YAML Flashcards
YAML Aint Mark up Language - human readable data serialization language
Method of storing and parsing data which is human readable
YAML is used for cloud formation
Unordered collection of key value pairs
Supported - Numbers,floating pt,string,boolean,null
Supports lists and dictionary DS
Preethidogs: [“Yogi”,”moko”,”Milo”]
Preethidogd: [Yogi,’moko’,”Milo”]
- “Yogi”
- “moko”
- “milo”
Indentation matters, indent is done with spaces. Same level of indent means belong to same structure
Data structure : Dictionary
Unordered collection of key,value pairs
YAML template has top level dictionary
yAML can be read into an application and written out by an application
YAML is mainly used for storing andpassing of configuration including AWS cloud formation
Java script object notation
- lightweight data interchange format
- easy for humans to read and write
- easy for machines to parse and generate
JSON characteristics
doesnt care indentation
2main elements of JSON
object - unordered set of key,value pairs {“dog”:”milo”}
Array - ordered collection of values [“milo”,”yogi”]
JSON–> String,object,number,array,true,false,null
Used for cloud formation and policies