XML String Flashcards
Class name?
createAStandardXMLString( )
creates a new XML String and Tag
addNewXMLTagToExistingString( )
creates a new XML Tag and adds it to an existing one
bigJoinXMLToSingleString( )
joins the XMLString into a a string
bigSplitFromXMLString( )
splits the XMLString into array elements
makeRootOfTheSingleXMLString( )
makes the root string to be added to a new XMLString
function that changes the inner text of the specified Tag
removeBysearchTerm( )
removes a Tag based on name
removeByIndex( )
removes a Tag by index number
spliceIntoXML( )
splicing a Tag and where it goes
searchTermASingleXML_returnAllWithin ( )
searching for a Tag and to return all that’s within it
searchTermForPartialMatch_canReturnUnfound( )
tries to see if text1 is in text2
searchTermRepeat( )
trying to find a Tag in the XML String
searchTermTagsInXMLString( )
finding Tags with an UID attached to end of the Tag name; so each Tag has increasing UID
determiningRangeOfArray( )
to keep a record of the length of the Nth Tags
addStringToGoBackToXML( )
pushes XMLString back to the ‘singleXMLString’
printXMLNicelyInConsole( )
prints the XMLString - nicely to a Console Table