Y9 glossary of literary and poetic terms Flashcards
revise for test on monday
What is assonance?
Assonance is the repitition of similiar vowel sounds
What is alliteration?
Alliteration is the repitition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words
What is a caesura?
A caesura is a rhytmical pause in a poetic line or sentence. It often occurs in the middle of the line, or sometimes at the begining and at the end
What is context?
Context is something that is happening outside the text that affects its meaning
What is direct address?
Direct address is when a text talks to us
What is a dramatic monologue?
A dramatic monologue is an imaginary speaker addressing an imaginary audience
What is end stopping?
End stopping is when there is a pause at the end of the line, usually a full stop
What is enjambment?
Enjambment is when a sentence runs over from one line of verse into the next
What is form?
Form is the shape of the poem
What is free verse?
Free verse is a poem with no regular rhythm or line length
What is a hyperbole?
A hyperbole is the deliberate exaggeration for effect
What is imagery?
Imagery is language that describes something with at least one of the five senses
What is literal languge?
Literal language means directly what it states
What is figurative languge?
Figurative language does not mean directly what it states
What is a metaphor?
A metaphor is an image which implies a comparison by stating that someting is the thing it resembles