Year 2 Proficiencies Flashcards
What to do if child presents with bronchiolitis?
Signs: coryzal prodrome followed by persistent cough AND either tachypnoea or chest recession AND wheeze or crackles on chest auscultation. Fever and poor feeding also common.
Measure oxygen sats
Give oxygen if sats persistently below 92%
Fluids by naso/oro gastric tubre if not taking enough by mouth
Discharge is clinically stable, taking adequate oral fluids and maintained oxygen over 92% for at least 4 hours.
Some examples of risk assessment tools for self harm
Sad persons tool - should not be used for anything other than to help structure discussions
Risk factors for developing pressure sores
Decreased mobility Neurological impairment Incontinence Temperature and humidity Decreased nutrition and circulation
Reducing risk of pressure ulcers
Correct positioning, regular skin checks, changing position, good diet, barrier creams, pressure relief equipment