Years Percentages Flashcards
Time to claim from breach or damage for Negligence/ Tort
6 years
Time to claim injury for Negligence/ tort
3 years
Minimum for public companies share capital
Directors public company private company
More than 2 more than 1
Public companies private companies should prepare their accounts in ?
6 9 months
Amend articles should be send to register
15 days
Sizes of sml
Turnover less than 6,5 25,9
Balance sheet less than 3,26 less than 12,9 employees less than 50 250
Directors age
16 years
Time to change directors in register
14 days
What proportion of directors should retire each year
Disqualification for directors
Serious offences
For persistently being in default of legislation (3 convictions in 5 years)
Minimum disqualification period
2 years
Directors contracts need approval for ?
2 years
More than 10% of the company assets and 5 k 100k
Complete control shareholders
Considerable influence
Can apply for cancellation of variation of rights within 21 days
Class shares 15%
Shareholders vote meeting
Notice if members resolution
General meeting
10% shareholders
Directors must call a company meeting in?
It must take place in?
21 days
28 days
Members might set up a own meeting in?
Notice for meeting unless >=90% Net value of shareholders ?
Notice for AGM
21 days
Ordinary resolution
Special resolution
More than 50%, 77%
Time to file special resolution in register?
15 days
Written resolution must be passed, from circulation?
28 days
Special meeting notice must be given in?
28 days
General meetings must have at least
2 people
Records must be kept for?
10 years
Pre emotion rights must be considered for ?
21 days
Members can get compensation for pre emotion rights
2 years
Public company must have…. Paid up Nvalude shares?
Shares cannot be allotted as fully paid if something happens >= ? Later
5 years
Acquiring share premium
90% more than
Time to refuse unlisted shares
2 months
Share capital time to tell register
1 month
Fixed charge invalid
6 months less than
Floating g charge might be void after liquidation
12 months less than
When you create a charge you have how many days to tell the register
21 days
Administrator time to appoint
5 days
Qualifying floating charge notice
2 days
File appointment with register and get employees statement s who have 11 days
Les than 7 days
Submit a statement of proposal administrator
Less than 8 weeks
Void contract is
Is not a contract at all, parties are not bound by it. Property can be recovered even from third parties.
Voidable contract is
A contract that one party might set aside. Property transfered before avoidance is usually irrecovorable from 3P
Unenforcable contract is
If a party fails to perform its contract, the other party cannot compel him to do so.
Unenforcable contracts
Land and guarantee should be in writing
Lack of capacity (18 years old or not with sound mind) is a .. contract
Absence of free will( duress and undue influence)
Illegaly (not ofend public)
Mispresentation: A makes a pre-contractual statement of fact that is intended to enter into a contract but turns out to be untrue
If contract is not in the corret form it is