I know the difference between the British Isles, The UK, and Great Britain.
British Isles = Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Island, Island.
The UK = Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Island.
Great Britain = Scotland, Wales, England.
I understand what the study of Geography is and the difference
between human and physical Geography
The study of geography is the study of the world, its people, and the interations between the two.
Human geography is the study of the interaction between human beings and their environment. Physical geography is the study of natural features of the earths surface such as natural processes, landforms and oceans.
I understand a little about the concept of Brexit and what this
term means
Brexit is short for “British exit” and describes the UK’s scheduled departure from the European Union.
I understand what it means to be British and am aware of
stereotypes of British people
some stereotypes of British people are : eating roast dinners. eating fish and chips. drinking tea. .ect.
I can describe the location of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Island, and Island.
England comprises most of the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain, in addition to a number of small islands of which the largest is the Isle of Wight. England is bordered to the north by Scotland and to the west by Wales.
Wales is a country part of the United Kingdom and the island of Great Britain, bordered by England to its east and the Atlantic Ocean and Irish Sea to its north and west, the Bristol Channel to its south and Celtic Sea to its southwest.
Scotland is Located in the mid-west of Europe, Occupying the northern third of Great Britain we share a border with England in the south.
Northern Ireland, part of the United Kingdom, lying in the northeastern quadrant of the island of Ireland, on the western continental periphery often characterized as Atlantic Europe.
The island is situated in between the countries of Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Norway, South of the Arctic Circle.
have a basic geographical knowledge of the UK including major
towns/cities, mountains and rivers
towns/cities : London Birmingham Glasgow Liverpool .ect.
mountains :
Ben Nevis
rivers :
River Thames
River Severn
I understand the concepts of population density and population
distribution and how are they calculated, concepts of sparse and
dense population
population density = the number of people per km squared= number of people divided by land area.
population distribution= the spread of population, where people live=
sparse population= few people per km squared
dense population= lots of people per km squared
I know what a choropleth map is and how to construct and
interpret one to show population density
choropleth maps are maps with 1 colour in different shades to show the population density.
the lightest shade would be very low density.
the middle shade would be medium density.
the darkest shade would be very high density.
I know what a choropleth map is and how to construct and
interpret one to show population density
choropleth maps are maps with 1 colour in different shades to show the population density.
the lightest shade would be very low density.
the middle shade would be medium density.
the darkest shade would be very high density.
I understand a range of human and physical factors that affect
population densities
physical factors:
extreme climates- sahara desert.
mountains or highland areas- the scottish highlands.
dense vegetation- the amozon rainforest.
human factors:
political factors- goverment stability.
social factors- desire of people to live close to one another, recreational oppotunities, historical links, transport links.
I can locate areas of upland within the UK and understand how
landscape features may affect population density
I understand that the UK is part of the continent of Europe, many
of the countries in Europe belong to the European Union.
European countries have close economic, scientific and cultural
links with one another. I can give examples of these links.
Economic links:
The Euro is a form of currency. Many EU members use it because it helps to make trade easier between member states. The group of countries that use the Euro are called the ‘Eurozone’
Transport links :
The rise of budget airlines, making short-distance flights more economical.
The Channel tunnel, Europe’s longest tunnel, built in 1994. It goes under the sea between England and France and was built for high-speed trains.
The EU allowing freer movement of people between member states.
Communication links:
mobile phones.
satellite TV.
Skills Focus: O.S MAP SKILLS
study in book: The interpretation and understanding of OS maps including: compass directions measuring distance/scale map symbols 4 figure grid references 6 figure grid references
I understand the meaning of the terms weather and climate
weather = the day to day condition of the atmosphere [e.g. temperature, wind, rainfall ]
climate = the average weather conditions over a long period of time, usually 30 years.
I can describe the location of the world’s main climatic zones
POLAR CLIMATE ZONE: The polar (arctic) climate zone occupies the ice caps of the planet. The temperatures are negative all year round. In the South hemisphere this climate zone occupies the all territory of Antarctica and in the North hemisphere occupies the Arctic ocean
The temperate zone is the area of the earth that lies between the middle latitudes, which is 40 degrees to 60 degrees to the north-south of the Equator. The temperate zones are located in the regions of the Earth between the tropic regions and the polar regions. The climate that occurs in this region is called the temperate climate.
The tropical climate zone of our planet, occupy wide territories between the subequatorial climate zone and the 30-th parallel. In reality the tropic circles pass through 23.5° north and south latitude, but this is rather orientation than real border of the tropical climate zone.
I understand that aspects of the weather (such as temperature
and precipitation) can be measured and recorded to enable
forecasts to be made.
I have knowledge of the various instruments used to measure the
weather eg thermometer
temperature = how hot or cold it is = thermometer
precipitation = water falling from the sky [ e.g. rain, hail, sleet, snow.] = rain gauge.