yds-seviye1 Flashcards
keep on
to continue to talk in an annoying way about something
rahatsız edici bir şekilde sürekli konuşmak
I wish he wouldn’t keep on about how much he earns.
carry on devam etmek
continue devam etmek
go on meydana gelmek, devam etmek,
move on taşınmak, yeni bir şeye başlamak
account for
to be part of a total number of something
bir bütünün parçası olmak, bir bölümünü oluşturmak
Oil accounts for 40% of Norway’s exports.
to be the reason for something, or to explain the reason for something
açıklamak, izah etmek,
She was asked to account for the missing money.
get rid of
to throw something away or give something to someone because you do not want it now
kurtulmak, başından defetmek/atmak
We must get rid of some of those old books.
discard kurtulmak
cut down on
Reduced in scope or length:
it’s a cut-down version of a DTP program
The naturists’ preferred sport is mini-ten, a cut-down version of tennis.
cut back on azaltmak
keep up with
be aware of farkında olmak, haberdar olmak
Learn about or be aware of (current events or developments)
even though he’s been travelling, he’s kept up with what’s going on back home
catch up with hızına yetişmek, sorun yaratmak,
keep abreast of hızına yetişmek (ayak uydurmak)
keep pace with ayak uydurmak
look up to
make a big deal out of something sorun haline getirmek
Have a great deal of respect for (someone):
he needed a model, someone to look up to
hayranlık duymak, saygı
note: look up aramak, bulmak
look down on
Regard saymak, gibi görmek, olarak ele alma
superiority üstünlük
to think that someone is less important than you
küçümsemek, hor görmek, tepeden bakmak
my mother had social pretensions and looked down on most of our neighbours
to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time
(şirket, kurum) kurmak, tesis etmek, oluşturmak
set up, found
make up
to say or write something that is not true
yalan yanlış şeyler söylemek/yazmak, uydurmak, yakıştırmak
I made up some story about having to go and see my sick mother.
composed of
to be formed from various things: -den oluşmak
Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.
The committee is composed of MPs, doctors, academics and members of the public.
The audience was composed largely of young people.
› to consist of particular parts or members
… den/dan oluşmak/meydana gelmek
The orchestra was comprised of amateur and professional musicians.
to be or form something
oluşturmak, teşkil etmek, olmak, bir araya getirmek
This defeat constitutes a real setback for their championship hopes.
Bu yenilgi onların şampiyonluk umutları için gerçek bir gerileme oluşturmaktadır.
make up for
to reduce the bad effect of something, or make something bad become something good
telafi etmek, gidermek, iş görmek, katkısı olmak
I hope this money will make up for the inconvenience.
take up
to start doing a particular job or activity
…a/e başlamak; iş yapmaya başlamak; bir şeye koyulmak/kalkışmak
I thought I might take up cycling.
to pay someone money because you are responsible for injuring them or damaging something
tazmin etmek, zararını karşılamak, tazminat ödemek, telafi etmek
Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.
to reduce the bad effect of something, or make something bad become something good
acısını telafi etmek, azaltmak
Nothing will ever compensate for his lost childhood.
to prevent something or reduce the bad effect that it has
kötü etkisini azaltmak, etkisizleştirmek
This skin cream claims to counter the effects of sun damage.
to say something to show that what someone has just said is not true
karşılık vermek, mukabelede bulunmak
“Of course I love him,” Clare countered.