Year 2 Model Answers Flashcards
Describe predator-prey relationships
Predator populations peaks after prey population
Prey population increases due to low numbers of predators
more food for predators so numbers increase
increased predation reduces number of prey
number of predators decreases due to lack of food / starvation;
Describe Succession
Pioneer species colonises an area with hostile conditions
This leads to changes in the abiotic factors
The conditions become less hostile
Other species are able to colonise the area
Conditions continue to change and become less hostile and new organisms outcompete the pioneer species increasing biodiversity
Eventually conditions become favourable to a climax community
The climax community has stable abiotic factors, stable populations, stable communities
Why are there are energy losses between trophic levels in consumers?
Energy is not transferred between consumers because:
Some parts aren’t eaten (bones) and some parts are eaten and are not absorbed (faeces)
Some parts are eaten, absorbed but excreted (urine)
Some biomass us broken down and lost as heat in respiration (temp regulation/movement)
Why don’t plants convert energy from light to GPP?
Sunlight is not converted to biomass because:
Some light is the wrong wavelength (e.g. green)
Some doesn’t hit a chlorophyll molecule/transmitted
Most light is reflected by other molecules in the atmosphere
Other limiting factors may be involved
What is Biomass?
Dry mass of carbon in a organisms in a particular area
How do farmers increase productivity?
Food chains/webs are simplified (pests are removed)
Respiration of livestock is reduced (movement limited, temperature regulated)
How is Biomass determined?
A sample of organism is dried.
The sample is then weighed at regular intervals (e.g. every day)
Until the mass remains constant
Describe the Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen gas in the air is converted into ammonia in the soil by nitrogen fixing bacteria
Some nitrogen fixing bacteria in leguminous plant root nodules have a mutualistic relationship with plants and convert nitrogen gas to ammonia then nitrates directly
Nitrates in the soil are absorbed by plant roots and converted to nitrogen containing compounds e.g. amino acids and DNA
Nitrogen containing compounds in plants may be absorbed when eaten by consumers
Proteins from waste and dead material are broken down/hydrolysed to ammonia in soil by enzymes released by saprobionts during ammonification
Ammonia in the soil is oxidised to nitrites, then nitrates, by nitrifying bacteria in the soil in aerobic conditions. These nitrates can be absorbed by the plants
If the soil is waterlogged, the lack of oxygen leads to denitrification where nitrates are converted back to gaseous nitrogen by denitrifying bacteria
Describe ways the Nitrogen Cycle is Optimised
Using crop rotation to plant leguminous plants – these will replenish nitrates in the soil
Using crop rotation to replenish soil nutrients
Ploughing aerates soil to ensure more oxidised ammonia nitrates in nitrification
Preventing waterlogging reduces anaerobic conditions so less denitrification occurs
Selective breeding can be used to optimise growing conditions
Fertilisers can be added to increase concentration of minerals e.g. nitrates
Describe the Phosphorous Cycle
Plants absorb phosphorous form the soil
Consumers eat the plants and absorb phosphorous
Dead and waste (faeces etc.) material is decomposed releasing phosphorous into the soil
Runoff from farm fertiliser means excess phosphorous enters bodies of water (lakes/rivers etc.)
Phosphorous sediment in water is uplifted forming rocks on the surface
Weathering releases phosphorous from the rock into the water and soil
Leeching of phosphorous from soil/weathered rock causes phosphorous to enter the water
Describe Eutrophication
Excess nitrates runoff into bodies of water
Excess growth of algae/Algal bloom forms on the surface of water
Reduced light so aquatic plants die less photosynthesis
Saprobionts respire aerobically while decomposing dead matter
Less oxygen for fish and other organisms to respire so they die
Describe the Light Dependent Reaction
In photoionisation, light excites the electrons in chlorophyll II and they move to carrier proteins in the thylakoid membrane.
The electrons are replaced by the e- produced by splitting water (photolysis), which also produces oxygen and H+.
Electrons move along carrier proteins in a series of redox reactions losing energy as they go. This is used to pump H+ into the thylakoid space creating a chemiosmotic gradient.
H+ move down the gradient through ATP synthase during photophosphorylation producing ATP from ADP+Pi
The electrons are donated to chlorophyll I and more are excited by light, travelling along another ETC until they reduce NADP to NADPH with H+ from photolysis.
Describe the Light Independent Reaction
CO2 is fixed, combining with RuBP using the enzyme Rubisco
This produces two glycerate-3-phosphate (GP)
GP is reduced to Triose phosphate (TP)
Using energy from ATP and reduced NADP
TP can be regenerated to RuBP using energy from ATP,
1C from TP is converted into organic molecules e.g. glucose, amino acids, glycerol
Describe Glycolysis
In the cytoplasm
Phosphorylation of glucose using ATP to make it more reactive;
Lysis of the phosphorylated glucose intermediate to form Triose Phosphate
Oxidation from TP to pyruvate by losing H+ and e-
Net gain of 2 ATP;
NAD reduced/NADH formed
Describe the Link Reaction
In the mitochondrial matrix
Pyruvate is oxidised using coenzyme A
CO2 released
NAD is reduced
Acetyl CoA is formed
Describe the Krebs cycle
Acetyl CoA reacts with a 4C acceptor molecule
The 6C intermediate is decarboxylated and oxidised, removing CO2 and reducing NAD
The resulting 5C intermediate is also decarboxylated and oxidised removing CO2 and reducing 2xNAD, reducing FAD and generating 1x ATP in a series of REDOX reactions.
Until the original 4C acceptor is formed again.
Describe Oxidative Phosphorylation
FADH and NADH are oxidised and lose e- and H+
The e- are passed from carrier protein to carrier protein in the mitochondria inner membrane in a series of redox reactions
This releases energy
The energy is used to pump H+ through the membrane into the inner membrane space building a chemiosmotic gradient
H+ moves back through the membrane through ATP synthase
Oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor forming water
Describe Anaerobic Respiration in Mammals
Pyruvate is reduced to lactate
NADH is oxidised during this process
This prevents NAD running out and allows ATP to continue being made in glycolysis
Describe Anaerobic Respiration in yeast
Pyruvate is reduced to ethanal then ethanol
NADH is oxidised during this process
CO2 is produced
This prevents NAD running out and allows ATP to continue being made in glycolysis
Describe Taxis
In invertebrates
Movement in a direction
Movement toward (positive) or away (negative) from stimulus
So organisms can survive and reproduce
E.g. chemotaxis, phototaxis,
Describe Kinesis
In invertebrates
Directionless movement
Movement isn’t in a direction
Usually, to do with rate of turning
Increased rate of turning leads to an organism remaining in favourable conditions
So organisms can survive and reproduce
How does IAA affect the shoots?
IAA produced in tip
IAA diffuses down the shoot
IAA accumulates/moves to the shaded side
Leading to cell elongation
Shoot elongates toward the light
How does IAA affect the roots?
IAA produced in the tip
IAA diffuses down the root
IAA accumulates/moves to the base of the root (due to gravity)
IAA inhibits elongation in root
Root elongates downwards
Describe how the Pacinian corpuscle works
Pressure is applied and the lamella is deformed
Stretch mediated sodium ion channels open
Na+ diffuse into axon
Leading to depolarisation and action potential if threshold is exceeded
Describe convergence in rod cells
Rods are found around the outside of the retina, away from the fovea
Light stimulus triggers depolarisation in the rod cells
Many rods converge and are connected to a single sensory neurone
Depolarisation undergoes (spatial) summation to trigger an action potential
In low light there is enough light to lead to action potential
However, this reduces visual acuity
Describe acuity in cone cells
Cone cells are located in the fovea (behind the retina to maximise light stimulus)
Every cone cell is connected to a single sensory neurone (no convergence)
Each cone sends a single impulse to the brain
With high visual acuity
Three types of cones detect three different wavelengths of light
Describe the electrical control of heart rate
Sino Atrial Node initiates a wave of electrical impulses across both atria causing them to contract
Non-conductive tissue prevents impulse going straight to ventricle
Atrio Ventricular Node delay impulse so ventricles can fill
AV Node sends wave of electrical impulses down Bundle of His
Ventricles contract from bottom up.
Describe how heart rate responds when CO2 increases
pH in blood lowers
Chemoreceptors detect it
CO2 needs to be removed
Sensory neurone takes more impulses to medulla
Medulla sends more impulses along the sympathetic nerve
Sympathetic nerve causes SAN to increase
Heart rate increases
Describe how heart rate responds when CO2 decreases
pH in blood increases
Chemoreceptors detect it
Sensory neurone takes more impulses to medulla
Medulla sends more impulses along the parasympathetic nerve
Parasympathetic nerve causes SAN to decrease
Heart rate decreases
Describe how heart rate responds when blood pressure decreases
Baroreceptors detect pressure increase
Too low pressure means not enough oxygen etc. will get to cells
Sensory neurone takes more impulses to medulla
Medulla sends more impulses along the sympathetic nerve
sympathetic nerve causes SAN to increase
Heart rate increases
Describe how heart rate responds when blood pressure increases
Baroreceptors detect pressure increase
Too high pressure can damage artery walls, so needs to be restored
Sensory neurone takes more impulses to medulla
Medulla sends more impulses along the parasympathetic nerve
parasympathetic nerve causes SAN to decrease
Heart rate decreases
What is difference between nervous and hormonal communication?
Nervous is fast
Response is short lived
Requires neurone, neurotransmitters and nervous impulses
Hormonal is slow
Response is long lasting
Hormones are produced in glands, travel in the blood to an organ/tissue with a target receptor
Describe how resting potential is restored/maintained
Na+/K+ pumps 3 Na+ out of the axon and 2 K+ into the axon using ATP
Membrane is more permeable to K+ so K+ moves out through channels and less permeable to Na+
Axon has a more negative potential difference inside
Describe action potential
Na+ ions enter the axon (e.g. Na+ receptors at synapses, stetch mediated-sodium channels)
The axon membrane is depolarised
Potential difference across axon becomes more positive
Potential difference will reach threshold triggering action potential
Voltage gated Na+ channels will open
Na+ moves into the axon by facilitated diffusion
Voltage-gated Na+ channels close, Voltage-gated K+ channels open
K+ leaves the axon by facilitated diffusion – axon is repolarised
Axon membrane becomes hyperpolarised in the refractory period
Na+/K+ pump restores resting potential
What is the refractory period?
The period between firing of one action potential and the next
The axon is hyperpolarised (very negative) on the inside
Refractory period ensures:
Action potentials occur in one direction
Limits number of action potentials
Keeps action potentials separated
Describe the threshold/all or nothing principle
There must be a certain level of stimulus for a action potential to be triggered.
There must be enough depolarisation to pass the threshold
Regardless of how strong a stimulus is, the same action potential is produced.
A larger stumulus can be detected by having more frequent action potentials.
Describe saltatory conduction
The myelin sheath insulates the axon (ions cannot go in / out in these areas).
The impulse must ‘jump’ from ‘node to node’
This speeds up the transmission of AP’s
This is called Saltatory conduction only occurs in axons with a myelin sheath
Describe the factors that affect the speed of neurotransmission
Temp – speeds it up if increased, more diffusion, ATP required for Na+/K+ pump and enzymes are sped up to a point…
Diameter of axon – speeds it up, less leakage from axon maintains p.d.
Presence of myelin – speeds it up, saltatory conduction, impulse jumps cutting out some of the transmission time.
Describe the events at a cholinergic synapse
Action potential reaches pre-synaptic membrane allowing Ca2+ channels to open and Ca2+ enters by facilitated diffusion.
Vesicles containing Acetylcholine (Ach) fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane.
Ach diffuses across the synaptic cleft
Ach binds to the receptors on the post-synaptic membrane.
Na+ channels open and Na+ moves in by facilitated diffusion
Leading to depolarisation
Acetylcholine esterase hydrolyses Ach to acetic acid and choline to be returned to the presynaptic neurone
Describe the effect of more chloride ions entering the post synaptic neuron
Cl-are negatively charged
They make the post synaptic neurone hyperpolarised
More Na+ needs to enter the post synaptic neuron for depolarisation of the neurone to pass threshold
Action potential is inhibited
Describe the effect of more potassium ions leaving the post synaptic neuron
K+ are positively charged
When they move out they make the post synaptic neurone hyperpolarised
More Na+ needs to enter the post synaptic neuron for depolarisation of the neurone to pass threshold
Action potential is inhibited
Describe the effects of some drugs that work at synapses
Drugs bind receptors instead of Ach because they are complementary – they prevent Na+ from entering, threshold isn’t reached reducing action potentials.
Drugs prevent acetylcholinesterase from breaking down Ach by aching as an inhibitor (inhibitor model answer applies here e.g. blocks active site or changes shape so the active site is no longer complementary) this prevents Ach from being removed from receptors, more Na+ diffuses in increases action potentials.
Drugs may be complementary to the NT (substrate) and bind it, this changes shape of the substrate and means it can’t bind the receptor. Less Na+ moves in, doesn’t pass threshold reducing action potentials.
Describe the events at a NMJ
Vesicles of neurotransmitter fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane
Neurotransmitter e.g. Acetylcholine diffuse across the neuromuscular junction
Neurotransmitters bind to the Na+ receptors causing Na+ to enter the sarcolemma (muscle tissue) depolarising it
Depolarisation is transmitted through the T-tubules causing Ca2+ ions to be released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Ca2+ binds to tropomyosin in the leading to muscle contraction
Describe Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction
Calcium ions diffuse into myofibrils from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Ca2+ binds to tropomyosin changing its shape and move
This change exposes the myosin binding sites on the actin
Myosin ‘heads’ bind to the Actin forming a cross bridge.
Ca2+ activates ATPase hydrolysing ATP. Myosin ‘heads’ tilt in a rowing motion pulling actin molecules.
ATP can now bind to the Myosin head, changing the shape and breaking the cross bridge
ATP is hydrolysed by the head providing energy for the head to flip back/re-cock
ADP and Pi remains on the head
Describe how a muscle contracts
When a muscle contracts, the sarcomere shortens, and the Z lines are pulled closer together
This happens because actin filaments slide between myosin filaments
During contraction, the I band, sarcomere and the H zone decrease in length
The A band remains the same
What is the role of phosphocreatine
Phosphocreatine is stored in muscle
When contraction demands are too high, respiration cannot meet the demands for ATP
Phosphocreatine is stored in the muscle and is a source of phosphate
The phosphate is used to generate ATP immediately
(but it will run out!) Phosphocreatine needs to be regenerated when muscles relax
Describe fast twitch muscles
More powerful contractions
Only for a short time
Thicker filaments
More filaments
Stores of glycogen
Anaerobic respiration
Store of phosphocreatine
Describe slow twitch muscle fibres
Less powerful contractions over a longer period of time
Aerobic respiration
Stores of myoglobin (stores oxygen)
Rich blood supply
Many mitochondria
What are hormones
Hormones are released by glands
They travel in the blood
They bind to complementary receptors on specific target cells
Describe the effect of insulin
Binds to specific receptors in the liver and muscles
Increases permeability of membranes to glucose – carrier proteins are activated
Activates enzymes to turn glucose into glycogen in glycogenesis (in liver for storage)
Increases the rate of respiration in muscles
Increases the conversion of glucose into fat
Describe the effect of glucagon
Binds to specific receptors in the liver and muscles
Activates enzymes to turn glycogen into glucose (especially in the liver) in glycogenolysis
Promotes making glucose form fatty acids and amino acids in gluconeogenesis
Decreases the rate of respiration in muscles
Describe second messenger model
Adrenaline binds to the specific receptors on target cells (the liver)
The enzyme adenyl cyclase changes shape and is activated
Adenyl cyclase catalyses conversion of ATP to cyclic AMP
Cyclic AMP activates a protein kinase
Cyclic AMP and protein kinase stimulates glycogenolysis (conversion of glycogen to glucose)
This provides more glucose for respiration
Describe Ultrafiltration
Blood passes through the afferent arteriole to the glomerulus
The efferent arteriole has a narrower lumen so this generates a high hydrostatic pressure
Small molecules (ions/water/glucose) are forced through gaps in the capillary endothelium
They pass through the basement membrane into the renal capsule
Large proteins and cells remain in the blood
Describe selective reabsorption
Na+ is actively pumped out of the cell into the blood by the sodium potassium pump
This lowers the concentration of sodium in the Proximal convoluted tubule
Na+ moves into the cell from the lumen by facilitated diffusion and glucose/amino acids/salts are co-transported with it
Glucose/amino acids/salts are then transported into the blood by facilitated diffusion
Absorption of the solutes increased the water potential in the lumen
Water is absorbed from the proximal convoluted tubule to the blood by osmosis
Describe the loop of Henle
Water cannot move out of the ascending limb. Na+ and Cl- are ACTIVELY TRANSPORTED out of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle.
Water moves out of the descending limb via Osmosis due to the high conc of Na+ / Cl- (lowering the water potential) in the tissue fluid. Na+ moves into the descending limb.
This loss of water means that the conc of Na+ / Cl- is increased (less dilute solution).
As the fluid moves down the descending limb and start to ascend, Na+ / Cl- diffuse out of the loop.
This causes more water to be lost from the lowest descending part of the loop via osmosis.
The longer the loop, the greater the water potential gradient so more can be absorbed.
Describe how ADH is secreted
Water potential in the blood decreases
Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus shrink
Stimulates the hypothalamus
Increases ADH release by posterior pituitary gland
ADH carried in the blood to the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct
Describe the effect of ADH
ADH binds to complementary receptors on specific target cells in the collecting duct and distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
The enzyme phosphorylase is activated by this binding
Leading to aquaporins fusing with the membrane of the epithelial cells in the collecting duct (DCT)
Membrane permeability to water increases
Water moves from a high water potential in the collecting duct to a low water potential in the blood via osmosis
This leads to increased concentration of urine (so less urine is produced)
Describe Succession
Pioneer species colonises an area with hostile conditions
This leads to changes in the abiotic factors
The conditions become less hostile
Other species are able to colonise the area
Conditions continue to change and become less hostile and new organisms outcompete the pioneer species increasing biodiversity
Eventually conditions become favourable to a climax community
The climax community has stable abiotic factors, stable populations, stable communities
What issues does lack of conservation cause?
CO2 levels and impact on climate change
Reduces Biodiversity
Reduces habitats
Useful organisms may become extinct (e.g. for medicines)
Why do should we conserve the environment?
Economic – able to keep using the area/tourism
Biological – reduces biodiversity, food sources and habitats
Ethical – we should prevent damage by humans and help those species effected by us
Aesthetic – looks pretty, is a nice place to be
Describe MRR
Take a sample of a population
Mark them in a way that is not toxic so will not harm them or hinder their chances of survival
Release them back into the population
Allow time for them to redistribute
Collect a second sample
Count how many are marked in the second sample
(N1 x N2) / N marked in 2nd sample
Describe Allopatric Speciation
Geographical isolation;
Separate gene pools
Variation due to mutation;
Different selection pressures;
Selection for advantageous allele;
Differential reproductive success / (selected) organisms survive and reproduce;
Leads to change in allele frequency;
Cannot produce fertile offspring
Describe Sympatric Speciation
Same location - Reproductive isolation;
Separate gene pools
Variation due to mutation;
Different selection pressures;
Selection for advantageous allele;
Differential reproductive success / (selected) organisms survive and reproduce;
Leads to change in allele frequency;
Cannot produce fertile offspring
Describe the action of reverse transcriptase
Mature mRNA is extracted and converted to cDNA by Reverse Transcriptase
cDNA is converted to double stranded DNA by DNA polymerase
mRNA is found in large amounts in cells and contains no introns, so the gene products are easily expressed even by bacteria
Describe the action of restriction endonucleases
DNA is cut at specific recognition sites
Cuts can form ‘sticky ends’ these are complementary and can be used for joining DNA together
Describe how a gene machine works
Desired gene sequence is designed using a computer – it is checked for safety and standards.
Small pieces of DNA (oligonucleotides) are synthesised and joined together to make a sequence of DNA
Using sticky ends these pieces of DNA can be inserted into a vector that can be used in cloning.
Gene machines are quicker as they don’t need to isolate DNA/mRNA first
Describe genetic engineering
Isolate DNA/mRNA from an organism using a restriction endonuclease or reverse transcriptase to get DNA
Cut plasmid and isolated DNA with the same restriction endonuclease to get complementary sticky ends
A promoter and terminator region may need to be added to the gene
Use DNA ligase to join the desired gene to a plasmid – forming phosphodiester bonds
Include marker gene e.g. antibiotic resistance
Transform host using Ca2+ ions and a heat shock so plasmid passes through the membrane
Allow bacteria to grow (colonies) then (replica) plate onto medium where the marker gene is expressed
Bacteria / colonies not killed have antibiotic resistance gene/don’t fluoresce/have enzyme action and (probably) the wanted gene;
Describe PCR
DNA heated to 90 to 95°C to separate the strands
DNA is cooled to 55°C so that primers can bind
Free nucleotides attach by complementary base pairing
Temperature is increased to 72°C and DNA polymerase joins nucleotides together forming a phosphodiester bond
Cycle is repeated and DNA is copied at an exponential rate
Describe Gel Electrophoresis
DNA is cut at areas of tandem repeats using restriction endonucleases
DNA fragments are placed in wells at the top of an agar gel.
An electric current is applied over it.
DNA is negatively charged due to the phosphate group
The DNA moves towards the positive electrode, but at different rates.
Small fragments move further through the gel
A ladder/marker can be used to determine the size of the DNA fragments
Describe DNA Fingerprinting
Extracted DNA is cut with a restriction endonuclease at sites of variable number tandem repeats/minisatellites
DNA is separated by gel electrophoresis, shorter fragments run further on the gel
Use Southern Blotting to transfer DNA to a nylon membrane
Use an alkaline solution to make DNA single stranded
Add a single stranded probe tagged with radioactive/fluorescent molecule
Visualise the DNA using and X-ray film or UV light
Describe the different types of stem cells
Totipotency – can specialise into any type of cell including placenta, found in early stages of an embryo
Pluripotency – can specialise into most types of cells, but not form placenta, found in early embryos but not the earliest
Multipotency – can form some types of cells e.g. red and white blood cells, found in adult mammals
Unipotency – can only form one type of cell, found in adults
That is a transcription factor?
A transcription factor is a protein that binds the promoter region of DNA to turn on Gene Expression.
They recruit RNA polymerase to bind the promoter.
What are transcription factors controlled by?
Transcription can be controlled by:
Inhibitors binding the TFs changing their shape so they can’t bind to the promoter
Sometimes other molecules (e.g. proteins/phosphates/steroid hormones) need to bind to change the shape of the TF to help it to bind
Describe how oestrogen works as a transcription factor
Oestrogen is a steroid hormone so is lipid soluble so diffuses across the phospholipid bilayer
Oestrogen binds to the complementary receptor on the transcription factor
Binding causes a change in the tertiary structure
The transcription factor moves into the nucleus through the nuclear pore
The transcription factor can now bind to a specific promoter base sequence of DNA
Binding of the transcription factor switches the gene on by encouraging RNA polymerase to bind and starting transcription
Describe how siRNA works
dsRNA is cut by an enzyme into small dsRNA sections called siRNA (small interfering)
siRNA becomes ssRNA and combines with an enzyme
The complementary ssRNA binds to mRNA with the enzyme
The mRNA is cut
Describe a proto-oncogene
Mutation changes the proto-oncogene into an oncogene:
Receptor protein permanently activated
Oncogene may code for a growth factor that is produced in large amounts
Excessive uncontrolled cell division
Describe a tumour suppressor gene
Mutation changes the sequence of the bases in the tumour suppressor gene.
Tumour suppressor gene is no longer transcribed or tertiary structure of protein is altered
Cell division is no longer controlled
(This is often caused by increased methylation, but we’ll get to that when we do epigenetics)
Describe the effect of decreased acetylation on DNA
Decreased Acetylation
Histone Deacetylase removes acetyl groups from histones
Increases the positive charges on histones
Increases their attraction to the negative phosphate groups.
Association between histone and DNA is stronger so Tighter coiling
Transcription factors and RNA Polymerase can’t bind as easily
Transcription of gene less likely and gene is switched off
Describe the effect of increased methylation on DNA
Increased Methylation
Methylation is addition of methyl group to cytosine bases of DNA
DNA coils more tightly
Transcription factors and RNA Polymerase can’t bind as easily
Transcription of gene less likely and gene is switched off