could take a beer and we’ll catch up old times.
Vamos relembrar os velhos tempos
It could be quite a while
Pode demorar um bom tempo
Cela pourrait prendre un certain temps.
It’s been a while since we’ve all seen each other.
Já faz um tempo desde que todos nós nos vimos.
I’ll do it on my on
Eu farei isso sozinho.
Na verdade
Awesome stuff
Truc génial
They even took me out to dinner.
Ate me levaram para jantar
How old are you turning?
Quel âge as-tu ?
I wanted to throw a party tomorrow.
Je voulais organiser une fête demain.
Could you dim the lights?
Pourrais-tu baisser les lumières ?
Could you light up a candle?
Pourrais-tu allumer une bougie ?
Could you blow out the candle?
Pourrais-tu souffler la bougie ?
At the moment
I ain’t got no time for this.
Je n’ai pas le temps pour ça.
I wasn’t used to it.
Je n’y étais pas habituée.
I’m not used to it.
Je n’y suis pas habituée.
I used to live here.
J’habitais ici.
I need to GET USED to talking English.
Je dois m’HABITUER à parler anglais.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE to get used to living in a new city?
Combien de temps faut-il pour s’habituer à vivre dans une nouvelle ville ?
I GOT TO USE to eat early.
J’ai PRIS L’HABITUDE de manger tôt.