You actually have to dealwthis Flashcards
2 years ago
Dating women
Bad for all of us..not seeing anyone now but don’t want it to come out of the blue
Also I didn’t fully appreciate how challenging it would be for you and I think I am better able to empathize with you now…the most important thing is
Understand: positive!
No crushes, no marriage -> hopeless
Possibilities: excited!
Ok not to be happy
I’m not going anywhere, no matter what.
Nothing is changing and I know processing this is going to continue to take a lot of time
Also I hope you see that if you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop or something, it’s not going to. I’ve been dating women for almost three years now and nothing has changed
“This doesn’t make sense”
I understand it’s hard to wrap your head around
How would you like me to explain it?
What would make sense?
How can I make it make sense?
I understand that. But I am happy and healthy and excited about future relationships and that’s what’s most important
“What about guys?”
Never say never but I’m not actively dating guys rn because I didn’t find it fulfilling
“I think you’re confused.”
I can see why you’d think that. I know this is confusing for you and it was for me at the very start of the process. But it is a process and I’m not confused anymore.
“How do you know?” or “Are you sure?”
I came to understand myself, my attractions, and interests based on a ton of factors: past relationships, emotional connections, various experiences. I can’t boil it down to one specific origin…just like you can’t boil down why you love dad to one specific origin
Why are you bringing this up now?
Because I love you and I want to be honest with you and I don’t want to feel like a teenager, trying to hide something that I don’t believe needs to be hidden.
“Gay people can’t be happy”
I love my life and I love the way I view the world around me because of who I am and whom I love.
Have you tried dating men?
Being gay is not about whether or not I have tried to date [opposite gender]. It is about who I am physically, emotionally and romantically attracted to.
Why are you telling us this? What’s your goal?
I want to feel more authentic and genuinely myself with you…and in the future I do hope to have a partner and I would hate to have this come out of the blue then and feel like a blindside
When did you know?
I think I started questioning in 2017 but I didn’t start exploring it until 2020 or identifying as gay or lesbian until 2021. It’s taken me a long time to understand my attractions and emotions…so I understand if it takes you a long time too.
Why did you wait so long to tell us?
I don’t want our relationship to change…and two years ago it seemed like it might and that scared me
What if it changes?
Let’s focus on the experience right now and not worry so much about the future
What do you want us to do?
Nothing, really except keep an open mind. I’m happy and healthy and you did a great job parenting me. I’m also having a book delivered here…only the first couple of chapters are relevant bc your parenting job is done but I thought it might be helpful to read
Things are bad now. Why are you telling us now?
Would there be a good time to tell you?
I came tothe conclusion that the longer I let it sit, the harder it would be to reopen the topic
Last time was bad
Yes, I know. It all happened in a rush, very fast, and I didn’t pause to empathize with you and how this might feel for you. It was new territory for me too and I also wasn’t sure how to navigate it. I’d like us to do better this go-round.
Starts attacking homosexuality
I know you love me so I know you don’t think that what you’re saying upsets me, but it does so please stop.
Who have you told?
I’m very open about this with my friends and you are welcome to be open about it with friends and family as well.
Will your life be harder?
I might have to think about things that you and dad have never had to in your relationship…but that doesn’t scare me. for the record, no one has had a negative reaction to my being gay - except for you guys…handling the family aspect of this has been the only hard part
If you haven’t been in a relationship, how could you possibly know?
I haven’t been in a relationship but I’ve been lucky enough to experience some really wonderful connections – like with my friend Joanna whom I met in Scotland – and sexuality isn’t determined by who you’re in a relationship with but who I’m physically, emotionally, and romantically attracted to
This is a phase
You could be right and my understanding of myself could evolve. But it’s equally likely I meet a girl and fall in love, get married, have kids, and grow old with her, happier than you could have ever imagined.