Year 10 Flashcards
it’s useful for the future
mae’n ddefnyddiol i’r dyfodol
it’s pointless
mae’n ddi-bwynt
According to the statement
Yn ol i’r datganiad
you can get experience
rydych chi’n gallu cael profiad
there’s too much school work to do
mae gormod o waith ysgol i wneud
charity work
gwaith elusennol
it’s important to help others
mae’n bwysig i helpu pobl eraill
smoking causes lung disease
mae ysmygu yn achosi clefyd yr ysgyfaint
leads to death
sy’n arwain at marwolaeth
in order to solve the problem you should talk to the doctor
Er mwyn gwella’r problem dylet ti ,siarad gyda’r meddyg
I went to……. on holiday
Es ii….. ar wyliau
It was a relaxing holiday
Roedd yn wyliau ymlaciol
I travelled to….. by plane
teithiais i i …… gan awyren
I stayed for a week
Arhosais i am wythnos
I stayed with family
Arhosais i gyda teulu
I stayed in…
Arhosais i mewn
Recently I went to….., it was
Yn ddiweddar es i i ……, roedd hi’n
the weather was sunny
roedd y tywydd yn heulog
I’d like to have an experience abroad…..
Carwn i garl profiad tramor yn….
travelling across…
teithio dros…
volunteering as a…..
gwirfoddoli fel….
because it would be help with universities
achos basai’n helpu gyda prifysgol