Xhosa Flashcards
Is that okay?
Kulungile oko?
Have you ever been pregnant before?
Wakhe wakhulelwa ngaphambili?
I am still studying to speak Xhosa, please talk slowly.
Ndisafunda ukuthetha isiXhosa ndicela uthethe ngokucothayo.
How many times?
How many children do you have now?
Abantwana bakho bangaphi ngoku?
Have you ever had any miscarriages?
Wakhe waphuma isisu?
Have you ever had a TOP?
Wakhe wakhupha isisu?
Before examining you I need to ask you questions about your health.
Phambi kokukuxilonga kufuneka ndikubuze imibuzo
How far pregnant were you?
Wawunexesha elingakanani ukhulelwe?
Where was the baby born?
Wazalelwa phi umntwana?
When was your first child born?
Wazalwa nini umntwana wakho wokuqala?
Was it a normal delivery?
Wabeleka kakuhle?
What happened?
Kwenzeka ntoni?
Did you have a C-Section?
Wabeleka ngoqhaqho?
Forceps delivery?
Wabeleka ngeentsimbi?
Wabeleka ngemfumxa?
Did you have a breech?
Wabeleka umntwana oza ngemilenze okanye ngeemphundu?
Do you remember the babies weight?
Usabukhumbula ubunzima bomntwana?
Was it a boy or girl?
Yayiyinkwenkwe okanye yayiyintombazana?
Do you have the baby’s clinic card?
Unalo ikhadi lasekliniki lomntwana apha kuwe?
How long have you been pregnant?
Lixesha elingakanani ukhulelwe?
Do you have periods?
Ukuya exesheni?
When was your last period?
Ugqibele nini ukuya exesheni?
Do you have regular periods?
Uya exesheni ngexesha elinye enyangeni?
Are your periods normal?
Uya kakuhle exesheni?
Have you ever had a Pap smear done?
Wakhe waxilongwa ngaphantsi ukuze kubonwe ukuba awunamhlaza na?
What was the result?
Zathini iziphumo?
A pap smear is a test to look if there are abnormal cells at the mouth of the womb/
I-Pap smear luvavanyo lokubona ukuba akukho zakhi-sibeleko ezingalunganga na emlonyeni wesibeleko.
We use a speculum and blunt stick to take a sample of cells from the mouth of the womb.
Sisebenzisa sispeculum noluthi olungqukuva ukuthatha intwana yezakhi-sibeleko.
We send the sample to the lab.
Lentwana sizakuyithumela elaboratory.
They will look to see that there is no cancer.
Baza kujonga ukuba awunamhlaza.
This test does not feel nice but it is not painful.
Olu vavanyo aluvakali kamnandi kodwa alukho buhlungu.
You may bleed but it is normal.
Ungopha emva kovavanyo kodwa kuquelelekile oko.
It (the bleeding) will stop after the test.
Kuza kuyeka kwamsinya emva kovavanyo.
When do you think the child will be born?
Ucinga ukuba uza kubeleka nini umntwana wakho, mama?
It is important to have an U/S becuase you are early into pregnancy.
Kabululekile uye kwi-ultrasound kuba iinyanga zakho zizephantsi.
It is important to have an U/S becuase you are early into pregnancy.
Kabululekile uye kwi-ultrasound kuba iinyanga zakho zizephantsi.
Do you know what ultrasound is?
Uyayazi ukuba yintoni iUltrasound?
Ultrasound is a type of X-ray.
iU/S luhlobo lwegasi.
The test is not painful
Olu vavanyo alubuhlungwana
It looks at the child’s progress.
iU/S ibonisa ukuba umtwana uqhuba njani.
Looks to see there are no problems with child.
iU/S ibonisa ukuba umntwana akanagxaki.
We will do the test at the clinic or hospital.
Siza kuyenza apha ekliniki okhanye esibhedlele.
Can you go to the hospital for the ultrasound?
Uyakwazi ukuya esibhedlele kwiU/S?
Please remind me to give you a form to take to ultrasound.
Undikhumbuze ndikunike ifomu oza kuhamba nayo xa usiye kwiU/S.
It is simple and quick
Lulula kwaye luyakhawuleza.
I’m done now
Ndiqebile okwanguku
Pleased to meet you
Ndivuya ukuqwazi