Yezhovshchina Flashcards
- How many adult men were arrested by the NKVD between 1937 and 38?
- What % of the male adult population was this? - Of these, around how many were deported.
- Over how many were executed? - Which social group did the terror focus on?
- Why? - What % of those targeted were men?
- 1.5 million.
- Around 10%. - 635,000.
- 680,000. - Urban educated men between ages 30 and 45 holding senior positions in govt.
- Most likely to oppose Stalin. - 95%.
- Why did the terror accelerate and expand in part?
- What did NKVD agents demand?
- At a local level, workers and peasants organised their own what?
- Where were communist officials publicly tried for misusing govt funds?
- Popular participation.
- Higher targets.
- Show Trials.
- Kazan.
- The terror removed everyone from govt who had what? (2)
- Who did Stalin replace these officials with?
- However, who did Stalin remove which caused economic problems? (2)
- What trial was Yagoda tried as part of?
- Yezhov and over 300 of his closest associates were ____ in ____.
- Either fought in the C.W. or worked with Lenin.
- His own supporters.
- Experts needed to run his command economy.
- Trial of the 21.
- Shot in 1940.