xhtml Flashcards
You are asked to convert an existing HTML web page into XHTML. Check the following code snippet and comment on what needs to be changed.
‹b›‹i›Sub-sub-section heading‹/b›‹/i›
The code is invalid for XHTML because the nesting of the opening and closing tags is incorrect. The correct XHTML would be: ‹b›‹i›Sub-sub-section heading‹/i›‹/b›
A common problem in HTML to XHTML is proper coding of ordered lists. Check the syntax of the following XHTML code snippet and comment on its validity as HTML and XHTML. ‹ol› ‹li› ‹ol› ‹li›‹/li› ‹/ol› ‹li›‹/li› ‹/ol›
This code would parse and display as HTML, but is invalid XHTML because the first ‹li› does not have a matching closing ‹/li› tag.
XHTML was designed to solve some problems with HTML, and XHTML code needs to be well-formed. What does this mean?
Modern HTML and SGML browsers often overlook mistakes in HTML code. However, this creates problems in code maintainability. Well-formed XHTML code requires that an XML parser be able to parse HTML code, thus all tags must be properly structured, coded, and nested in XHTML.
The following code runs well on an HTML browser, but gives an error on an XHTML-compliant browser. How would you fix this?
‹img src=”interview.gif” alt=”Interview”›
By adding a self-closing tag: ‹img src=”interview.gif” alt=”Interview” /›
A web page has been recently modified to XHTML but shows errors when validated by the W3C Validator. The lines of code reported are shown below. Re-write them as necessary to parse as valid XHTML.
Lorem Ipsum‹hr›
Duis vel augue felis, vitae elementum nibh.‹br› Etiam at dolor dolor.‹br›
Lorem Ipsum‹hr /›
Duis vel augue felis, vitae elementum nibh.‹br /› Etiam at dolor dolor.‹br /›
Explain why the following XHTML code snippet will display correctly in a web browser but give errors in an XHTML parser.
Other XHTML elements here
The code uses tag names in uppercase, which is invalid XHTML syntax. The correct way to write this would be
Other XHTML elements here
The following code snippet is in HTML and you are asked to re-write it in XHTML. Before re-writing it, comment on the difference in syntax between HTML and XHTML for this snippet.
‹h1›Etiam at dolor dolor.‹/h1›
‹p›Nam ante augue, posuere nec imperdiet vitae, volutpat at arcu.‹/P›
‹p›Duis vel augue felis, vitae elementum nibh.‹/p›
Things to check are proper nesting of the tags, and also that they are in the proper case. In this case, one element is not. The correct XHTML is
‹h1›Etiam at dolor dolor.‹/h1›
‹p›Nam ante augue, posuere nec imperdiet vitae, volutpat at arcu.‹/p› ‹p›Duis vel augue felis, vitae elementum nibh.‹/p›
An HTML page is first converted into XHTML and then opened in an XML parser. The code for the page is given below. Comment on possible problems of opening the page in the parser.
‹!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”›
‹head›‹title›Posuere nec imperdiet vitae‹/title›‹/head›
‹h1›‹i›Posuere nec imperdiet vitae‹/h1›
‹p›Duis vel augue ‹i›felis‹/i›, at ‹b›dolor dolor, vitae elementum nibh‹/p›
XHTML is valid XML and will parse on an XML parser if it is correctly coded. The main problem that will be encountered is improper nesting of tags. For instance, the first ‹i› is not closed. Also, the ‹b› in the paragraph is not closed also. Once these are fixed, the document will show up as an XML tree on the parser.
The W3C specification of XHTML contains sets of modules that allow interoperability on mobile devices. Comment on whether the following XHTML code for a list module is valid.
‹dd›Currently, scientists do not have a ‹em›precise‹/em› definition of life‹/dd›
This is valid XHTML because all tags are in proper case and properly nested. The ‹dl› tag stands for definition lists
XHTML Basic is a subset of XHTML for mobile devices. Will the following code snippet be supported on a mobile browser that runs XHTML Basic?
Greetings, please click ‹a href=”somepage.html”›here to ‹/a›proceed
Yes, because ‹a› is part of the XHTML Basic modules, and this is valid XHTML code.
Inspect the following HTML code snippet and comment on how to make it valid XHTML by adding additional required elements, attributes, or syntax adjustments needed. ‹html› ‹head› ‹title›Title here‹/title› ‹/head› ‹body› ‹h1›Header here‹/h1› ‹p›Text here‹/p› ‹/body› ‹/html›
The only element needed here is the !DOCTYPE definition for this page, before the ‹html› tag
In XHTML, certain elements are mandatory on a standard web page. List these elements by providing the skeleton markup of a valid, empty XHTML standard page.
‹!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd”›
‹html› ‹head›‹/head› ‹body›‹/body› ‹/html›
The code below is taken from an HTML web page that will not parse on an XHTML web browser. What is the cause of the problem and what are possible fixes?
‹!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Loose//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-loose.dtd”›
The problem is in the !DOCTYPE definition. Loose is not a valid type, and should be replaced with Transitional
The Document Type Definition (DTD) specifies the syntax of a web page in SGML. There are three !DOCTYPE definitions in the DTD specifications. List these.
Strict, Transitional, Frameset
The following XHTML code snippet is defined in the !DOCTYPE definition as Transitional. Comment on whether it is valid or not.
‹body bgcolor=”red” text=”blue”›
‹p›Text here‹/p›
This is valid because the Transitional type allows attributes to be added to support older browsers
An XHTML web page is defined as Strict in the !DOCTYPE definition. Will the following code parse correctly?
‹body bgcolor=”red”›
‹h1›Title here‹/h1›
The Strict type is very restricted and is meant to separate all presentation elements from content. Therefore, no formatting with XHTML is allowed, and instead CSS needs to be used for all settings about presentation. In that case, the code will be incorrect because of the bgcolor attribute.
There are three types of DTDs available in XHTML. Among these, Strict is the most restrictive, as its name implies. Comment on the pros and cons of Strict XHTML documents.
This DTD allows the markup to be free of presentation details, making maintainability easier. However, this imposes a very restrictive set of code in which no attributes can be used for formatting, only CSS. Some browsers may not render Strict pages as a result.
Frames are special forms of web pages, and XHTML makes provision for these. What DTD is used to define a web page containing frames?