Yoga Flashcards
What is the ultimate goal of Yoga
Absolute freedom
Recognize who we truly are
End suffering that comes with the illusion
Means to unite/to harmonize
Means knowledge or wisdom
Means to see
What philosophies are considered part of the Sad Darśana
Philosophy based on the dual aspects of Puruśa and Prakrti
Dualistic philosophy that introduces the concept of Iśvara and gives us a pathway to find our original Puruśa
Special type of Puruśa that is worthy of devotion
Presented in 4 chapters and forms the basics of this philosophy
Yoga Sutras
Philosophy that teaches one to analyze and practices the teachings and rituals of the Vedas
Philosophy that deals with the logic of achieving truth.
Divided into 5 chapters and founded by the Sage Gautama
What are the 4 Pramānas(4 means of knowledge/proofs)
Pratyaksa: Direct Perception
Anumāna: Inference
Upāmana: Analogy
Śabda: Word spoken by teachers
Philosophy that helps to explain the creation of the universe and explains 7 categories of knowledge
What are the 7 prameyas(categories of knowledge)
Dravya: Substance
Guna: Quality
Karma: Action
Sāmānya: Similarity
Viśesa: Dissimilarity
Samavāya: Unbreakable relation
Abhāva: Absence
Philosophy that teaches the concept of the true self and the idea that life and the universe are one
Advaita Vedānta
Emphasizes that knowledge is the only path
Taught by Śankara
Advaita Vedānta
Teaches that God and Soul are different but eternally related. Devotion is the path to salvation
Taught by Mādhva.
Dvaita Vedānta
Teaches that God and Individual souls are inseparable and that knowledge and devotion are equally important
What are the four vedas
Rg Veda
Yajur Veda
Sāma Veda
Atharva Veda
Represented by 108 poetic statements that are considered themes of Vedantic teachings
Part of the epic Mahābhārata War and considered the greatestbof the Yoga scriptures
Authored by Veda Vyāsa
Bhagavad Gitā
What are the four chapters of the Yoga Sūtras
Samādhi Pāda
Sādhana Pāda
Vibhūti Pāda
Kaivalya Pāda
Chapter of the Yoga Sūtras that defines yoga and the movement of the consciousness
Samādhi Pāda
Discussion of 5 of the 8 limbs of yoga are discussed in this chapter of the Yoga Sūtras
Sādhana Pāda
Divine effects of Yoga Sādhana are given as well as discussion of
Vibhůti Pāda
Discusses practices for individuals who live life above the influences of the 3 gunas of nature
Kaivalya Pāda
Stands for “that which illuminates”
Discusses purifying the body through yogic postures and then using prānāyāma to clear panic channels
Hatha Yoga Pradīpikā
What are the four mārga (paths) of Yoga
Karma Yoga
Bhakti Yoga
Jñāna Yoga
Rāja Yoga
Yogic path of service
Karma Yoga
Yogic path of devotion
Bhakti Yoga
Yogic path of knowledge
Jñāna Yoga
Yogic path considered Royal Yoga
Rāja Yoga
What are the 4 goals of life according to Vedānta?
Dharma: Duty In life
Artha: Purification of action
Kāma: Enjoyment or desire
Moksa: Liberation or emancipation
What are the 4 Āśramas(stages) of Life
Student stage of life.
7-25 years
Student acquires knowledge of science , philosophy, scriptures, and logic from guru
Householder stage of life.
22-65 years.
Represents the most intense, physical, emotional, occupational, social, and material attachment stage of life.
Retirement stage of life
55-75 years
Advisory role to those in the Grhastha Āśrama
Renunciation stage of life
75+ years
Renounces all attachment to material desires.
What is the true definition of Āsana
A posture is one the body takes that displays both strength and ease.
How to master Āsana
When effort ceases in the posture stability is attained and then yogi can then grasp the physiology of the āsana `
Prānāyāma that decreases Kapha and increases digestive fire.
It induces stable states of mind
Has an audible sound with the breath in the back of the throat.