Yoga Medicine Retake Exam Flashcards
What is the direct English translation of “Ayurveda”?
Life Knowledge
The gluteus maximus must vigorously contract in backbends.
Parsvottanasana (pyramid) will primarily stretch _____.
The fascia creates a continuous web of support that connects & covers every muscle, nerve blood vessel, bone & organ from head to toe.
The Vasisthasana (side plank), it is important to:
f) b & c only
What elements make up Kapha?
Earth & water
In Vrksasana (tree), the bent knee should be pointing:
To the side only as much as you can while keeping the pelvis facing forward.
Which muscle supports the lumbar spine & can be active through most of the practice because it is not dependent on the movement or position of the body?
Transverse abdominis
As a teacher, when teaching the chakras, it is key for you to have your students take the time to notice where they are starting from.
Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga, which lead progressively to liberation, include _______.
Which is usually the most accessible stretch for the external rotators of the hip?
Figure 4
In backbends, the pelvis should be anteriorly tilted.
Bandhas & mudras support & direct the flow of energy during yoga practice.
Contraindications for Eka pada rajakapotasana (pigeon) include _______.
e) a & c only
In Upavistha konasana (wide-angle seated forward bend), which of the following is lengthening/stretching the most?
In Anjaneyasana (crescent lunge), the following cues all aim to support the lumbar: sacrum lengthens toward floor; cinch waist; front ribs back toward spine.
Which muscles create the 3 pillars of deep support for the lumbar spine?
All the following poses activate or strengthen the gluteus maximus EXCEPT ______.
Uttanasana (standing forward fold
Which muscle is primarily responsible for the action of knitting/drawing the front ribs back in something like crescent lunge or virabhadrasana A (warrior 1)?
Upper rectus abdominis
“Drishti” means ______.
f) a&c only
Poses the stretch Gluteus Medius include ______.
f) a, c & d only
The diaphragm is the primary muscle of relaxed breathing.
The psoas is the only muscle that connects the spine to the leg.
What are some qualities of Pitta?
Spreading, oily, hot & sharp
The primary movement of the serratus anterior is ______.
Scapular protraction
What elements make up Vata?
Air & space