yes Flashcards
In the high mountain that runs north of Mesopotamia a wild mountain tribe had long been living. They had a beautiful religion: they worshiped light and the sun and believed it to be in constant warfare with the dark —that is, with the powers of evil.
What kind of religion did they worship?
Cyrus became lord of that great realm. His first act was to free all the people held in captivity by the Babylonians
Who was cyrus?
But his son, Cambyses, succeeded. Egypt fell and the Pharaoh was deposed.
When was the pharoh desposed?
Darius now began to extend his empire out into Asia Minor, along whose coasts lay cities of the Ionian Greeks.
Where did Dariuss land spread beyond?
Many of the people who lived in the Greek colonies were rich merchants,
Where the people of the greek colonies rich or poor?
And in particular by the Athenians, who sent them in ships
What did the athenians send?
Cyrius then sent his son-in-law
Who was sent in their son in law?
With roughly ten thousand soldiers the Athenian army was outnumbered seven to one
What percentage where they numbered?
For the Athenians had a general named Miltiades, a brave and able man, who had lived for many years among the Persians, and knew their fighting tactics.
What where the athenians general named?
For ships had to negotiate a long spit of land easily crossed on foot
What form of travel did they revert to when the ships could not travel anu more?
He sent a messenger ahead, who was to run as fast as he could, to warn the Athenian
Why was a messenger sent out?
Famous, because the messenger ran so far and so fast that all he could do was deliver his message before he fell down dead.
Could the messanger get the message across or not?
Dressed in their traditional costumes, with their weapons, their bows and arrows, shields and swords, lances, war-chariots and slings, they were a vast swirling multitude,
What where they to be dressed in?
A small army of Spartans who made an alliance with the Athenians, tried to block the Persian advance in a narrow pass called Thermopylae.
What was the narrow pass that the persians atempted to cross?
‘So much the better,’ cried the Spartans, ‘then we’ll fight in the shade!’ But a treacherous Greek showed the Persians a way over the mountains and the Spartan army was surrounded and trapped.
What did the spartans cry out to anyone who was listening?
Themistocles had the whole of Athens evacuated
What did themistolces have evacuated?
‘Make haste and attack, or the Athenians’ allies will escape you!’
Quote that claimed the athenaian allies would ecape you.
Aghast, he ordered the retreat. And so for the second time the Athenians were victorious, and against an even greater army than before.
What where athenian ordered at the time?
For, whereas the great empires of the East bound themselves so tightly to the traditions and teachings of their ancestors that they could scarcely move, the Greeks–and the Athenians in particular–did the opposite
Which two groups did the opposite of listening to traditions given by their ancestors?
The next was accusations, slander, and exile, this was not the best feature of the Athenians, yet it was part
What was the best feature of the athenians?