Yazdan (prescription validity) Flashcards
What details need to be included on a prescription?
Signature of prescriber
Address of prescriber
Particulars of prescriber
Patient name
Patient address
Patient age- legal requirement for patients under 12
Prescriptions need to be signed ink by an appropriate practitioner in their own name.
An advanced electronic signature can be used to authorise an electronic prescription. They are linked uniquely to the signatory.
An NHS prescription is valid for up to 6 months from the appropriate date.
For an NHS prescription this date is either the date the prescription is signed or the date indicated as the date the prescription should not be dispensed before.
For private prescriptions the date will always be the date it was signed.
Prescriptions need to be written in ink that will not come off- they may be written, or computer generated, or typed.
Electronic prescriptions
Normally sent to the pharmacy by the prescribing organisation.
Copies on the patients phone do not normally meet the requirements of an advanced electronic signature.
Repeat prescriptions
Refers to medication which the doctor has agreed can be requested on a repeat basis without you needing to see or spend to a doctor each time.
Most long term medication is placed on repeat.
Repeatable prescriptions
Private prescriptions which contain a direction that they can be dispensed more than once e.g. repeat x5.
If a number is not stated they can only be repeated once (dispensed twice) unless the prescription is for an oral contraceptive in which case it can be repeated 5 times (dispensed 6x in total).
Prescriptions for Schedule 2 and 3 CDs are not repeatable but those for schedule 4 and 5 are.
Prescriptions from the EEA or Switzerland
Prescriptions and repeatable prescriptions issued by an approved health professional in an approved country are legally recognised in the UK.
Approved health professionals
Approved health professionals include doctors and dentists as well as other professions with prescribing rights e.g. podiatrists, nurses, optometrists, paramedics, pharmacists, physiotherapists.
Approved countries
Approved countries comprise EEA countries and Switzerland:
e.g. Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Spain.
If the prescription is not valid…
Use professional judgement and find best way to help the patient.
Foreign prescriptions
Even if the prescription requirements have been written in a foreign language the prescription is still legally acceptable.
However, you need to have enough information to enable the safe supply of medicines considering patient care and wellbeing.
Checking the registration of approved health professionals
An international database of prescribers does not exist so it may not always be possible to check the registration of approved health professionals.
If in doubt do not dispense. Can refer to 111 or out of hours GP.
Prescriber contacted (PC)
Use when there is a missing dose, strength, quantity.
You can contact the prescriber and endorse the missing details.
Endorse ‘PC’ with your initials and date on the prescription in the endorsement column.
Prescriber not contacted (PNC)
When a prescription is presented with a missing presentation and the prescriber cannot be contacted, the prescription can be endorsed and dispensed as long as you have sufficient information to make a professional judgement.
You should endorse ‘PNC’ with your initials and date in the endorsement column.
When a prescription is presented with a missing quantity and the prescriber cannot be contacted you may supply sufficient amount to complete 5 days treatment (unless quantity is recorded in SCR)