Y1 - Decision - C2 - Graphs & Networks Flashcards
2 What is a graph?
A finite number of vertices (or nodes) connected by edges (or arcs)
2 What is a weighted graph? What is it also known as?
A graph that has numbers assigned to each edge, also called a network
2 What is a tree?
A connected graph with no cycle
2 What is a subgraph?
A graph whose vertices and edges belong to another graph but it is only part of the original
2 What is a walk?
A route through a graph along edges from one vertex to another
2 What is a path?
A walk in which no vertex is visited more than once
2 What is a trail?
A walk in which no edge is visited more than once
2 What is a cycle? What is it also known as?
A walk in which the end vertex is the same as the starting vertex (also a closed path)
2 What is a Hamiltonian Cycle?
A cycle in which all vertices are visited
2 What does it mean if a graph is connected?
If all the vertices are joined to the graph
2 What is a loop?
An edge that starts and finishes at the same vertex
2 What is a simple graph?
A graph with no loops and where there is at most one edge connecting any pairs of vertices
2 What is a digraph?
A graph where edges have a direction
2 What is a spanning tree?
A subgraph which includes all original vertices that is also a tree
2 What is the expression for the number of edges in a spanning tree for a connected graph of n vertices?