You are what you eat Flashcards
n’avoir que la peau sur les os
to be skin and bone
Se répand dans le monde entier
is spreading all around the world
Les mannequins sont faites comme des cures dents
Models are shaped like toothpicks
Augmenter la consommation de fruits et de légumes
to increase fruit and vegetable intake
une alimentation saine
a healthy diet
to put on weight
être en surpoid
to be overweight
l’obésité infantile
childhood obesity
enfants dodus
plump children
American company founded in 1963. When they join, its members choose a goal weight compatible with a healthy body mass index. Then they encourage each other to achieve their objective.
A 2004 documentary film directed by Morgan Spurlock. For 1 month, he dined at McDonald’s restaurants 3 times a day. Shows the dangers of eating junk-food regularly:
effects on his physical and psychological well-being. => Sexual dysfunction, liver damage, mood swings
Boissons gazeuses
Fizzy drinks, sodas
La peau et les os
skin and bone
une alimentation saine
a healthy diet
nourriture bio
organic food