Yookoso Sentences 1 of 2 Flashcards
No, I don’t understand.
Iie, wakarimasen.
Do you have any questions?
Shitsumon ga arimasu ka.
Yes, I do (have questions)
Hai, arimasu.
No, I don’t (have any questions).
Iie, arimasen,
Let’s begin.
Once again, please.
Moo ichido.
Everyone (do it) together.
Minasan, issho ni.
Is that all right?
Ii desu ka.
That’s fine.
Ii desu ne.
Well done.
Yoku dekimashita.
See you next time.
Dewa mata kono tsugi.
Good morning (formal)
Ohayoo gozaimasu.
Good morning (informal)
Good afternoon.
Konnichi wa.
Good evening.
Konban wa.
How are you?
Ogenki desu ka.
(Yes, ) I’m fine.
Ee, genki desu.
Thanks to you, I’m fine.
Okagesama de, genki desu.
(Yes,) thanks to you…(I’m fine). (informal)
Ee, okagesama de…
I haven’t seen you for a long time. (formal)
Ohisashiburi desu ne.
I haven’t seen you for a long time (informal).
Shibaraku desu ne.
Goodbye (lit. Excuse me)
Shitsuree shimasu.
See you later (lit. again) (informal)
Ja (or Dewa), mata.
See you (very informal).
Ja (or Dewa).
Good night. (informal)