Y8 Jesus' Life Flashcards
Where was the temple in Palestine
Jerusalem (The capital)
What is the place in the temple that only the priest can visit once a year?
The holy of holies
What are the teachers of the Jewish faith known as?
They are known as a Rabbi
Name the groups of Jewish religion at Jesus’ time
Pharisees, Saducees, Essenes and Zealots
What were the four gospel writers called in order
Mathew, Mark, Luke and John
What were the synoptic gospels?
Mathew, Mark and Luke
Who was the king when Jesus was born
Who was the angel that appeared to Mary during the annunciation
Angel Gabriel
What was the immaculate conception?
When mary was concieved she was perfect.
What was the magnificat
The poem of praise Mary said to her cousin Elizabeth thanking God
How did God tell Joseph to marry Mary?
In a dream
What religion was Jesus?
In what book did the Shepherds visit Jesus as a baby?
In what book did the visitors of the East visit Jesus as a baby
Where was Jesus born?
What did Frankincense symbolise about Jesus?
That he was God
What did the Myrrh symbolise about Jesus?
That he was going to die
How old was Jesus when he was lost in the temple?
What was Jesus talking to the Jewish leaders about in the temple
About how to follow the Jewish laws
What was the annunciation?
When the angel Gabriel descended from heaven to tell Mary she was going to have a baby who was God’s son.
What is a teacher called in Jewish faith?
A rabbi
How many laws did the Jews have?
What is the supreme leader of the Jewish faith called?
The high priest
What was the group of 71 people who decided what punishments were suitable if someone had broken a law?
The sandhedrin
Who were the Sandhedrin?
The group of 71 people who decided what punishments were suitable if someone had broken a law.
What does pharisee mean?
Separated one
What qualities did the pharisees have?
- They didn’t associate themselves with non-jews or the Romans.
- They were very powerful
What were the qualities of the sadducees?
- Small portion of the jews were sadducees
- They were powerful due to the amount of money they had.
- They held the most powerful positions in Jewish faith
What were some qualities of the essenes?
- Most of them lived in the desert
- They were the strictest followers of the 613 laws
- They wrote the dead sea scrolls.
What were some qualites of the Zealots?
- Known as the ‘dagger men’ as they would kill many of the Roman soldiers
- They hated the Romans
- They refused to pay taxes
What is the mesiah?
The Mesiah is a saviour promised by God in the bible’s old testament. It said he would bring a period of peace to the world.
What was the Temple in Jerusalem?
The first Temple built for worship
Who built the Temple in Jerusalem?
King Solomen
Who destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem?
Invaders in 587 BC and the Romans in 70 CE
When did King herod restore the temple of Jerusalem?
Around 20 BC
When was the temple of Jerusalem destroyed by Romans?
70 CE
What is the remains of the Temple called?
The wailing wall
What were some common sacrifices to God in the temple?
Animals, wine and flour
What were the sections in the Temple?
The court of women, the court of men, the holy of holies, the court of priests
What were 3 reasons why the Gospel writers waited so long write the Gospels?
- Information was passed by word of mouth
- As long as the disciples were alive the information was safe, they only had to write it once they got old
- Jesus’ followers believed he would come again during their lifetime, they wrote it down once they realised this was not the case.
What do all the Gospels have in common?
- Jesus is the saviour, who offers forgiveness and love to all humans.
- Jesus cared deeply for the marginalised and oppressed.
- Jesus’ miracles show divine power and authority.
- His teachings and parables give important moral and spiritual lessons.
In what month was Elizabeth pregnant?
In the sixth month.
Where did Mary live?
Nazereth in Galilee
Who was Joseph a descendant of?
King David
What does Mary talk about in the magnificat?
How she has been blessed as God protected her from original sin
How old was Jesus when he was found in the temple?
What do Jewish families do on the Sabbath?
They go to the synagogue to worship God and they don’t do any form of work.
What was Palestine’s capital city?
What was the only non-synoptic Gospel?
John’s Gospel
Who was king when Jesus was born?
What was the Magnificat?
The poem that Mary said to her cousin Elizabeth praising God.
In which Gospel do the Shepherds visit Jesus?
Luke’s Gospel
In which Gospel do the Visitors from the East visit Jesus?
Where was Jesus born?
What does Frankincense symbolise about Jesus?
That he is God
What does Myrrh symbolise about Jesus?
He would have to die
Who did people believe the Messiah was?
John the Baptist
What did John the Baptist only wear?
Clothes made of camel hair
What food did John the Baptist live off?
Locusts and honey
What did John say people had to do to be good?
Say sorry and repent
What did John tell people to do to symbolise they wanted to be forgiven and they were to change?
To wash themselves in the river Jordan to ahow their sins being ‘washed away’
Why did John want people to get baptised?
It was a commitment getting baptised in public so they were more likely to keep their promises
When did Jesus realise he was God’s son and the Messiah?
When he was baptised and heard God’s voice saying “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.”
What was the first temptation when Jesus was in the desert?
The devil said to Jesus to turn the rocks to bread to show he was the son of God
What was the second temptation Jesus had in the desert?
To jump off the highest point of the Temple and if he is the son of God angels will catch him.
What was the 3rd temptation Jesus had in the desert?
If he knelt down and worshiped the devil he could have all the kingdoms of the earth
What does disciple mean?
What does apostle mean?
One who is sent out
Who were the 12 disciples?
Peter, Andrew, James (the greater), John, Philip, Bartholemew, Thomas (the twin), Mathew (Levi), James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddeus (Jude), Simon (the zealot) and Judas
What happened on Sunday?
Jesus went to Jerusalem, Palm Sunday
What happened on Monday?
Jesus cleanses the temple,
What happens on Tuesday?
The Jewish leaders plot against Jesus
What happens on Wednesday?
Judas Iscariot offers to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, Spy Wednesday
What happens on Thursday?
The last supper and the agony in the garden of Gethsemane
What happens on Friday?
Trial and crucifixion of Jesus, Good Friday
What happened on the second sunday?
Jesus rose from the dead
When did Jesus ascend into heaven?
Forty days after Easter Sunday