XXVIII (Reverse) Flashcards
n. pl., arms, weapons
arma, armōrum
m., running, race; course
cursus, cursūs
f., moon
luna, lunae
f., occasion, opportunity
occasiō, occasiōnis
m./f., parent
parēns, parentis
f., star, planet
stella, stellae
m., evening; evening star
vesper, vesperis or vesperi
mortuus, mortua, mortuum
chief, foremost; m./f. noun, leader, emperor
princeps, gen. principis
conj+subjunct., in order that, so that, that…
adv. and conj. with subjunct. of command and purpose, not, in orther that…not, that…not
to go, withdraw, yield to, grant, submit
cedō, cedere, cessi, cessum
to dedicate
dedico, dedicāre, dedicavi, dedicatum
+abl. or gen., to need, lack, want
egeo, egēre, egui
to fill, fill up, complete
expleo, explēre, explevi, expletum