yds-seviye1 Flashcards
keep on
to continue to talk in an annoying way about something
rahatsız edici bir şekilde sürekli konuşmak
I wish he wouldn’t keep on about how much he earns.
carry on devam etmek
continue devam etmek
go on meydana gelmek, devam etmek,
move on taşınmak, yeni bir şeye başlamak
account for
to be part of a total number of something
bir bütünün parçası olmak, bir bölümünü oluşturmak
Oil accounts for 40% of Norway’s exports.
to be the reason for something, or to explain the reason for something
açıklamak, izah etmek,
She was asked to account for the missing money.
get rid of
to throw something away or give something to someone because you do not want it now
kurtulmak, başından defetmek/atmak
We must get rid of some of those old books.
discard kurtulmak
cut down on
Reduced in scope or length:
it’s a cut-down version of a DTP program
The naturists’ preferred sport is mini-ten, a cut-down version of tennis.
cut back on azaltmak
keep up with
be aware of farkında olmak, haberdar olmak
Learn about or be aware of (current events or developments)
even though he’s been travelling, he’s kept up with what’s going on back home
catch up with hızına yetişmek, sorun yaratmak,
keep abreast of hızına yetişmek (ayak uydurmak)
keep pace with ayak uydurmak
look up to
make a big deal out of something sorun haline getirmek
Have a great deal of respect for (someone):
he needed a model, someone to look up to
hayranlık duymak, saygı
note: look up aramak, bulmak
look down on
Regard saymak, gibi görmek, olarak ele alma
superiority üstünlük
to think that someone is less important than you
küçümsemek, hor görmek, tepeden bakmak
my mother had social pretensions and looked down on most of our neighbours
to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time
(şirket, kurum) kurmak, tesis etmek, oluşturmak
set up, found
make up
to say or write something that is not true
yalan yanlış şeyler söylemek/yazmak, uydurmak, yakıştırmak
I made up some story about having to go and see my sick mother.
composed of
to be formed from various things: -den oluşmak
Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.
The committee is composed of MPs, doctors, academics and members of the public.
The audience was composed largely of young people.
› to consist of particular parts or members
… den/dan oluşmak/meydana gelmek
The orchestra was comprised of amateur and professional musicians.
to be or form something
oluşturmak, teşkil etmek, olmak, bir araya getirmek
This defeat constitutes a real setback for their championship hopes.
Bu yenilgi onların şampiyonluk umutları için gerçek bir gerileme oluşturmaktadır.
make up for
to reduce the bad effect of something, or make something bad become something good
telafi etmek, gidermek, iş görmek, katkısı olmak
I hope this money will make up for the inconvenience.
take up
to start doing a particular job or activity
…a/e başlamak; iş yapmaya başlamak; bir şeye koyulmak/kalkışmak
I thought I might take up cycling.
to pay someone money because you are responsible for injuring them or damaging something
tazmin etmek, zararını karşılamak, tazminat ödemek, telafi etmek
Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.
to reduce the bad effect of something, or make something bad become something good
acısını telafi etmek, azaltmak
Nothing will ever compensate for his lost childhood.
to prevent something or reduce the bad effect that it has
kötü etkisini azaltmak, etkisizleştirmek
This skin cream claims to counter the effects of sun damage.
to say something to show that what someone has just said is not true
karşılık vermek, mukabelede bulunmak
“Of course I love him,” Clare countered.
hold up
something that slows you down or makes you late
gecikme, tıkanıklık, sıkışıklık
There were several hold-ups on the motorway.
bring up
to look after a child and teach them until they are old enough to look after themselves
bakmak, büyütmek, yetiştirmek, ilgilenmek, bakıp büyütmek
She was brought up by her grandparents.
turn into
to change and become someone or something different, or to make someone or something do this
dönmek/dönüşmek/çevirmek; dönüştürmek/çevrilmek
There are plans to turn his latest book into a film.
convert dönüştürmek
transform dönüştürmek
break off
to suddenly stop speaking or doing something
ansızın konuşmayı kesmek, küsmek, konuşmamak
She broke off in the middle of a sentence.
ayrılmak, bırakmak,
put off
to decide or arrange to do something at a later time
ertelemek, başka bir zaman bırakmak, tehir etmek
I must talk to her about this, I can’t put it off any longer.
delay geciktirmek
postpone ertelemek
call off
to decide that a planned event or activity will not happen because it is not possible, useful, or wanted now
iptal etmek, gerekli görmeyip yapmamak, vazgeçmek
The game has been called off because of the weather.
to decide to stop an activity
vazgeçmek, iptal etmek
Police have called off the search.
to leave someone or something somewhere, sometimes not returning to get them
birşeyi, birini geri dönmemek koşuluyla bırakmak, terketmek
They were forced to abandon the car.
to stop doing something before it is finished, or to stop following a plan, idea, etc
bir fikri, planı izlemeyi bırakmak ya da birşeyi bitirmeden vazgeçmek
The match was abandoned because of rain.
abandoned adjective
to leave someone and never come back
He deserted his family.
to leave a place, so that it is empty
bir yeri terketmek
People are deserting the countryside to work in towns.
to leave the army without permission
firar etmek, kaçmak
settle down
to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with a partner
bir yere yerleşmek, ikâmet etmeye başlamak; ev bark edinip yerleşmek
Do you think he’ll ever settle down and have a family?
to start to feel happy and confident with a new situation
memnun olmak, güven duymak, ısınmak, kabullenmeye başlamak
Has she settled down in her new job?
get through
to manage to talk to someone on the telephone
telefonla ulaşmak, bağlantı kurmak
I tried to ring earlier, but I couldn’t get through.
pull through
to continue to live after you have been badly injured or very ill
iyileşmek, sağlığına kavuşmak
Get through an illness or other dangerous or difficult situation:
the illness is difficult to overcome, but we hope she’ll pull through
take after
to be similar to an older member of your family
birine benzemek; özelliklerini taşımak; …a/e çekmek
Peter’s very tall - he takes after his father.
call for
to go to a place in order to collect someone
birini gidip almak, gidip getirmek
I’ll call for you at eight.
back up
to support or help someone
birini desteklemek, arka çıkmak
My family backed me up in my fight for compensation.
to say that someone is telling the truth
birini sözle desteklemek, yanında olmak
Honestly, that’s exactly what happened - Claire’ll back me up.
run up
the period of time before an event
…arifesinde; …öncesi; …dan/den hemen bir süre önce
Sales increased by 15% in the run-up to Christmas.
deal with
to take action in order to achieve something or to solve a problem
ilgilenmek, ele almak, gereğini yapmak
Can you deal with this gentleman’s complaint?
to be about a particular subject
… ile ilgili olmak, kapsamak
The programme dealt with teenage pregnancy.
to deal with something
başa çıkmak, icabına bakmak, üstesinden gelmek
He handled the situation very well.
This office handles thousands of enquiries every day.
to touch, hold, or pick up something
ellemek, dokunmak, tutmak, almak, kavramak
You must wash your hands before handling food.
to buy and sell goods
alım satım işleri yapmak; ticaret yapmak
He’s been charged with handling stolen goods.
to deal with and control a problem or feeling
üstesinden gelmek, alt etmek, halletmek, çözmek, kurtulmak
He’s trying to overcome his drug addiction and find a job.
Let’s hope she overcomes her shyness.
be overcome by excitement/fear/sadness, etc
to suddenly have too much of a feeling
etkilenmek, etkisinde kalmak, kapılmak, birden kapılmak
She was overcome by emotion.
be overcome by smoke/fumes, etc
to become ill or weak because you have been breathing smoke or poisonous gas
dumandan/zehirli gazdan etkilenmek, boğulmak, duman altı olmak, boğulmak
One worker died when he was overcome by chemical fumes.
to try to deal with a problem
hemen ilgilenmek, ele almak, çaresine bakmak
new ways to tackle crime
to speak to someone about something bad that they have done
nazik bir konuyu/yapılan kötü bir şeyi biriyle paylaşmak/konuşmak
I decided to tackle him about his absences.
to try to get the ball from someone in a game such as football
futbolda topu birinin ayağından almak/çalmak, topu kesmek/kapmak
take off
› when an aircraft leaves the ground and begins to fly
kalkış, havalanma
› a film, book, etc that copies someone else’s style in a way that is funny
bir başka tarzda bir filmi/kitabı vb. alaya alma/komik şekilde anlatma
to leave a place, especially to start a journey to another place
bir yerden ayrılmak, kalkmak, hareket etmek
The train to Lincoln will depart from platform 9.
He departed for Paris on Tuesday.
put on
to put clothes or shoes onto your body
giymek, giyinmek
You’d better put your coat on, it’s cold outside.
to make a piece of equipment work by pressing a switch
çalıştırmak, açmak, düğmesine basmak
Can you put the light on please?
to pretend to have a particular feeling, or to behave in a way which is not real or natural for you
(tavır) takınmak; …mış/miş gibi davranmak
He’s not really upset, he’s just putting it on.
to put a CD or other recording into a machine so that you can see or hear it
CD ve benzeri şey çalmak
Why don’t you put on some music?
come into
to get money from someone who has died
mirasa konmak, mirastan pay almak, mirasa sahip olmak
Just after I left university, I came into a bit of money.
clear out
to tidy a place by getting rid of things that you do not want
işe yaramayan şeyleri atarak etrafı tertipli hale getirmek, bir yeri düzeltmek
a staff clear-out is being planned
step down
to leave an important job
çekilmek, istifa etmek, görevi bırakmak
He stepped down as manager of the Italian team.
break out
If a fire, war, disease, etc breaks out, it starts suddenly.
patlak vermek, birden meydana gelmek, ortaya çıkmak
A fight broke out among the crowd.
to escape from prison
hapisten kaçmak, firar etmek
to break out of jail