XRD values Flashcards
Simple - the molecular formula of the unit cell
Dcalc/ g cm-3
calculated density of unit cell
The absorption coefficient
When X-rays with intensity I0 penetrate a uniform substance,
the intensity I after transmission through distance x is given by.
I = IO e^-xmu
mu = linear absorbtion coefficient
-increases with more atomic number, increases with wavelength
-dependant on wavelength and density of substance
Formula Weight
combined molecular weight of everything in unit cell
size of crystal - 0.1-0.5 mm
temperature of crystal - acheived by liquid N2
Crystal System
“sest of point groups”
crystal system of the unit cell
there are 7
eg triclininc, monoclinic etc)
Space group
-A space group is the symmetry group of the unit cell.
=230 of them
-combination of the different symmetry operations results in a total of 230 different space groups describing all possible crystal symmetries.
size and shape of unit cell
size and shape of unit cell
V/ A3
volume of the unit cell
the number of molecules in the asymmetric unit
Wavelength/ A
Wavelength of X-ray radiation used given.
The wavelength refers to the radiation used
to measure intensities (i.e. mean K rather t
Radiation type
For Copper the characteristic
wavelengths (λ) are:
* Cu Kα1 = 1.540Å
* Cu Kα2 = 1.544Å
* Cu Kb = 1.392Å
- For Molybdenum they are:
- Mo Kα1 = 0.70932Å
- Mo Kα2 = 0.71354Å
- Mo Kb = 0.63225Å
- We use MoKα (avg.) radiation
- (λ) = 0.71073Å
- Or CuKα (avg.)
- (λ) = 1.54178Å
theta min
lowest angle reflections - high intensity
theta max
highest angle - reflections - low intensity copper source, better
Measured reflections
Total number of reflections measured
Indepentant reflections
Number of independent reflections measured (not repeated, not
related by symmetry)
Refl’s I≥2 sigma(I)
Intensity/error - signal to noise ration - big is better more signal to noise
parameters (coordinates, displacement parameters, scale factor) in the model.