Year 13 approaches Flashcards
what are the assumptions of the psychodynamic approach
Unconscious forces in our mind determine out thoughts feeling and behaviour
Our behaviour as adults is strongly influenced by our childhood experiences
Abnormal behaviour is a result of mental conflict
The mind can be divided into 3 levels of consciousness: the superego, ego and Id
what are the 3 levels of consciousness
The Id
The Ego
The superego
outline the Id
The instinct part of the personality and we are born with it and it is our source of of our unconscious desires and impulses
It requires instant gratification of its needs including: hunger, thirst and sex and it is said to operate on the pleasure principle
outline the Ego
Represents are conscious mind and it develops around the age of 2-3 years
Its purpose is to balance the Id and helps the child realise the Id demands cannot always be met
Ego is logical , rational and seeks to satisfy the Id in socially acceptable ways
Operates on the reality principle
outline the Superego
Formed around the ages of 5-6 years and contains our moral values so therefore operates on the morality principle
The superego is out internalised same sex parent
The superego ensures that the ego satisfies the Id when it morally appropriate
Consists of 2 things:
- The conscience tells us what we shouldn’t do
- Ego ideal tells us what we should do
what are the three defence mechanisms
- repression
- denial
- displacement
what is repression
blocking unacceptable thoughts and impulses
what is denial
refusal to accept reality so as to avoid having to deal with any painful feelings that might be associated with the event, acting like the traumatic event didnt happen
what is displacement
redirecting of thoughts or feelings in situation where the person feels unable to express them in the presence of the person they should be directed towards
what are the stages of development in order
- oral 0-1 year
- anal 1-3 year
- phallic 3-6 year
- latency 6- puberty
- genital puberty-maturity
what happens in the oral phase
the mouth is the focus of sensation and pleasurable experiences. This is thought to be because babies have more verve endings in this area
what happened in the anal stage
organ pleasure is now the anus and the child derives pleasure from retention or expulsion and in this stage the Ego stage develops
what happens in the phallic stage
the organ of pleasure is now the genitals as the child becomes fully aware of the gender differences. This is where the Oedipus complex occurs and electra complex
what is the oedipus complex
Freud suggested that children in the phallic stage start to have sexual desires for their parent of the opposite sex and this makes the resentful of the same sex parent as they seem like a competitor
what is the electra complex
this states that the girls believe their mother has already castrated them and they turn to their fathers for love in the hope of regaining their penis and this is called penis envy