Y9 The Church Flashcards
What is the Magisterium?
The teaching authority of the Church
What is a disciple?
A follower of Jesus
What are the two types of Magisterium?
Ordinary - the day to day teachings of the Church, e.g. an encyclical (letter written by the Pope)
Extraordinary - the Church’s response to specific issues, e.g. the creation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
What is an encyclical?
Letter written by the Pope
What is a synod?
A meeting of the Bishops
Who makes up the Magisterium?
Pope, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops
What is Apostolic Succession?
The belief that Jesus’ authority was passed down to the Apostles and has been handed down to the Pope and Bishops.
Who was the first Pope?
St. Peter - Jesus passed down his authority to Peter and the apostles
What is an apostle?
One of the chosen 12 of Jesus’ followers
What is a creed?
A statement of faith
List two Catholic creeds.
Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed.
When is the Nicene Creed said?
During Sunday Mass
What are the four words that describe the nature of the Church?
One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
Why is the Church referred to as ‘one’?
The Church is united in the beliefs in one God, the Trinity, and the sacraments
Why is the Church referred to as ‘holy’?
Jesus makes the Church holy. We become holy when we do good deeds, worship God and take part in sacraments.
Why is the Church referred to as ‘Catholic’?
Catholic means universal. The Church is for all people regardless of where they live or who they are. All Catholics should evangelise - spread the word of God.
Why is the Church referred to as ‘Apostolic’?
Catholics believe that Jesus passed down his authority to the Pope and Bishops.
What is meant by the term ‘Body of Christ’?
Catholics are the physical form of Jesus on earth today - they continue Jesus’ good works.
Who makes up the Body of Christ?
Jesus - the head;
Clergy - the Pope, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Priests;
Religious - nuns and monks;
Laity - the ordinary baptised Catholics.
How do you become a part of the Body of Christ?
You need to get baptised.
What is evangelisation?
Spreading the word of God.
Who are the Laity?
Ordinary baptised Catholics.
What did St Paul teach about the Body of Christ?
There is one Church but many members. All members have a role in the Church. All members are equal.
What is the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
A book which summarises the main teachings of the Catholic Church.
Why was it necessary for the Catechism to be written?
It ensures all Catholics are taught the same thing, it helps Catholics to make decisions, it addresses any misunderstandings about the faith.
What issues are mentioned in the Catechism?
Organ donation, IVF, war, suicide, drugs, the death penalty.
What is prayer?
Communicating with God. The Catholic Church calls it ‘the raising of the mind and heart to God’
What are the two types of prayer?
Extempore - prayers that are prayed in your own words from the heart,
Formulaic - set prayers that have been used for many years, e.g. the Lord’s prayer and Hail Mary.
Who does the Lord’s prayer come from?
Jesus, he taught the disciples how to pray
What does ‘hallowed’ mean?
Praised, honoured
What does ‘forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’ mean?
We need to forgive others in order to be forgiven and go to heaven
Why is Mary a model of the Church?
Mary is the Mother of God. She agreed to give birth to Jesus at the Annunciation and supported her son throughout his ministry.
What is the Immaculate Conception?
The belief that Mary was born without original sin so she could give birth to Jesus.
How do Catholics show devotion to Mary?
Statues of Mary, pray the Hail Mary, May and October are months dedicated to Mary, pray the Rosary.
What is a Saint?
A holy person declared by the Catholic Church to have gone to heaven.
What are the four stages of becoming a saint?
Servant of God - a formal request is submitted to the Vatican, stating how this person has lived a holy life.
Heroically virtuous - The person’s life is researched by the Church to make sure they lived a life in line with Catholic teachings.
Beatification - if the person was martyred they become ‘Blessed’, if not martyred, they must be responsible for a miracle.
Canonisation - one more miracle must take place for the person to be declared a saint.
How do Catholics honour saints?
Feast days
What is a martyr?
Someone who dies for their faith.
What is intercession?
The act of asking someone in heaven to pray on behalf of oneself or others.