Xrays Flashcards
Outline the approach to Xray interpretation
Details - name, age, DOB, AP/PA, when & where
RIPE - Rotation, inspiration, picture, exposure
Soft tissues and bones
Airway and mediastinum Breathing Circulation Diaphragm Extras (ETT, CVP, NG tube, PA catheters, ECG electrodes, PICC line, chest tube, PPM, AIDC, metalwork)
What is included in the initial ‘D’?
Patient name, age / DOB, sex
Type of film – PA or AP, erect or supine, correct L/R marker, inspiratory/expiratory series
Date and time of study
What does the R include?
Image quality
Rotation – medial clavicle ends equidistant from spinous process
Inspiration – 5-6 anterior ribs in MCL or 8-10 posterior ribs above diaphragm, poor inspiration?, hyperexpanded?
Picture – straight vs oblique, entire lung fields, scapulae outside lung fields, angulation (ie ’tilt’ in vertical plane)
Exposure (Penetration) – IV disc spaces, spinous processes to ~T4, L) hemidiaphragm visible through cardiac shadow.
What does S include?
Soft tissue and bones
Ribs, sternum, spine, clavicles – symmetry, fractures, dislocations, lytic lesions, density
Soft tissues – looking for symmetry, swelling, loss of tissue planes, subcutaneous air, masses
Breast shadows
Calcification – great vessels, carotids
What do you assess in A?
Trachea – central or slightly to right lung as crosses aortic arch
Paratracheal/mediastinal masses or adenopathy
Carina & RMB/LMB
Mediastinal width
What do you assess for B?
1) Lung fields
Vascularity – to ~2cm of pleural surface (~3cm in apices), vessels in bases > apices
Pneumothorax – don’t forget apices
Lung field outlines – abnormal opacity/lucency, atelectasis, collapse, consolidation, bullae
Horizontal fissure on Right Lung
Pulmonary infiltrates – interstitial vs alveolar pattern
Coin lesions
Cavitary lesions
2) Pleura
Pleural reflections
Pleural thickening
What are looking for C?
Heart position –⅔ to left, ⅓ to right
Heart size – measure cardiothoracic ratio on PA film (normal
What do you include for D? (Diaphragm)
Hemidiaphragm levels – Right Lung higher than Left Lung (~2.5cm / 1 intercostal space)
Diaphragm shape/contour
Cardiophrenic and costophrenic angles – clear and sharp
Gastric bubble / colonic air
Subdiaphragmatic air (pneumoperitoneum
What extras?
ETT, CVP line, NG tube, PA catheters, ECG electrodes, PICC line, chest tube, PPM, AIDC, metalwork