Yogic texts Flashcards
Bhagavad gita whats it about?
The ‘song of god’ is the story of arjuna, a warrior prince waiting to go into battle. He is paralysed by indecision though as to fight will mean to kill members of his own family and his respected teachers, but if he doesn’t fight, he will lose the throne that is rightfully his. His charioteer, really the god krishna in disguise, advises him. Krishna says that even inaction is an active choice with consequences. Whatever our actions, we cannot know the consequences in advance so we must do our dharma or duty (which in Arjuna’s case as a warrior is to fight) without attachment to the outcome.
What does the BG show us?
how to live without suffering. how to have a spiritually meaningful life while still participating in family, work and social obligations. Do your tasks without worrying about the outcome or expecting a
What is karma yoga?
yoga of action, especially seva selfless service
What is bhakti yoga?
Yoga of devotion, worship, prayer, chanting
what is Jnana Yoga?
The yoga of wisdom, knowledge and self study
What is raja yoga?
Also known as astanga (eight limbed) yoga, raja yoga is the royal path explained in the yoga sutras of patanjali
What are the yoga sutras?
They are a collection of 196 aphorisms or short statements of wisdom.
What does ‘sutra’ mean?
Sutra means thread. the aphorisms are threaded together like pearls of wisdom on a necklace
Who formulated the text?
The text was compiled by the students of patanjali an ancient sage of india around 1700 years ago and synthesizes his teachings and those of earlier gurus.
Who is patanjali?
No one really knows as there is very little historical evidence. Legand has it that patanjali is the son of gonika who prayed for a child to pass all her yogic knowledge onto. Opening her hands, a child with a serpent’s tail fell from the sky, this was patanjali.
What did he formulate and why is it so important?
The sutras are the first time that the concept of yoga was systematically organised, it is a guidebook to raja yoga and considered foundation to yoga of today
What did Patanjali do for yoga theory in relation to meditation and the limbs of yoga?
The 8 limbs of yoga set out the route anyone can take to master meditation and therefore Legend (enlightenment)
What are the eight limbs?
Yamas (self disciplines), niyamas (observances), asanas (physical postures) Pranayama (breathing exercises) Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses) Dharana (concentration) Dhyana (meditation) Samhadi (enlightenment)
What is ahimsa?
Ahimsa is non-violence, in word, thought and deed
What did you learn from the sutras?
Yoga is a state of being