Y9 - Materials Flashcards
Chemical Reaction
A reaction when one or more new product is formed
Heat energy is given out
Heat energy is taken in
Acid rain
Any form of precipitation that is unusually acidic
What is acid rain caused by?
Caused by excess amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the air
What does acid rain cause?
Dissolves nutrients needed by trees, causes paint to peel, corrodes steel structures and weathers stone buildings
How can one prevent acid rain?
Detoxify water before it is returned to natural sources, reduce the emission of pollutant gases, reduce energy consumption
How are ceramics made?
Heating a raw material at high temperatures
What is a polymer?
A long chain molecule made up of millions of repeating units
What is polymerisation?
The chemical reaction that takes place to form a polymer out of monomers
What is a composite material?
A material made from combining two or more materials with different properties without dissolving or blending them
What is an example of a material failure?
Asbestos insulation, CFCs in aerosols and fridges, lead in petrol
What is the problem with landfill?
They release large amounts of CO2 and contaminate water
What is a natural example of a polymer?
DNA, proteins, silk, wool
What is a synthetic example of a polymer?
Polyester, Cotton, Oil, Nylon