XR Flashcards
Basic Views of C-Spine
AP, AP Open Mouth, Lateral (need to include T1 and see prevertebral tissues), B/L Oblique, Flex/Ext
Cervical Spine Open Mouth
see dens, lateral masses should be symmetrical, C1/C2 alignment
`Cervical AP View
uncovertebral joints, TPs, SPs (want to see alignment of SPs)
Cervical Lateral
*Need to see all 7 vertebrae and T1, ant + post columns (bodies), Intervertebral disc space, SPs, facet joints, prevertebral soft tissue (more for trauma pt’s want to see ant to vertebral bodies)
Normal Variants in Lateral C-Spine XR
pseudosubluxation of C2 and C3, normal in children Predental Space (from dens to C1 arch), normally 3mm in adults, 5mm in children
C Spine Oblique
see neural foramina, facet joints, and pedicles
C Spine Flex/Ext
helps detect ligamentous injury (instability) that not apparent in neutral view
C SPine Flex/Ext Sx of instability
in flex view: 3.5mm translation displacement (shouldnt be more than 1mm), 1.7mm+ disc space widening, angulation of >11degrees in contiguous vertabrae
atlanto-dens interval (ADI) for instability
- in children <3mm
- interlaminar and interspinous distances should remain symmetric while facet jts and intervertebral disc spaces shouldnt widen
Dens Fx
Type I: <5%, Fx through tip of dens at insertion of alar ligament, usually stable
Type 2: Most common; fracture throught dens, UNSTABLE
Type 3: Subdentate (through body of C2); stable
Flexion Injuries: 1. ant dislocation, 2. wedge, 3. unstable wedge; 4. u/l interfacet dislocation; 5. b’l interfacet dislocation; 6. flexion teardrop
- hyperflexion sprain, ant dislocation with interspinous lig tear; 2. ant vert body fx; 3. ant wedge with ligament damage; 4. u/l facet jump; 5. jumped facets with anterolisthesis; 6. large fx of ant body with post ligamentous damage
atlanto-occipital disassociation
decapitation, usually fatal
jumped facets
dislocation of vertebral facet joint in which inf articular facet of sup vertebra lies ant to the superior articular facet of inf vertebra
- can be u/l (50%)
- imaging: anteriorlisthesis, widening of interspinous distance and facet joint
Extension injuries: 1. hangman’s Fx; 2. ext teardrop; 3. hyperext w/pre-exist spondylosis
- Fx @ pedicles, vertebral arch separates from body; 2. anterior teardrop with tear of ALL; 3. looks like a tear of the IV disc
Hangman Fx
Fx involving both pars articularis of C2, 2/2 to hyperext and distraction; imaging shows fx’s of b/l lamina and pedicles and usually anterolisthesis at C2-C3
Jefferson Fx
Burst Fx of C1- usually ant and post arches; 2/2 to axial loading (ie diving on head)
imaging: open mouth lateral offset of C1 on C2, lateral view shows widening of atlantodens interval if traversing lig damaged
unstable cervical Fxs
Flex: B/l interfacetal dislocation; flexion teardrop Fx, wedge Fx w/post lig rupture
Ext: odontoid Fx type II; hangman’s Fx, ext teardrop fx
Vert Compression: burst
Lumbar Lateral Spine XR
IV disc spaces, SPs, pedicles, alignment, vertebral body height
Scotty Dog Sign
post elements of lumbar spine form figure of Scotty Dog in lumbar oblique view (nose- TP, eye- pedicle, front leg- inf articular facet, ear- sup art facet, neck- pars interarticularis), Fx of neck= pars defect
one vertebra slips forward (anterolisthesis) or backward (retrolisthesis), compared to the next vertebra below
5 types of spondylolisthesis
- dysplastic: defect in formation in part of vertebra (can be congenital)
- Isthmic: caused by defect in pars interarticularis
- degenerative: caused by djd
- traumatic: caused by direct trauma; usually fx of pedicle, lamina, or facet joints
- pathologic: caused by abnormal bone (ie tumor)
Grades of Spondylolisthesis
1= 0-25% 2= 25-50% 3= 51-75% 4= 76-100% 5= >100% or spondyloptosis
pars defect; defect of lumbar vertebra at the pars interarticularis which is ant to lamia and post to pedicle; typically 2/2 to stress fx from repetitive injury
degenerative change
Flexion Fxs of Thoracic/ Lumbar
- compression fx: ant vertebral body breaks/ loses height while posterior is intact. Usually stable.
- axial burst fx: