Year 3 Flashcards
What are the indications for ventilation?
GCS below 8 RR >30bpm PaO2 >8kPa PaCO2 >6.5kPa pH <1 L ( normally 3-5L)
What are normal ABGs?
pH = 7.35 - 7.45 Pa02 = 10.7 - 13.3 kPa PaCO2 = 4.7 - 6.1 kPa HCO3- = 22 - 26 mmol BE = -2 to +2
What does PEEP stand for?
Positive end expiratory pressure
What is PEEP?
The pressure that exists at the end of expiration that is needed to keep the alveoli splinted open to prevent collapse.
Low = 5cmH2O
Mod = 8-10cmH2O
High = >10cmH2O
What is CPAP/PS?
Patients trigger each breath but the machine supports spontaneous breaths and assists inspiration
What does SIMV stand for?
Synchronised Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
What does SIMV do?
Usually used when very sedated but does allow for spontaneous breathing
What doesBiPAP stand for?
Biphasic positive airway pressure
What does BiPAP do?
Alternates between Phigh and Plow at a set rate. A patient can take a spontaneous breath at any point but is only supported at PLow
What does APRV stand for?
Airway pressure release ventilation
What does APRV do?
Patient is kept at Phigh for longer and then drops to Plow before going straight up to Phigh again. Really good for gaseous exchange
What does PRVC stand for?
Pressure regulated volume controlled
What does PRVC do?
Set TV with a variable flow rate hence is more natural and so more comfortable for patients
What are the cardiac effects of ventilation?
Decreases BP
Decreases VR
Decreases CO
What are the renal effects of ventilation?
Decreased urinary output can lead to a acute kidney injury