yes Flashcards
• nonobjective
make no reference whatsoever to the natural world, no pretext to representing it, but even nonobjective works are not without a subject
• content
refers to a work’s array of intangible aspects: the emotional, intellectual, psychological, symbolic elements.
• form
totality of a composition or design—the arrangement or organization of all of its visual elements
• iconography
themes and symbols—figures and images that, when deciphered, reveal the underlying meaning of a work of art.
• subject
is the what of a work of art—people, places, things, themes, processes, events, ideas
• genre
Categories of subjects with which artists work are often called
• abstract
may be difficult to decipher because it no longer fully resembles the original things or scenes from which it was derived
• line
s a basic—and perhaps the most essential—element of art.
flat area created when two ends of a line are connected and an area is enclosed.
describes the relative lightness or darkness of an image.
complex element of art to define
surface character of materials as experienced by the senses of touch and sight
describes the area around or within the components of a work of art
time and motion
n art are connected: motion occurs over time and distance. Motion can be actual (components of a work of art actually change position) or implied (illusory).
design principles
efer to the visual strategies that, along with the elements of art, are used to construct a work of art